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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Need help with some de-constructionIt looks like your website is using the “Codeus” WordPress theme based on when I viewed the source code and saw “wp-content/themes/codeus” in a few places. Hopefully you can find the answer to your question in their documentation located at
You may also want to contact them directly, since they probably know more about how the theme was constructed than someone here on the WordPress support forums. I originally started typing up some ideas related to how I build WordPress themes and then realized that the Codeus theme does things differently after finding the documentation.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Adding a search box in front of an imageBy default the category names are not returned in the search results. It looks like the following plugins add that functionality, but I haven’t tested any of them, so use at your own risk.
There might be other solutions, but hopefully one of the ones above will help point you in the right direction.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Cant De activate a pluginCool! Glad it was a simple fix after figuring out the cause. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Cant De activate a pluginI would think that the plugin is still running and inserting the code in the pages even though you have it deactivated. I surely hope the plugin didn’t edit your page templates directly and insert its code. If it did that, then you will need to manually remove the code from the page templates of your theme (index.php, page.php, single.php, etc.) or restore the page templates from a backup to removed the code.
Usually plugins insert their code into the page on the fly when the person visiting the site requests the web page. They shouldn’t permanently add their code into your theme’s template files.
I know you mentioned web browser cache above, but do you by any chance have the WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache plugin running on your website? If yes, the you need to clear their cache via their area under the WordPress Dashboard to remove the plugins code from the pages being server to people. I am guessing you are not using something like a CDN (content delivery network), but if you are, then you may need to clear that services cache also to clear up this problem.
I am guessing the solution to this problem is to remove the plugin via FTP. If something goes wrong, then you should be able to add the plugin again via FTP by uploading its directory to the “wp-content/plugins” directory and everything should be back again, but unfortunately you will still be stuck with its code in your theme templates.
I guess another option would be to delete your theme’s directory under “wp-content/themes” after making a backup and upload a fresh copy of it and see if that clears things up if nothing else works.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Edit header.php in order to Enable BreadcrumbsI have used FileZilla for at least 10 years and it is safe to download and install on your computer. It doesn’t have any spyware or adware if that is what you are worried about. You can read more about FileZilla and its history on Wikipedia and maybe that will make you feel better about using it.
Don’t be worried about downloading the header.php file via FileZilla, editing it, and then uploading it back to the server with the new changes. I recommend downloading the header.php file via FTP and then renaming it to header-OLD.php by right-clicking on it in FileZilla and choosing “Rename”. Then download it again and edit the header.php file via Notepad (Windows) or TextEdit (Mac)(in Plain Text mode) and upload it. If something goes horribly wrong and you break your website you can always rename header.php to header-BROKEN.php and rename header-OLD.php to header.php and upload it again and you will be back to how your site was before you ever made any changes.
Making a backup of any files you plan on change via FTP is critical to being able to restore your site back to how it was working if something goes wrong.
I also recommend backing up your database and all your site’s files on a regular basis in case something goes wrong when making changes, installing a plugin or if your site gets hacked. Using your hosting company’s backup tools via their website administration area are a good start or if you want to install a WordPress plugin for backup then something like XCloner, WP-DB-Backup (Database backup only), VaultPress or BackupBuddy are good places to start. You can also learn more about backing up your WordPress website by reading the “WordPress Backups” section of the Codex.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Cant De activate a pluginYou should be able to delete the plugin’s directory via FTP by navigating to the “wp-content/plugins” directory using an FTP program like FileZilla ( and remove the plugin’s folder. If a plugin is no longer available WordPress should no longer look for it and everything should be back to how your site was before you installed it.
Deleting the plugin via the WordPress Dashboard may also work, but if it doesn’t deactivate correctly I would be worried that deleting it via the dashboard may also not work as expected.
The “Managing Plugins” page in the WordPress Codex may also give you more ideas on how to resolve this problem.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Adding a search box in front of an imageThe get_search_form documentation in the WordPress Codex may help you see what the search form HTML should look like when generated.
If you look at the codex link above you will see that either the “searchform” (HTML4 version) or “search-form” (HTML5 version) class is used if you are using the standard get_search_form reference instead of a custom searchform.php in your theme. You can use one of these classes to reference the standard search form in your CSS and style it.
