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  • Thread Starter cmb42


    That was exactly the issue! Thanks!!! Couldn’t find this online anywhere!

    Thread Starter cmb42


    suggestion taken under consideration. thanks.

    Thread Starter cmb42


    I figured that since I had so much trouble with the initial testing of the code that I found above, I probably did something wrong with it yesterday in trying to implement it. After successfully customizing and implementing it today for one ship method, I figured I probably did something wrong in trying to implement the multiple ship methods in the same code.

    So, I tried reimplementimg the multiple ship methods by altering the calculate function as I mentioned in my last post. Amazingly, it worked this time! Here’s the code that I implemented, so that it should work with the sample code posted earlier.

    public function calculate_shipping( $package = array() ) {	
    		// code to retrieve the shipping data array goes here.
                    $rates = //some code to actually retrieve the array.
    		foreach( $rates as $rate){	

    THIS IS SUCCESS!!! I still have some customizing to do, but the meat of the problem is solved! Thank you to all that provided help!!!!

    Thread Starter cmb42


    OK, finally some definite progress!!! For whatever reason, the first time I tried putting the code above into my functions.php file in my child theme, it failed. Today, it worked. Can’t explain why, but certainly something I did wrong. Anyways, I’ve used that and moved forward in customizing.

    Now, here’s my remaining problem. Given the code above as a starting point, instead of a single method being added to the cart and the checkout process (btw, working exactly as I wanted, thank you!), I need to pass an array of shipping options and their associated costs to this code and have them displayed to the customer. I can handle the getting of the array, but I need to figure out how to display multiple shipping choices. The choices can be different from one order and/or customer to the next.

    For instance, one order might be eligible for Fedex Ground and Fedex Overnight. Another may only be eligible for Truck Freight. I need to be able to process an array of 1 or more options.

    My thinking is this.
    1. Receive an array with shipping code, description and price elements.
    2. FOREACH threesome in the array, process them and display each as an option to the customer.

    I can handle step 1, but how do I handle step 2? In other code, I’ve tried a foreach loop inside the calculate_shipping function, but that only results in the last processed triple being used.

    any ideas or solutions out there?

    Thread Starter cmb42


    I think I’ve found something that will give me what I need, but I can’t get it to work. I tried to implement the code found at the following link, but there’s either a glitch in the code or I’m doing something wrong. Perhaps I’m adding the code in the wrong place?

    I’m using the code in the first answer provided by Rynald0s.a11n @rynald0s but it’s behaving like there are mismatched curly braces.

    I added the code to my child theme’s functions.php file. Whenever I add the code, the entire admin site fails because the file isn’t being parsed correctly.

    Any ideas, anyone?

    Thread Starter cmb42


    @babylon1999 thanks for responding. It’s clear that you’re trying to help. But your post still doesn’t cover what I need. It’s a great explanation of how to add an existing method of delivery to a shipping zone. I thoroughly understand that and have even done that with the existing 3 methods – flat rate, local pickup and free delivery. Also, I can handle the API programming code myself (most of it is already done.)

    My problem is how to add a new shipping METHOD to the system so that it can then be added to zones.

    I’ve used 3 in this example so that once I add them, I will know how to add more.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by cmb42.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by cmb42.
    Thread Starter cmb42


    @anastas10s, thank you for responding. I appreciate the effort but your answer skips the part that I’m trying to figure out. I understand setting up zones. I’ve actually set up a single zone for US shipments, as that’s all I need for now.

    The issue I’m having is exactly how to set up a number of different shipping methods. I used three just to keep it simple – Fedex Ground, Next Day Air, and Freight, as those will probably the 3 most common. One of my problems is how to implement those three methods, or any custom method, for that matter.

    The other side of the problem is this. My process will submit an order to the supplier via API. Their server will then return an array of shipping methods for that order. That array will contain the shipping method name (or code) and the cost for that shipping method. I don’t need to calculate anything on my end. I just need to display the shipping method and cost for each method and let the customer choose.

    Since posting, I’ve figured out that there’s built in code to handle showing the list of provided shipping methods (Free, flat rate and local pickup) and their radio buttons. I need to figure out how to get my list of shipping methods into that mechanism.

    So, for starters, how did you implement the three shipping METHODS to make them show up? I haven’t been able to find any documentation explaining it.

    Thread Starter cmb42


    Perhaps if I simplified the requirement, someone could chime in?

