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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Discography] [Plugin: Discography] A new version of this plugin…..?You can see what I’m up to at
It’s a temporary domain, a sandbox dev site, for a drummer friend of mine who has been recording since 1984.
Discography plugin stuff is only up under “Discography” (I know, clever, right?) from the main menu. The “History” menu item has a crude cut and paste dump of the MS Word raw text that I’ll be using to fill up the discography, and the real content answers some questions about track numbers. Specifically, on some albums he only appears on (and only wants to feature and mention) one or two tracks, so dragging for order sounds like a good idea, but in practice no, an actual track number unique to that album, for a song seems to be the way to go. Since that is a secondary feature of a many-to-many relationship, I’m not sure how you would want to make that happen.
Duplication isn’t a bad thing … if the discography plugin adds value with completeness and a great way to display links to products, that works.
It has to work before it matters, though, and yes … I’m getting no relationship showing between songs and albums. Not from the front end, nor from the back end.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Discography] [Plugin: Discography] A new version of this plugin…..?I’m also using Woocommerce to post products (CDs and downloadable music) so there is going to be a bit if duplication of effort.
“Discography” allows songs to be associated with albums, Woocommerce would require a separate non-hierarchically arranged or associated for every song that could be individually downloaded.
I’m trying to think of how an improved Discography would work with an existing ecom plugin to best advantage.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Discography] [Plugin: Discography] A new version of this plugin…..?Hmmm this seems like a pretty big issue, if it is real and not me just not knowing how to run things:
I’m as yet unable to make an album’s association with songs stick and show up.
I’ve added 2 albums and about 22 songs so far, and while the album listing and songs listing are getting somewhere:
In view “All Albums” or “All songs” … no songs show up as belonging to albums and vice versa. However, when I try to update the post and associate either the album to a song or a song to an album, it says
Duplicate connections are not allowed.
Also, I’m already seeing a small weakness: the songs track number is not available to enter, so the tracks will list in the order they are added? Also, the track number might not be unique, if the same song is associated with multiple albums.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Discography] [Plugin: Discography] A new version of this plugin…..?I did notice this, it looks like in the bit where you post an album, the description for
“Purchase (physical copy) link” is repeated .. one of those should say “mp3 music” or “digital download” or whatever.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Discography] [Plugin: Discography] A new version of this plugin…..?Let me load it up a bit more, then show you and my musician friends… well make sure I’m using all the features correctly and fully, and get their feedback.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Discography] [Plugin: Discography] A new version of this plugin…..?I can’t believe there isn’t more activity in this area; I would have thought thousands of wordpress-using bands and musicians would want this sort of thing.
Hey so far I am really liking this – I like the posts-to-posts part a lot. Reminds me of drupal taxonomy!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Discography] [Plugin: Discography] A new version of this plugin…..?Hi Ben, hows the plugin coming?
I’ll try your dev version. It’s my first day looking for a solution, and I had figured I would just be making a custom content/post type on my own. I’ll see how yours works!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Woocommerce] Accept Terms and conditions by defaultIf it is accepted by default what is the point of it?
Since you won’t sell to someone that refuses the terms and conditions (right?), and you won’t require them to check the checkbox, you could just as well state “by ordering you are accepting the terms and conditions” and put a BIG CAN’T MISS IT RED BUTTON link up for “reject terms and conditions” that empties the shopping cart and forwards them to a site.
Sounds like you should not use the Musica theme.
I′m not shure what you mean with “switch to default 2011/2012 theme” ,-
He means that you should activate one of the two themes that comes in every up to date installation of WordPress: Twenty Eleven or Twenty Twelve.
Those are the themes we switch to to see if the problem that a person is having is related to their theme or theme customization.
So far, you seem to be saying that you have this problem with the “Musica” theme.
Right, the themes that come with mobile pack are probably the culprit here: if you can’t specify your own alternate mobile theme (I haven’t investigated enough to know that) then there is one source of problems.
If you CAN specify your own alternate themes, then you have a route to fix the issue by doing that and by selecting a mobile-responsive theme.
Check it out and let us know what your options are.
Well what is the way to solve it @citynode?
Offhand, I would say that if you found any mobile-optimized theme that doesn’t have the problem, even a mobile-only theme, then you could use that as your mobile option with WordPress Mobile Pack.
Otherwise, you might be able to customize your primary theme so that it is at least mobile-responsive.
So you have multiple courses of action:
1. to make Woocommerce and a Woocommerce theme work well enough with mobile devices that Mobile Pack is not needed. I’ve had Woocommerce themes work fairly well with iPhone (the only mobile device I’ve tested) but was not using Mystile.
2. to find a secondary theme that Mobile Pack can use, that doesn’t have the issues with variable items. This causes a doubled workload though, since now you have two themes that you need to maintain for one site.
Ok here is a thought: I just read a little bit about WordPress Mobile Kit, and it seems to deal with the mobile issue by switching to a different theme
A standard mobile theme, crafted by ribot, a top UK mobile design team.
A set of advanced themes for Nokia and WebKit devices, designed by Forum Nokia. These also look beautiful on Android, iPhone and Palm devices.
So, if these themes are being displayed to mobile users, they are probably NOT optimized for Woocommerce, and were not developed with that consideration at all.
I’d just think that if something (add to cart) is not showing up with Woocommerce + Mystile (a Wootheme that supports Woocommerce) then adding another third-party plugin (WordPress Mobile Pack) is probably NOT the way to solve it.
Dial it back to the minimum customization you absolutely need, then find the trouble.
Usually when someone says they can’t get add to cart to show up with a variable product, it is because they didn’t set up prices for each variation, but you get full functionality with the same variable product on non-mobile devices.
So the variable that is always there when it fails to show up is that it is being viewed on a mobile device, but only when it is a variable product? Is that right?
Which products are you having issues with specifically, would it be any of the dresses that have multiple sizes available, for example?
link to your site?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Variations questionYou have a point, but if you don’t have too many other sizes to add, it would probably be helpful to fully model the product selection, for this one product, before final troubleshooting.