You should be able to apply a background image to it via CSS as mentioned above by Trisha. You may also need to set the width and height of the <form> tag via CSS to the width and height of the image you want to display in it as a background so the form is big enough for the image to display behind the search box.
I solved the problem and I can now see “Backup to Dropbox” again under my “Settings” menu. Ultimate Security Check and other articles I have read about securing your WordPress installation suggest adding the following line to your “wp-config.php” file:
define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true);
Adding the above line of code turns off the ability to edit plugins and themes from within the WordPress Dashboard. They recommend turning this option off so potential hackers can’t edit these files if they get into your site.
When I added the above line to my “wp-config.php” file I received the following error when navigation to the “Backup to Dropbox” plugin page via the “/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=backup-to-dropbox” URL:
You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.
Deleting this line in the “wp-config.php” file restored full access to the above page and the “Backup to Dropbox” item in the “Settings” menu.
Is it possible to change the way the WordPress Backup to Dropbox plugin works to allow it to function without file editing privileges enabled?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Fatal error: Call to undefined function twentyten_posted_on()You are receiving this error, since your theme is calling the “twentyten_posted_on” function that should be located in the “functions.php” file that is located in your theme directory.
It looks like you have modified the default Twenty Ten theme located in the “twentyten” directory under “wp-content/themes” to create your theme instead of creating a totally new theme and theme directory.
I would recommend looking at the “functions.php” file under the “wp-content/themes/twentyten” directory and make sure it has the following code somewhere in it:
if ( ! function_exists( 'twentyten_posted_on' ) ) : /** * Prints HTML with meta information for the current posta€”date/time and author. * * @since Twenty Ten 1.0 */ function twentyten_posted_on() { printf( __( '<span class="%1$s">Posted on</span> %2$s <span class="meta-sep">by</span> %3$s', 'twentyten' ), 'meta-prep meta-prep-author', sprintf( '<a href="%1$s" title="%2$s" rel="bookmark"><span class="entry-date">%3$s</span></a>', get_permalink(), esc_attr( get_the_time() ), get_the_date() ), sprintf( '<span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="%1$s" title="%2$s">%3$s</a></span>', get_author_posts_url( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ) ), sprintf( esc_attr__( 'View all posts by %s', 'twentyten' ), get_the_author() ), get_the_author() ) ); } endif;
If it doesn’t have the above code then I would recommend adding it to the bottom of the file.
Another option would be to download WordPress again and extract all the files to your hard drive somewhere. Then located the “functions.php” file in the “twentyten” directory and copy and replace the current “functions.php” file in your theme directory.
NOTE: Make a backup of all your files before making any of the changes mentioned above, so if you mess something up you can go back to the previous version.
I hope this helps.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Google XML Sitemaps] Options page not completeI have the same problem on my test version of my WordPress 2.8.4 using Google XML Sitemaps 3.1.6 that I am hoping to fix before upgrading my production site.
I can’t see the submit button on the bottom of the page and the last line I see if the same as you are seeing.
Did you ever find a solution to this?
I deactivated all of my plugins except for Google XML Sitemaps to see if one of the other plugins were the problem, but it is still happening.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How to add logo image to header?You will need to make the logo only 45 pixel tall or less if you want it to fit into the menu bar without messing up the formatting and height of the menu.
You can add the image to the menu bar by adding/modifying the following code in your “header.php” file:
<div id="page-menu" class="menu"> <img src="/wp-content/themes/blue_catalog/images/logo.jpg" alt="filmBoo" title="filmBoo" /> <span class="left"></span><span class="right"></span> <ul id="page-shadow">
You may also need to edit the “sytle.css” file in your theme directory and modify the “#page-menu” formatting to make the logo fit correctly.
I would also make the logo image a transparent GIF or PNG image to have the grey menu bar show through.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Need help removing gray borderI got your invite and accepted and plan on talking to you tomorrow.
Now onto your question/problem…
I looked at your CSS file and you have multiple definitions of how links should be styled for <h2>, <h3> and “a” tags.
The last definition is as follows:
a, h2 a:hover, h3 a:hover { color: #06c; text-decoration: none; } a:hover { color: #147; text-decoration: underline; }
The above is way down in the “style.css” file and is overriding the CSS defintions above it.
