Chris M
Forum Replies Created
Totally understand and thanks for the response! I’ve narrowed the issue down to the exclude_menu_items() function in class-nav-menu-roles.php. Specifically line 632 (commenting it out stops the refresh). No clue why it would be causing such a fuss, but will continue to poke at it ??
- This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Chris M.
Astra support helped me narrow the issue down to an issue with Spectra and the Nav Menu Roles plugin. Will continue investigating the conflict.
Ummm… it’s happening in the editor and then being reflected on the front-end but only when I edit the page and save if that’s what you’re asking. It doesn’t wipe the responsive padding that currently exists on pages that I haven’t edited since I just deployed the 2.9 update. Apologies if I misunderstood the question.
Thanks! That seems to have resolved the columns-width variable issue, but the mobile styling on the advanced column is still overwriting the other settings. Here’s a video to hopefully explain better because it’s a little hard for me to articulate:’s the column export when I edit mobile last:
{ "__file": "wp_export", "version": 2, "content": "<!-- wp:themeisle-blocks/advanced-column {\"id\":\"wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-column-91eb014f\",\"padding\":{\"top\":\"0px\",\"right\":\"0px\",\"bottom\":\"40px\",\"left\":\"0px\"},\"paddingMobile\":{\"top\":\"0px\",\"right\":\"0px\",\"bottom\":\"40px\",\"left\":\"0px\"},\"margin\":{\"top\":\"0px\",\"right\":\"0px\",\"bottom\":\"0px\",\"left\":\"0px\"},\"marginMobile\":{\"top\":\"0px\",\"right\":\"0px\",\"bottom\":\"0px\",\"left\":\"0px\"},\"columnWidth\":\"50\",\"className\":\"animated fadeIn slower\"} -->\n<div id=\"wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-column-91eb014f\" class=\"wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-column animated fadeIn slower\"><!-- wp:paragraph {\"textColor\":\"ast-global-color-8\"} -->\n<p class=\"has-ast-global-color-8-color has-text-color\">Forward-thinking leaders need accurate and timely climate data to protect their communities. Knowing what’s coming and how to respond allows for informed decisions that prevent impact and reduce risk.</p>\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\n\n<!-- wp:paragraph {\"textColor\":\"ast-global-color-8\"} -->\n<p class=\"has-ast-global-color-8-color has-text-color\"><strong>The South Central United States experiences more billion-dollar climate disasters than any other region in the country. </strong>These weather events are only becoming more frequent and more extreme every year, harming people, property, and economies in their wake.</p>\n<!-- /wp:paragraph --></div>\n<!-- /wp:themeisle-blocks/advanced-column -->" }
And here’s the column export when I edit desktop last:
{ "__file": "wp_export", "version": 2, "content": "<!-- wp:themeisle-blocks/advanced-column {\"id\":\"wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-column-91eb014f\",\"padding\":{\"top\":\"40px\",\"right\":\"0px\",\"bottom\":\"40px\",\"left\":\"40px\"},\"paddingMobile\":{\"top\":\"0px\",\"right\":\"0px\",\"bottom\":\"40px\",\"left\":\"0px\"},\"margin\":{\"top\":\"0px\",\"right\":\"0px\",\"bottom\":\"0px\",\"left\":\"0px\"},\"marginMobile\":{\"top\":\"0px\",\"right\":\"0px\",\"bottom\":\"0px\",\"left\":\"0px\"},\"columnWidth\":\"50\",\"className\":\"animated fadeIn slower\"} -->\n<div id=\"wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-column-91eb014f\" class=\"wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-column animated fadeIn slower\"><!-- wp:paragraph {\"textColor\":\"ast-global-color-8\"} -->\n<p class=\"has-ast-global-color-8-color has-text-color\">Forward-thinking leaders need accurate and timely climate data to protect their communities. Knowing what’s coming and how to respond allows for informed decisions that prevent impact and reduce risk.</p>\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\n\n<!-- wp:paragraph {\"textColor\":\"ast-global-color-8\"} -->\n<p class=\"has-ast-global-color-8-color has-text-color\"><strong>The South Central United States experiences more billion-dollar climate disasters than any other region in the country. </strong>These weather events are only becoming more frequent and more extreme every year, harming people, property, and economies in their wake.</p>\n<!-- /wp:paragraph --></div>\n<!-- /wp:themeisle-blocks/advanced-column -->" }
I initially thought a workaround would be to just make sure that I don’t save the page after editing the mobile settings, but I realized that once I switch to mobile, my desktop settings in the editor updated to whatever was set in mobile.
