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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Arconix Shortcodes] Cannot put Images In Accordian correctlyHi, I thought I corrected this error by adding spaces under the image in the container. It has now resorted to it’s bad behaviour. It’s on site home page, thanks,
Yes looks like the theme always produces an mage if I have a featured image in the event post. Thanks.
Please ignore first point I have found it in the theme options!!!
But 2nd point is still a valid question, the image displays fine, but I don’t see the placeholder declared for it to show?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SuperSlider-Show] READ THIS before you open a new thread!Hi, apologies for being so brash, but perhaps others will now find this updated information useful too. I realise you do a very good job in creating these plugins, but it is so frustrating after trying about 20 different versions that they do not work, or you havent got the full instructions and have to start all over again. I shall try it again, thankyou.
Hi it’s the latest version of Events Manager, once again it was the memory – I have changed the the php.ini file to 512m and htacccess file to unlimited – this now works – however takes three minutes to download. As I have thousands of events I will have to limit the output to just show 1 months worth – Looking forward to trying to achieve that – NOT :).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SuperSlider-Show] READ THIS before you open a new thread!These are possibly the worst instructions on using a new pluging I have ever seen. Have you actually read them yourself? What’s the point of releasing a plugin that probably alot of people can’t make head or tail of. I’m far from stupid, but these make no sense whatsoever. Please reveiw your instructions – we are not all mind readers.
idz do you meann ids?
Where do i find the ids/idz numbers?
How do I record the numbers if I have 40 images?
What do I do once I have the idz/ids
Do you mean change the dropdown to ‘Gallery’
Why are there boxes on the post screen asking for an id number
Why so mny options on the post screen
Do they all need to be filled in?
what shortcode do I put into the post?
Does it work for pages?It’s ok don’t worry I’ll just find another one with decent instructions.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Twelve] Footer questionOh dear, my graphic didnt work sorry – hope you get the idea.
Col1 Col2 Col3 are the widgetised areas across the page
Col1 contains Text Box
Col2 contains Newsletter Subscription + Social Media Icons
Col3 contains Email InformationI want to add LatestPosts under column 2 as well, but adding the posts widget under column 2 breaks it and it appears under Col1
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Twelve] Footer questionHi, I have a problem of adding more than one widget to the widget areas. It seems there is a maximum length that can be accepted. So if I add more than one widget in each section it jumps over to the next column e.g.
WidgetCol1 WidgetCol2 WidgetCol3
Name Social Media Icons Newsletter Subscribe
Adress ***I Want Posts Here***
EmailSo if I then add the ‘Latest posts’ widget with 6 news stories into WidgetCol2 it will actually end up underneath WidgetCol1 area – not staying in Col2?
It seems their is a maximum lenght of lines ,then widget breaks and I cant control the column it is supposed to be in?PS CSS novice
Thanks for your help guys – it’s now working – it was the server memory
response from hostLooking at the error given, this is exhausting 134MB of memory for the PHP scripting which setting a php.ini with 64MB would not have fixed.
I have added a php.ini which allows php to use up to 256MB to process. Please could you try running the script again to see if the error still appears.
Thankyou, I have contacted the host to find out if thats the problem. I really do not need the events listed on the calender – I will never use that feature, so is there a way of just having a blank calender that just links to the post dates – and nothing else?
error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 85 bytes) in /public_html/wp-includes/post.php on line 595
[05-Feb-2013 13:57:02 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 82 bytes) in /wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1545I cant inspect element as the page doesnt load at all when the calender is added
Yes thats because I have removed the calender widget – if I put it back on the page does not load – on all browsers – on Chrome it gives a time out message. Maybe it’s corrupt data – i have had a look at the data but all seems ok. you will now see on the calender is removed from the sidebars.
I assume the calender loads with links of each event – is it possible a link is too long or corrupt or maybe too many events on one day?
Is there a way I can remove the links of the events and just leave the date link so at least its clickable?
Please ignore the reference to: Plugins
In reply to: [Calendar] Cannot Go to Next Month On Calender widgetwrong forum