I would delete the CSS code above from your CSS file, since I don’t know why it is there further down in the file and it is overriding the definitions above.
It is called a cascading style sheet (CSS), since the above definitions cascade down and also can be overridden by definitions further down in the CSS file for the same thing. So, you are overriding the definitions for “a, h2 a:hover, h3 a:hover” and “a:hover” that is specified earlier in the CSS file.
I just noticed that you keep defining “a” at the beginning of every style and you don’t want to do that either in the upper CSS definitions. This is redefining the CSS for an “a” HTML tag over and over. You may want to revert back to the default CSS, as seen below, and go from there.
h1, h1 a, h1 a:hover, h1 a:visited, #headerimg .description { text-decoration: none; color: white; } h2, h2 a, h2 a:visited, h3, h3 a, h3 a:visited { color: #333; } h2, h2 a, h2 a:hover, h2 a:visited, h3, h3 a, h3 a:hover, h3 a:visited, #sidebar h2, #wp-calendar caption, cite { text-decoration: none; }
Change the default to something like this should do the trick:
h1, h1 a, #headerimg .description { text-decoration: none; color: white; } h1 a:visited { color: maroon; } h1 a:hover { color: #147; text-decoration: underline; } h2, h3 { color: #333; } h2 a, h3 a { color: #147; } h2, h2 a, h3, h3 a, #sidebar h2, #wp-calendar caption, cite { text-decoration: none; } h2 a:visited { color: maroon; } h2 a:hover { color: #147; text-decoration: underline; } h3 a:visited { color: maroon; } h3 a:hover { color: #147; text-decoration: underline; }
This isn’t the best CSS coding, but it should work. Also, it is important to define the “a” references always in this order in your CSS file for them to work properly:
a:activeI hope this helps and works.
Talk to you tomorrow.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Why have a Search Box in your headerI am guessing the search box you are referring to is the WordPress search box and not a Google or Yahoo search box. The WordPress search box allows your visitors to search your website and find things on it. This will keep them on your website and help them find articles you have written in the past that may not be on the main page of your blog anymore.
If the theme is allowing you to add a search box that searches Google, Yahoo, etc., then this would invite people to search and find things on other websites. This would encourage people to leave your site and that probably isn’t what you want.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Changing Header/Link colorIt looks like you will need to make changes to the “typography.css” file as mentioned by esmi above from line 156 to 192, but it also looks like there may be some JavaScript/jQuery being used to fade the links when you hover over them.
I looked briefly at the source code and see that multiple jQuery files are being loaded. You may want to comment those out and see what happens wqhen they don’t load to narrow down what is adding the fading on the links. I didn’t see anything in the jQuery files setting colors, so all of that should be in the above CSS file, but maybe I missed something.
You may want to change the following section which sets all the link colors for the whole page to see if that allows you to change anything:
a { text-decoration: none; } a:link { color: #26a; } a:hover { color: #000; } a:active { color: #be261e; } a:visited { color: #26a; }
Good luck!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Need help removing gray borderIt is possible to align the <h2> tags (i.e. Archives, Recent Post, etc.) centered while aligning everything else to the left. You would need to set the text-align property to “center” or “left” depending on which item you are styling.
I think if you change the following in your “style.css” file it should make the <h2> tags centered:
Change this:
#sidebar h2 { margin: 5px 0 0; padding: 0; }
to this:
#sidebar h2 { margin: 5px 0 0; padding: 0; text-align: center; }
Then I believe you would need to change the following:
#sidebar ul, #sidebar ul ol { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
to this to align the rest of the content to the left:
#sidebar ul, #sidebar ul ol { margin: 0; padding: 0; text-align: left; }
I think that will work, but I was trying to look at your HTML and CSS code to find where you are setting everything to be centered and couldn’t find it in my brief scanning of the code.
The rounded corners are also possible, but a little more complicated than what can probably be covered here in a quick post. There are tutorials online about rounded corners if you search for them on Google.
Also, I am available for freelance work if you would like me to help you make your blog match your website. You can visit my website to find out more about me and to view my portfolio. If you would like to get in touch with me, then you can find that information there also if you would like me to help.