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  • Thread Starter Chris M


    Totally understand and thanks for the response! I’ve narrowed the issue down to the exclude_menu_items() function in class-nav-menu-roles.php. Specifically line 632 (commenting it out stops the refresh). No clue why it would be causing such a fuss, but will continue to poke at it ??

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Chris M.
    Thread Starter Chris M


    Astra support helped me narrow the issue down to an issue with Spectra and the Nav Menu Roles plugin. Will continue investigating the conflict.

    Thread Starter Chris M


    Ummm… it’s happening in the editor and then being reflected on the front-end but only when I edit the page and save if that’s what you’re asking. It doesn’t wipe the responsive padding that currently exists on pages that I haven’t edited since I just deployed the 2.9 update. Apologies if I misunderstood the question.

    Thread Starter Chris M


    Thanks! That seems to have resolved the columns-width variable issue, but the mobile styling on the advanced column is still overwriting the other settings. Here’s a video to hopefully explain better because it’s a little hard for me to articulate:

    Here’s the column export when I edit mobile last:

      "__file": "wp_export",
      "version": 2,
      "content": "<!-- wp:themeisle-blocks/advanced-column {\"id\":\"wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-column-91eb014f\",\"padding\":{\"top\":\"0px\",\"right\":\"0px\",\"bottom\":\"40px\",\"left\":\"0px\"},\"paddingMobile\":{\"top\":\"0px\",\"right\":\"0px\",\"bottom\":\"40px\",\"left\":\"0px\"},\"margin\":{\"top\":\"0px\",\"right\":\"0px\",\"bottom\":\"0px\",\"left\":\"0px\"},\"marginMobile\":{\"top\":\"0px\",\"right\":\"0px\",\"bottom\":\"0px\",\"left\":\"0px\"},\"columnWidth\":\"50\",\"className\":\"animated fadeIn slower\"} -->\n<div id=\"wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-column-91eb014f\" class=\"wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-column animated fadeIn slower\"><!-- wp:paragraph {\"textColor\":\"ast-global-color-8\"} -->\n<p class=\"has-ast-global-color-8-color has-text-color\">Forward-thinking leaders need accurate and timely climate data to protect their communities. Knowing what’s coming and how to respond allows for informed decisions that prevent impact and reduce risk.</p>\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\n\n<!-- wp:paragraph {\"textColor\":\"ast-global-color-8\"} -->\n<p class=\"has-ast-global-color-8-color has-text-color\"><strong>The South Central United States experiences more billion-dollar climate disasters than any other region in the country. </strong>These weather events are only becoming more frequent and more extreme every year, harming people, property, and economies in their wake.</p>\n<!-- /wp:paragraph --></div>\n<!-- /wp:themeisle-blocks/advanced-column -->"

    And here’s the column export when I edit desktop last:

      "__file": "wp_export",
      "version": 2,
      "content": "<!-- wp:themeisle-blocks/advanced-column {\"id\":\"wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-column-91eb014f\",\"padding\":{\"top\":\"40px\",\"right\":\"0px\",\"bottom\":\"40px\",\"left\":\"40px\"},\"paddingMobile\":{\"top\":\"0px\",\"right\":\"0px\",\"bottom\":\"40px\",\"left\":\"0px\"},\"margin\":{\"top\":\"0px\",\"right\":\"0px\",\"bottom\":\"0px\",\"left\":\"0px\"},\"marginMobile\":{\"top\":\"0px\",\"right\":\"0px\",\"bottom\":\"0px\",\"left\":\"0px\"},\"columnWidth\":\"50\",\"className\":\"animated fadeIn slower\"} -->\n<div id=\"wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-column-91eb014f\" class=\"wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-column animated fadeIn slower\"><!-- wp:paragraph {\"textColor\":\"ast-global-color-8\"} -->\n<p class=\"has-ast-global-color-8-color has-text-color\">Forward-thinking leaders need accurate and timely climate data to protect their communities. Knowing what’s coming and how to respond allows for informed decisions that prevent impact and reduce risk.</p>\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\n\n<!-- wp:paragraph {\"textColor\":\"ast-global-color-8\"} -->\n<p class=\"has-ast-global-color-8-color has-text-color\"><strong>The South Central United States experiences more billion-dollar climate disasters than any other region in the country. </strong>These weather events are only becoming more frequent and more extreme every year, harming people, property, and economies in their wake.</p>\n<!-- /wp:paragraph --></div>\n<!-- /wp:themeisle-blocks/advanced-column -->"

    I initially thought a workaround would be to just make sure that I don’t save the page after editing the mobile settings, but I realized that once I switch to mobile, my desktop settings in the editor updated to whatever was set in mobile.


