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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jetpack VideoPress] Eliminate the thumbnailHello,
Anyway I discovered that there is a difference when recalling the same video from video press in two different ways.
If I call it like this with the Elementor video widget in external video press:
The video starts well the first time, then by refreshing the page it doesn’t start again from the beginning but from the moment the refresh was done.
Then it seems of less good quality.
Instead, if I recall the same video from self-host video press:
It shows good quality and always starts from the beginning even when you refresh the page.
I wanted to know, please, what is the difference between the two paths and why there are the anomalies reported as they are both 2 video press links??Then please I wanted to know how to prevent the aforementioned videos in both the first and second cases on the mobile phone if you touch the screen while they are playing they freeze and to restart them you have to touch the screen again.
Can this problem be avoided so that the videos always flow without stopping at the touch of the screen??Waiting for your reply,
Thank you.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jetpack VideoPress] Eliminate the thumbnailThanks for the prompt response, but perhaps I didn’t explain my question well…. in the English section of the site at there is the video uploaded to video press and it doesn’t start from the beginning like the one in the Italian section which is self-hosted, but starts from the frame indicated as thumbnail. I would like to avoid indicating the thumbnail as both a frame and an image. It’s possible ? If not, how do I start the video from the beginning?
Thank you.Press ITA on menu and on page Professionisti there are details.