I am new to wordpress and seem to have the same issue show up. I was searching for answers when I came across the post above.
I too had 3 comments show up for moderation that all linked to my post being added to another blog. The link there came back to my site but the text link itself says the article was published another name.
Below is on my comment section on this page:
Pingback by My Empty Canvas · Real-Estate101.ExplainedOnline.Net on 21 June 2008:
[…] Original post by TCI Blog […]
It links to: here
and displays a summary of my post credited to TCI Blog.
I’m trying to figure out what this is and who actually benefits from it. I’m assuming it brings traffic to their site so that they get more $ from their advertisers?
Will these links help or harm my blog? Inquiring minds want to know!
Thanks for any insights you can offer.