    Thread Starter Chris M


    Here’s the block export:

      "__file": "wp_export",
      "version": 2,
      "content": "<!-- wp:themeisle-blocks/advanced-columns {\"id\":\"wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-columns-1ef048b5\",\"columns\":2,\"layout\":\"oneTwo\",\"layoutTablet\":\"oneTwo\",\"layoutMobile\":\"collapsedRows\",\"padding\":{\"top\":\"40px\",\"right\":\"40px\",\"bottom\":\"40px\",\"left\":\"40px\"},\"margin\":{\"top\":\"0px\",\"bottom\":\"0px\"},\"columnsWidth\":1200,\"horizontalAlign\":\"center\",\"align\":\"full\"} -->\n<div id=\"wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-columns-1ef048b5\" class=\"wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-columns alignfull has-2-columns has-desktop-oneTwo-layout has-tablet-oneTwo-layout has-mobile-collapsedRows-layout has-vertical-unset\"><div class=\"wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-columns-overlay\"></div><div class=\"innerblocks-wrap\"><!-- wp:themeisle-blocks/advanced-column {\"id\":\"wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-column-0d3f41b4\",\"padding\":{\"right\":\"60px\"},\"paddingTablet\":{\"right\":\"20px\"},\"paddingMobile\":{\"bottom\":\"20px\",\"top\":\"0px\",\"right\":\"0px\",\"left\":\"0px\"},\"columnWidth\":\"30.00\",\"UAGDisplayConditions\":\"responsiveVisibility\",\"UAGHideMob\":true} -->\n<div id=\"wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-column-0d3f41b4\" class=\"wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-column uag-hide-mob\"><!-- wp:shortcode -->\n[submenu]\n<!-- /wp:shortcode --></div>\n<!-- /wp:themeisle-blocks/advanced-column -->\n\n<!-- wp:themeisle-blocks/advanced-column {\"id\":\"wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-column-efad1381\",\"columnWidth\":\"70.00\"} -->\n<div id=\"wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-column-efad1381\" class=\"wp-block-themeisle-blocks-advanced-column\"><!-- wp:shortcode -->\n[facetwp template=\"tools\"]\n<!-- /wp:shortcode --></div>\n<!-- /wp:themeisle-blocks/advanced-column --></div></div>\n<!-- /wp:themeisle-blocks/advanced-columns -->"

    Also something that is messing up the display of my pages in 2.9 is that the .innerblocks-wrap max-width is set to var(–columns-width) while the block is setting the variable as –columnswidth without the dash:

    View post on

    Oh whoops, the Group Block issue was an Astra problem.

    I’m also experiencing issues with Otter Blocks after a site that I’m currently developing auto-updated from 2.8 to 2.9.

    My mobile adjustments to advanced columns were no longer working. Instead of displaying the padding and margin settings for Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop, I would just whatever setting I input last for all 3. So if I set Mobile: padding 20px; Tablet: padding 40px; Desktop: padding 60px, I would get 60px padding at all breakpoints.

    I’m also now having issues where the Group Block won’t retain its settings if I change it to a Row or a Stack. Every time I update the post, it reverts to the default Group block settings.

    I also had to roll back to 2.8 to keep working, but let me know if you need to see these issues in action and I can re-apply the update.


    I have the exact same problem with Events Manager and Widget Entries (which uses Improved Include Page). As soon as I read your post, I turned off Events Manager and the widget content immediately came back. This happened as soon as I updated my plugins and WordPress installation to 3.3.1.

    Widget entries:

    I’ll check the error log and see if I can find anything fishy.

    hey, joesch, while you’re waiting on an update, if you replace $user->get_name() with $user->first_name on line 315 in admin/em-bookings.php, the booking notes will work.

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