Clint Mallon
Forum Replies Created
Gravity Forms: You’re correct, I didn’t disable the CSS on GForms bc their forms look great out of the box. The labels of the forms are top aligned by default (Name, email, etc – which is the same as Contact Form 7) and this is what I was trying to achieve with Profile Builder. GForms gives three label alignment options by default which I think is great:
Top Aligned
Left Aligned
Right AlignedTheres no need to disable GForms CSS bc all it takes to make their forms look great on your theme is a little CSS and you’re done.
Profile Builder: You’re correct, I did disable the CSS on PBuilder bc I didn’t like how the labels were left aligned by default. By disabling the CSS, the alignment of the labels are nicely placed above the forms but the issue is the bullet points. So we have two options out of the box.
1. Leave the CSS enabled and the labels are left aligned without bullet points
2. Disable the CSS and the labels are top aligned, indented, and bulletedI think this is something we can both learn from. If Gravity Forms and Contact Form 7 have the labels set by default to “Top Aligned,” maybe Profile Builder’s default CSS should be top aligned too? What are your thoughts?
I also think it would be nice under Profile Builder > General Settings, for there to be a few extra options to customize your forms with the click of a button:
1. Load Profile Builder’s own CSS file in the front-end: Yes / No
2. If yes, choose your label alignment: Top / Left / Right
3. If no, please note that your fields will be indented as bullet points!What are your thoughts?
I appreciate you offering to debug this for me but I have already removed Profile Builder and I’m using Exchange. Nevertheless, I’d be happy to use Profile Builder in the future if these changes / additions are made to the core of the plugin. I personally think these new features would be a great improvement that all users will benefit from.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Btw, why doesn’t Gravity Forms have the bullet points in front of the fields? I’ve never had to remove them after installing the plugin and creating a form?
Hi sareiodata,
All due respect, the Login form isn’t a bulleted list while the Register, Edit Profile, and Recover Password forms are. This makes your plugin inconsistent which is issue #1.
Regardless if it’s semantic, when users vet out the available options to find a front end user plugin (and there are plenty of options – most of which aren’t particularly well designed), most users want three things:
1. The forms need to be beautiful and easy to customize to match their site
2. The plugin needs to be easy to use and work fully and completely out of the box
3. The plugin needs to be maintained and updated regularly by a legit dev teamBesides those points, I don’t think anyone could ask for anything more (or less).
I understand why you’ve given the option to “Load Profile Builder’s own CSS file in the front-end.” This is great and it’s primarily for those who don’t know how to edit the CSS. I also like how you’ve given the option to disable this for those who want full control over the look and feel of the forms. This is great as well.
One of the first thing’s I did was disable this option and then checked the login form on the front end of my site (on a login page using the login shortcode). As mentioned in my earlier posts, what I saw was absolutely beautiful. All it took was a few lines of code and the form matched the Gravity Forms perfectly. I literally got excited bc I’ve tried nearly a dozen of these front end user plugins and none of them (other than User Meta Pro) were even close to a home run. Even UMPro has it’s issues and that’s why I was vetting out Profile Builder in hopes of purchasing PBPro to use for all projects moving forward.
Then I found the deal breaker…
As soon as I added the Recover Password form (with Load Profile Builder’s own CSS file in the front-end disabled), I noticed that my field as indented with an ugly bullet point in front of the field. Inconsistent, I thought? Sure… A bit confused? Absolutely…
I inspected the element to try and remove the indentation and bullet point using CSS. First off, users shouldn’t have to figure out how to remove bullet points from form fields. Gravity Forms is arguably the top paid plugin ever created for WordPress. GForms fields aren’t bulleted lists. Contact Form 7 is one of the most popular plugins for WordPress. Contact Form 7’s fields aren’t bulleted lists.
Profile Builder’s fields shouldn’t be bulleted lists either.
Nevertheless, I was interested in seeing the other two shortcodes. I then added two new pages with the shortcodes for Register and Edit Profile. Sure enough, the forms were indented with bullet points making both of those forms look awful as well. My Login form isn’t a bulleted list but my Register, Edit Profile, and Recover Password forms are? Really? Out of the box, you’ve created a few hours of work for your users that care about design. Being that they’re coded as bulleted lists in the HTML, this makes it difficult to customize the forms to match the other forms on my site.
I immediately jumped ship, marked this off my list, and purchased iThemes Exchange Pro Pack which is a $200 plugin. For some reason, the Exchange forms aren’t bulleted lists either so they match all of my GForms out of the box.
I’m not trying to be a nuisance here just for the sake of being a nuisance. I’m honestly trying to help. If the Register, Edit Profile, and Recover Password shortcodes weren’t bulleted lists, your Pro plugin would have been purchased and would be a lot easier to work with for your users.
I hope you understand the logic behind my feedback and understand how this could be frustrating and difficult for your users. At the end of the day, you’ve created a wonderful plugin that offers a lot of functionality to the WordPress world. By removing the bulleted fields, I’m under the impression that you may have very well created the #1 front end users plugin for WordPress.
