Forum Replies Created
1. Can you confirm your server has all the right requirements? This guide explains more: ( )
I can confirm that all requirements are met based on this checklist.
2. Can you confirm that all the Yoast & non-Yoast plugins and themes are updated to the latest version?Confirmed.
3. You have shared the server access log. Instead of that, kindly share the server error log.0 /home/unifiedt/ include() 1 /home/unifiedt/ Composer\Autoload\includeFile(‘/home/unifiedt/…’) 2 [internal function]: Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader->loadClass(‘WPMailSMTP\Vend…’) 3 /home/unifiedt/ spl_autoload_call(‘WPMailSMTP\Vend…’) 4 /home/unifiedt/ WPMailSMTP\Vendor\Google\Client->createDefaultCache() 5 /home/unifiedt/ in /home/unifiedt/ on line 25
[19-Dec-2023 20:09:39 UTC] Cron reschedule event error for hook: wpseo_indexable_index_batch, Error code: invalid_schedule, Error message: Event schedule does not exist., Data: {“schedule”:”fifteen_minutes”,”args”:[],”interval”:900}