    Let’s say that I have three shipping methods available, Ground, next day air and freight. How can I let the user choose one of the three, perhaps as a step just before or after “go to checkout”? Is there a plugin or some code out there that will do this?

    If I have this, I think I can piece the rest together.

    Thread Starter cmb42


    Thankfully, my theme came with a good set of sample data that I’ve been able to use as templates. A simple SELECT DISTINCT meta_key, count(*) FROM wp_postmeta GROUP BY… has given me everything I need, along with an understanding of what keys must be added and which can be ignored.

    I’ve been a C / asm / other programmer for decades, along with being a db architect so figuring the logic is easy. I’m just green on php, but I’m learning it’s syntax and use fast. I’m also digging deep into woocommerce and wp because I want to understand it inside and out!

    As for categories, yes, I do need to add those too. I have a 3 level hierarchy with about 26 top level categories, a couple hundred middle, and about 1800+ bottom level that I need to add to the system. That’s a separate exercise, but I’m working on that too.

    Is there any chance that you have and would be willing to share some sample code, or something you’re using that I can study to write my own custom code? I can contact you through your website, if you like.

    I also appreciate all the help! Thanks!

    Thread Starter cmb42


    Good advice, but I still need to try. All of the products are simple products, no groupings, no variations (like multiple colors, etc.) no relationships to other products, just simple auto parts.

    So far, after I load the data into a “holding” table, it looks like I need to make entries for each part into the wp_posts table, copying unique data into the appropriate matching columns (description, etc.), and setting other fields appropriately (like “draft” or “publish”, etc.). Then, I need to retrieve the post_id value created, and use that to create rows in wp_postmeta for the remaining fields, using that post_id, key and value.

    What I don’t know is whether there are any other tables that require data to be added. Are there?

    Other suggestions?

    Also, I just briefly looked at the docs for wc_product. That’s a lot to digest. I’ll be spending the day on that too, but any pointers on which functions to start with would be appreciated!

    Thread Starter cmb42


    This is pretty much what I’m trying to do. Let’s assume that hardware performance is a wash and can’t be changed.

    I’ve already written sql to LOAD the csv data into a custom table that exactly matches the file, col for col. That’s done, and it takes about 11 or 12 seconds to run (vs. import that takes hours to process 100k rows. BTW, I’ve been a db architect for a long time.) I already know how to filter out data that doesn’t need to be processed, that’s easy.

    My big issue now (relatively new to WP/WooCommerce and website programming) is the best way to move the data from the table I’ve just loaded into the right locations where the data needs to be! In other words, your part 3 is my big roadblock. I’m not finding any existing plugins that will already handle this, so it’s looking like I’ll have to write my own code to process it.

    Any tips on best practices here? Any coding suggestions? I’m still digging into where the data resides – which tables hold the product data!

    Thread Starter cmb42


    No idea. My knowledge level on this particular issue is limited. BUT, the 64 MB limit seems like it might be low. Try doubling that and see what happens.

    Thread Starter cmb42


    The issue usually seems to be about setting the memory size, but varies on where to set it. There’s wp-config.php, .user.ini, php.ini (if you are allowed access), etc. It may also be an issue of how large. You might try 256M instead of 128.

    Also, try contacting GoDaddy support for assistance. First, execute a failed upload, noting the time on the server, and ask them to look at the server’s php logs. Also, ask if they have any ideas or insight. They might ask for a wp admin account to test with, so set one up for them. (You can always delete it later.) They might find a solution, just as my provider was able to find the .user.ini file solution.

    I don’t know why the fixes vary so much from one environment to another, but keep trying until you find one that works.

    Beyond this, I’d suggest opening a new topic so that you get support specific to your problem.

    Thread Starter cmb42


    Can’t wait for edit of long answer to be approved. …..

    Create file called .user.ini in root dir of wp installation (if it doesn’t already exist.)
    Add the following lines. The first cured my issue, the second may solve others(optional):

    memory_limit = 128M
    max_execution_time = 300

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: HTTP Error

    Create file called .user.ini (if it doesn’t already exist.)
    Add the following lines. The first cured my issue, the second may solve others(optional):

    memory_limit = 128M
    max_execution_time = 300

    You can adjust the number as needed.
    Place the file in the root dir for the website (same dir as wp_config.php).

    Since this seems so closely tied to plugins, and, at least WordFence adds the .user.ini file to the env., maybe this is a big clue to the underlying cause? I added define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’ ); to wp-config.php, but it did nothing for this problem. Adding/changing .user.ini did fix it.

    Maybe this will help others.

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