Thank you for your time.
I take that back. I just noticed that the Register and Edit profile shortcodes are bulleted by default as well? You’ve got to be kidding me… Why the plugin has been developed where the Register, Edit Profile, and Recover Password shortcodes are indented bullet points by default is beyond me. This is completely unacceptable and I was about to spend $140 on the Pro License but you lost me from the start… So much potential but so poorly developed…
The plugin should be setup so that any user can go into: Profile Builder > General Settings > Load Profile Builder’s own CSS file in the front-end: disable > and then you should be able to customize the different forms via css to match the theme.
I installed Profile Builder on two separate sites to see if it was the theme that was causing this but it’s not… Profile Builder, out of the box, has the Register, Edit Profile, and Recover Password shortcodes wrapped within a ul / li. In other words, they’re indented as bullet points by default making these forms (available via shortcode) look terrible on your website.
Um… No thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WooCommerce – Send the User Generated Password via EmailHi rwahmao,
My language is English. The issue here isn’t a translation issue, it’s a line of php that’s missing from the default plugin. By adding extra code to the plugin, it will send the password that the user generated with the introductory email.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Admin Menu Editor] Required Capability Not WorkingLooks like you already have this sorted out… Once again, I greatly appreciate you creating such a wonderful plugin!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Admin Menu Editor] Required Capability Not WorkingThank you for such a quick response Janis! I only changed the required capability for top levels and didn’t think to change the sub levels as well. Worked like a charm!
In the midst of trying to figure this out yesterday, I tested nearly 10 plugins and found ONE of them worked particularly well – Advanced Access Manager (Adminimize came in second but was far too lengthy). Being that that I plan on using Admin Menu Editor on all of my sites bc of it’s primary functionality, I have removed Advanced Access Manager and will use your plugin for required-capability functionality as well (two amazing features in one plugin!).
Might I suggest adding some kind of bulk editing functionality similar to how AAM handles it? By doing so, I think it would be a little more clear that your plugin does much more than simply organize the WP menu.
For example: Maybe you could remove the required capability dropdown in the current blue columns, and create a third column in red with “Required Capability” as the title. In this column, you could allow the parent to control all sub items by checking a box (Similar to how Adminimize handles it) and selecting the capability exactly like you currently have it? I’m sure you can come up with something better than that but it’s worth mentioning. ??
Thanks again for the quick response time. I just gave the plugin 5 stars which is well deserved.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: bbPress – Remove or Edit: Sorry, this forum is for verified users onlyI figured it out:
I am currently using Jupiter by Artbees which is fantastic theme sold on ThemeForest. There is a custom theme for bbpress which is mainly used for Envato marketplace plugins or theme authors support. The link can be found below:
Find meta-private.php with in the bbpress folder – The text can be found here:
Open FTP or File Manager and create this path:
public_html > wp-content > themes > YourTheme or YourChildTheme, then create a new folder called bbpress (all lowercase!!).
Inside the new bbpress folder, create a .php file named meta-private.php (you can find any .php file inside public_html, duplicate it, move it inside the bbpress folder, then rename it and replace the text inside with the default text below).
<div class=”bbp-template-notice not-logged-in”>
<p>Sorry, this forum is for verified users only. Please “>Login or “>Register to continue</p>
</div>You can edit this to reflect whatever you’d like. I changed mine to:
<div class=”bbp-template-notice not-logged-in”>
<p>Sorry, this forum is for verified users only. Please Login or Register to continue.</p>
</div>Now that it’s inside your theme or child theme, this text is safe for upgrades and the Login / Register links are no longer links!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Add fields to woocommerce registration form : follow upVery. Thanks again!! ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Add fields to woocommerce registration form : follow upWOW!! Holy response time! Amazing you guys and thank you!!!
@jenny – When you said “To override wc templates, you need to place them in your theme…”
Do you mean move them via ftp from the plugin into the theme or just copy the template file and paste it into the theme so that you’re editing a duplicate? I would imagine you mean copy and use a duplicate but I could be wrong…
@roothost – Understood and thanks for the further clarification.
You guys rock!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Add fields to woocommerce registration form : follow upI am seriously confused here. Please help… ??
@jennybeaumont – You said: The following code pasted into your theme will add both a First Name and a Last Name field to the registration form…
What do you mean by “pasted into your theme?” How do you paste something into your theme? Dashboard > Appearance > Themes > then what?
@roothost – You said: I just removed them from form-login.php (obviously in my theme folder, not the core WP plugin)…
What do you mean by “form-login.php (obviously in my theme folder)?
I was under the impression that modifications like this would either be done on the files in your File Manager or under Dashboard > Plugins > Editor > Select plugin to edit: WooCommerce > then you have to find:
Sorry to sound like I’m clueless, but I’m totally lost here…