Forum Replies Created
Thank you Rene, that occured to me as well after writing my (overy long) question. Sorry to have bothered you with a dumb beginner question. Happy holidays to you as well and thanks again ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [OceanWP] Mutiple blog pages not workingHello Amit and thank you. Unforunately same problem, despite following Step 1> Step2> Step 1.
I have never switched themes but maybe uninstalling the parent and child, and reinstalling just the parent might help? Is it a big deal to try that? I mean is there any post-theme reinstall site rework? Because I wonder if the parent theme has become corrupted somehow.
As evidence, this pagination issue shold have “just worked” in the customizer. Just like my last issue with the unwanted title showing on my 404 page. I may be new to WordPress but I’m sure I had customizer setting correct in both cases. Both issues were dealt with in the child theme… that doesn’t sound right…?
What do you think?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Updates Manager] Updates not working intermittentlyBy the first sentence from your reply, did you mean that enabling “Force Automatic Updates” will force all updates except the plugins and themes I have blocked? If yes, then problem solved.
Regarding your second sentence, what you’re saying regarding clients applies to the premium version. I don’t have premium, I have a free plugin on a single site that’s not working as described on
– allows you to manage all kinds of update- both on your single site install…
– Deeply customize your automatic update settings
– Select which plugins and themes can be automatically updatedI’m lookin for a direct answer to the question “How can I ensure automatic updates are performed on my specified plugins and themes”?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Updates Manager] Updates not working intermittentlyOK an upsell shouldn’t be necessary. I’m not trying to be cheap but here’s what I’m thinking:
(1) If I’ve set any given plugin or theme to automatically update, that’s what it should do. This is expected core functionality, regardless of free or premium version.
(2) I’m already getting email notifications of successful background updates (as well as failed auto updates). I don’t see what else premium email adds?
(3) Not only are there third party cron sceduling tools, it shouldn’t even be necessary. I’m expecting automatic scheduling and execution (as implied by your plugin name ?? )
Could enabling Force Automatic Updates be the solution? If enabling will update all plugins and themes **expecpt for the ones I’ve blocked in the previous tabs** then problem solved.
If not, I suppose I could modify functions.php to auto-update all plugins and themes. But am hoping to achieve more granular control with EUM (meaning, ignore some specified plugins and themes). Hope you can help?
Thank you ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [OceanWP] Cannot get 404 page ro display as needed(sorry mised replying to Jan)
Hi this is the OP. I’m marking the issue as resolved, with a comment. Following the initial request, I set up a subdomain with access just for the author. The author tested and resolved there. When I asked if he had further need of the subdomain he said no, thus I deleted it. So,
@jdembowski your point is well taken, this is why I created a subdomain for author testing
@apprimit @oceanwp I’m grateful for solving the problem within the subdomain.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [OceanWP] Cannot get 404 page ro display as neededHi this is the OP. I’m marking the issue as resolved, with a comment. Following the initial request, I set up a subdomain with access just for the author. The author tested and resolved there. When I asked if he had further need of the subdomain he said no, thus I deleted it. So,
@jdembowsk your point is well taken, this is why I created a subdomain for author testing
@apprimit @oceanwp I’m grateful for solving the problem within the subdomain.Thank you for your help! 5 stars coming.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [OceanWP] Mobile menu not working (new post)Thank you, I found the problem plugin. It was (surprise surprise) a javascript deferral issue. Problem solved, Cheers!
(On another topic: This may not be the place to ask, but could you have a look regarding the other issue we’ve been talking about? I sent you an email, timestamped a few minutes before this post. Thanks!)
@renehermi Hello Rene,
I did the following and it seems to work for me. Does it look ok to you?
I needed to create two separate subdomains. Using the plugin twice, these are of course two separate folders nested under public_html.
In each of the subdomain environments, I navigated as follows: Dashboard > Users > All Users > Edit > Generate new password. I kept my username the same. I decided to do this for simplicity rather that adding a new user.
Now, in a browser, https://mydomain/subdomain leads to a login screen, as it should. I will be providing the plugin authors with username (my wordpress username) and password (the password I created on through the subdomain’s dashboard).
Is this a good or bad idea to achieve what I wanted: different login credentials for any given subdomain, and have that testing person’s access limited to that subdomain?
Sorry for long post but I wanted to be sure I was clear.
Thank you!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AMP] Need help deciding if AMP makes sense for meI guess fingers crossed that my theme of choice (OceanWP) makes the short list. Congratulations on in your move to google and thanks for being so engaged and helpful. Cheers!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AMP] Need help deciding if AMP makes sense for meMost kind. But 2700ms is waaayyy too slow for my ridiculous expectations ??
I busted my hump to get to those scores, and loved learning a ton along the way. I’m brand new to WordPress (and OceanWP, and Elementor, and everything else under the gigantic WordPress umbrella). My first outing with my little site is definitely amateur, but we all gotta start somewhere right?
AMP is like a moutain, I want to climb it because it’s there. Plus it’s another cool learning. Plus it’s such competitive advantage: I read a stat the other day that in 2017, for the first time ever,cmobile has suprassed desktop browsing in N.America. 50.6 vs 40.4% measured traffic or something like that. And it’s only gonna go up.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AMP] Need help deciding if AMP makes sense for me@westonruter that is good information to know, thank you. In the next few days, I will set up a subdomain staging area on my live site, to test Release Candidate 3.
Hopefully the next question doesn’t put you on the spot too much: Do you have feeling (rough guesstimate is good enough) when the community can expect a mature beta/initial prime-time poduction release of the plugin? Meaning Paired Mode across themes and stylesheets, SERP with AMP badges, and of course mobile pagespeed? (I totally get that that’s a tall order).
Cheers! ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AMP] Need help deciding if AMP makes sense for meThanks, looks like I did the right thing. Not to be paranoid or stupid but this is what I did, can you confirm it looks good? I had post type support for pages aleady set yesterday via AMP > General. Earlier this evening, I enabled home page AMP through WordPress Dashboard > Pages > {my home page} > Edit > Set AMP to Enabled in the Publish section of the editor window.
A couple of curiosity questions… I don’t understand why the home page, of all pages, would have AMP disabled by default? Second, how long does a crawl “typically” take?
… and kudos for making AMP implementation so easy. Cheers!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AMP] Need help deciding if AMP makes sense for meOK, I’ve limited it to just Posts and Pages (There was no Categories). Now the waiting game while crawl does it’s thing.
And I was mistaken yesterday. My home page AMP was actually disabled. Is this plugin default behaviour? Because all my other pages and posts were AMP enabled.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AMP] Need help deciding if AMP makes sense for meYes I did set an AMP page for my home page. And yes, I have both page sitemaps and author sitemaps created months ago through google search console.
Good to know crawling can take a while, I was wondering why nothing was happening yet. Google Search Console is reporting no AMP pages yet and it is “Processing data, please check again in a few days”
I just googled myself on mobile and don’t even see the AMPed blog post you are seeing. Strange. Even stranger, this discussion thread shows up as a google result towards the bottom of the first search page.
And I’m still wondering if I only need to enable AMP for posts and pages? Right now I have AMP enabled for ‘everything’ (Posts, Pages, My Templates, Contact Styles, My Libary.)