ChrisHere’s the block export:
{ "__file": "wp_export", "version": 2, "content": "<!-- wp:themeisle-blocks/advanced-columns {\"id\":\"wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-columns-1ef048b5\",\"columns\":2,\"layout\":\"oneTwo\",\"layoutTablet\":\"oneTwo\",\"layoutMobile\":\"collapsedRows\",\"padding\":{\"top\":\"40px\",\"right\":\"40px\",\"bottom\":\"40px\",\"left\":\"40px\"},\"margin\":{\"top\":\"0px\",\"bottom\":\"0px\"},\"columnsWidth\":1200,\"horizontalAlign\":\"center\",\"align\":\"full\"} -->\n<div id=\"wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-columns-1ef048b5\" class=\"wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-columns alignfull has-2-columns has-desktop-oneTwo-layout has-tablet-oneTwo-layout has-mobile-collapsedRows-layout has-vertical-unset\"><div class=\"wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-columns-overlay\"></div><div class=\"innerblocks-wrap\"><!-- wp:themeisle-blocks/advanced-column {\"id\":\"wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-column-0d3f41b4\",\"padding\":{\"right\":\"60px\"},\"paddingTablet\":{\"right\":\"20px\"},\"paddingMobile\":{\"bottom\":\"20px\",\"top\":\"0px\",\"right\":\"0px\",\"left\":\"0px\"},\"columnWidth\":\"30.00\",\"UAGDisplayConditions\":\"responsiveVisibility\",\"UAGHideMob\":true} -->\n<div id=\"wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-column-0d3f41b4\" class=\"wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-column uag-hide-mob\"><!-- wp:shortcode -->\n[submenu]\n<!-- /wp:shortcode --></div>\n<!-- /wp:themeisle-blocks/advanced-column -->\n\n<!-- wp:themeisle-blocks/advanced-column {\"id\":\"wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-column-efad1381\",\"columnWidth\":\"70.00\"} -->\n<div id=\"wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-column-efad1381\" class=\"wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-column\"><!-- wp:shortcode -->\n[facetwp template=\"tools\"]\n<!-- /wp:shortcode --></div>\n<!-- /wp:themeisle-blocks/advanced-column --></div></div>\n<!-- /wp:themeisle-blocks/advanced-columns -->" }
Also something that is messing up the display of my pages in 2.9 is that the .innerblocks-wrap max-width is set to var(–columns-width) while the block is setting the variable as –columnswidth without the dash:
Oh whoops, the Group Block issue was an Astra problem.
I’m also experiencing issues with Otter Blocks after a site that I’m currently developing auto-updated from 2.8 to 2.9.
My mobile adjustments to advanced columns were no longer working. Instead of displaying the padding and margin settings for Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop, I would just whatever setting I input last for all 3. So if I set Mobile: padding 20px; Tablet: padding 40px; Desktop: padding 60px, I would get 60px padding at all breakpoints.
I’m also now having issues where the Group Block won’t retain its settings if I change it to a Row or a Stack. Every time I update the post, it reverts to the default Group block settings.
I also had to roll back to 2.8 to keep working, but let me know if you need to see these issues in action and I can re-apply the update.
I have the exact same problem with Events Manager and Widget Entries (which uses Improved Include Page). As soon as I read your post, I turned off Events Manager and the widget content immediately came back. This happened as soon as I updated my plugins and WordPress installation to 3.3.1.
Widget entries:
I’ll check the error log and see if I can find anything fishy.
hey, joesch, while you’re waiting on an update, if you replace
on line 315 in admin/em-bookings.php, the booking notes will work.