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Thanks ??
(If I can be of any help let me know).
- This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by clementrectangle.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Woo Custom Stock Status] Translate stock statusHey guys,
I was wondering the same thing and found a solution : in WPML, go to string translations page, and at the very bottom, click on the “translate texts from admin panels” blue link (or something similar, my WPML isn’t in english).
There, search for “wc_slr”, and you should find all the plugin fields. Check the ones you want to translate, and click on the “Add to string translation” button.
Now, in string translations, search for “wc_slr”, and you should see the fields being translatable ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Order Export For WooCommerce] Too much height on list of fieldsI’m using a custom theme I developed myself, and I only use 2 or 3 CSS rules for the admin (related to ACF display), none are applying on your plugin page.
Here’s what it looks like on my side :
All the CSS rules I see on this block are coming from your CSS file : /plugins/woo-order-export-lite/assets/css/export.css?ver=3.2.2
Maybe there is something going on with the top part with “add products as” and “add coupons as” ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Hide Shipping Method For WooCommerce] Hide shipping rules not workingI had a similar problem recently with FS, and they updated Hide Shipping plugin to fit the new single method.
After the update, I had to do some black magic for everything to work, I :
– opened and re-saved every delivery method
– removed all methods from my Hide Shipping rule, save
– put all the methods back, savedIt seems it worked… even if I still have problems, I don’t think they’re related to this issue…
Yes, it indeed works fine now, thanks a lot for the modification ! ??
Thanks a lot for your investigation ! You were right, it’s just an hardcoded list of usable methods.
I gave this information to the Hide Shipping Method developer, I hope he’ll update this soon ??
Hi again !
I’ve more informations about this, a dev of the other plugin looked into the issue and found how to resolve the problem ??
In the class-woo-hide-shipping-methods-admin.php file, you’d have to add a new entry to the $whsm_all_cslist array : “flexible_shipping_single”.
You already got “flexible” hardcoded here, that was the slug used by FS3, but the new slug used by FS4 is flexible_shipping_single.Here’s the line :
Could you please make this modification and update your plugin ?
Thanks !
The plugin is :
Nobody is misleading me, I tested it myself by downloading previous versions of the plugins :
– with Flexible Shipping 3, any version of Hide Shipping Methods detects flexible shipping methods and can show/hide them conditionnaly
– with Flexible Shipping 4, no version of Hide Shipping Methods detects the methods, so I guess other plugins won’t neither ?I guess shipping methods were declared differently in FS3, and the new way of declaring them in FS4 is preventing other plugins to see them as shipping methods ?
After further investigation, it turns out it’s not a modification in your plugin that changed the previous behaviour, but a change in the shipping plugin we use…
The plugin is :
They changed their way of managing Shipping methods with version 4… With the last version of Flexible Shipping 3 (3.16.5), the flexible shipping methods were displayed in the “Select shipping method” dropdown of your plugin.
But with version 4 and their new way of managing Shipping methods, they’re not detected anymore ??
I guess I’ll have to find an other “2 plugins combo” to achieve what I’m trying to achieve, since they already answered me to see this with you… thanks anyway !
Hi again,
After futher investigation, it appears this is the change in your plugin logic that make it unusable with “Hide Shipping Methods”.
With Flexible Shipping 3 and the shipping groups, it was detected as a “normal” shipping method by other plugins, but with the new logic of Flexible Shipping 4 and the drop of shipping groups, it’s not detected anymore…
Guess I’ll have to find an other plugin detected as a “normal” shipping method then, thanks anyway.
I just tried (on my local env) to disable every plugins but Contact form 7 (and ACF pro), and the problem is still there : as soon as I use ReCaptcha, I get this JS error :
TypeError: e.wpcf7.parent.querySelector(…) is null
And the form isn’t validating at all.
We’re using the Fashiro Furniture template, but modified some parts of it with a child template. Maybe we made a mistake there ?
Can you help us narrow down the problem ?
I really don’t know in what direction I should search…Thanks !
That’s what I did, I contacted both of you since I don’t know if this is a problem with the way Hide Shipping Methods list shipping methods, OR a problem with the way your plugin registers his shipping methods…
I’ll wait for his answer and let you know.
I just noticed the error is there even without reCaptcha, but the form seems to be validated and sent anyway… With reCaptcha enabled, it’s not sent.
Oh, yes, I didn’t notice something : JS had been disabled for Contact form 7 using the “add_filter( ‘wpcf7_load_js’, ‘__return_false’ );” directive in functions.php…
It had been disabled because when using it with Javascript, the contact form doesn’t work : nothing happends when trying to send the message, with this error message :
TypeError: e.wpcf7.parent.querySelector(…) is null.This error seems to be related to the vanilla Contact form 7 extention, and not your plugin (the error is still there when disabling your plugin, and the Conditionnal fields plugin).
So, I guess I’ll have to go to the Contact form 7 support forum to seek for an answer ? thanks anyway !
About the problem I had (not the same than the last guys who posted), it’s still here. The single quotes and slashes in confirmation messages are still escaped when saved :
“Cette adresse email n’est pas valide”
“Cette adresse email n\’est pas valide”
“Cette adresse email n\\\’est pas valide”and so on…
That being said : I noticed that the message displayed on frontend (for invalid email address) isn’t even the one I entered in those fields, it’s an other (correct) sentence in french. I don’t get what’s going on…