Serge K. Keller, FCD
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress MUSorry, wrong login… That was me
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 200-10-11 and post slugWell, yes… I think it is willingly so: this way your permalinks really are permanent. If after two weeks you change a post title, old bookrmarks can’t possibly reflect that change. By staying the same, the slug allows this.
There could be good arguments for a slug reflecting title changes too, though. if really you would like that, you can always change it manually, but be careful with popular posts already linked to from elsewhere.
HTHForum: Plugins
In reply to: ESF and RSD for WordPressSee the Wiki for updated download links
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: French or Brazilian user, I need help…Salut!
En résumant: tu dois créér un dossier sur ton serveur (chez OVH, donc), comme suggéré par Lilandra, et le rendre “écrivable”, càd effectuer une commande CHMOD 777, comme suggéré par TigerDE2. Ces deux opérations sont à effectuer par FTP.
Si tu ne comprends pas ce que nous voulons dire, essaye d’effectuer une recherche sur Google sur les commandes FTP et tu tomberas sur des tutoriels plus simples d’emploi. Un bon logiciel de FTP libre s’appelle FileZilla, mais il en existe d’autres également.
Une fois que tu as créé ton dossier et effectuer le CHMOD (autrement dit, que tu as changé les permissions d’ecriture du dossier en question), rendez-vous dans les options de ton installation WordPress. Là, sous l’onglet “File uploads”, tu définis le nom de ton dosier (p.ex. images). Tu dois conna?tre son ‘path’, et l’écrire aussi (si tu ne connais pas le ‘path’ de ton site sur le serveur OVH, demande à leur support). Ainsi, par exemple, tu pourras avoir qq-chose de semblable à ‘/home/ton_site/public_html/images’, sous ‘fileupload_realpath’ et à ‘’ sous ‘fileupload_url’. N’oublie pas de mettre la valeur ‘use_fileupload’ sur ‘true’.
Cela devrait marcher à partir de là. Tu créés une nouvelle entrée, tu cliques si nécessaire sur les options avancées de l’entrée (en bas à droite), puis sur ‘file upload’, et voilà.
HTHfrench, italian, rumantsch…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Display blog descriptionTry bloginfo(‘description’); (in a php tag of course)
HTHForum: Plugins
In reply to: ESF and RSD for WordPressRe-check that: it seems that, although being used as plain text, an ESF feed should be sent as esf/text. Thus, you should add the link in the “head” section like this:
<link rel="alternate" type="esf/plain" title="ESF 1.0" href="<?php echo $siteurl; ?>/wp-esf.php" />
The Wiki has been amended to reflect this.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: LinksHello,
Try putting https:// in front of your link (the field called URI). Thus, should work but will not work.
HTHForum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: MtDew’s Sidebar TabsMmmh… Have you tried this? Works a charm, validates and needs only two javascripts files too. Oh, and it’s free!
Only drawback, if you want/need more or less tabs it will ask for some “heavy-duty” customisation and testing…
HTHForum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Diacritic characters in permalinks*Bump* (Just once ??
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Diacritic characters in permalinks(Sorry about the late answer, the timezone difference works against me ??
Allusion, I don’t know if this is what you’re looking for, but I tentatively put together something for you (adapted from this document).
HTHForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My HacksYou msut create it yourself in your wordpress root. Simply create a file called “my-hacks.php” and save it where your index.php is.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: World Domination :)Greetings from snowy Switzerland! Small country, yes, but perhaps it will find a place in your list of European countries? ;o)
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: PHP/MySqL Gurus Please Answer thisIf you prefer the easy way (not that installing Apache, PHP and MySQL is difficult, mind you!), you could try EasyPHP. It will install all three on your computer and offer you an administration interface through your web browser.
There are other similar packages out there, too.