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  • Thread Starter cocosua88


    My gosh! you’re my lifesaver. It worked like a charm. REAALLY appreciate your help!

    Thread Starter cocosua88


    Thank you so so much for all the help @wptweaks & @nisha!

    I used.hover() function to toggle ‘.active’ class on ‘.image-container’ class when I hover over the list menu. Then, I used CSS opacity to fade in/out.

    The issue I’m still having though is that the page displays all the thumbnail images instead of just one corresponding one. With my lack of knowledge, I just can’t work around the iterator variable to display correctly. Could you please elaborate on the iterator variable or guide me with more example?

    Here is the dev site where I’m right now:
    Thank you agin!

     * Front Page Template
     * Lists project categories with featured project
    get_header(); ?>
    	<div id="primary" class="content-area">
    		<main id="main" class="site-main" role="main">
    			<section class="column-left">
    				<div class="site-info">
    					<a href="<?php echo esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ); ?>" rel="home">
    						<h1 class="site-title"><?php bloginfo( 'name' ); ?><span class="site-subtitle"> <?php bloginfo('description'); ?></span></h1>
    				<article class="bio">
    					<p class="bio-description">
    					<?php the_content() ?>
    				<article class="project-list">
    					<ul class="project-title image-switch">
    							$args = array(
    								'post_type' => 'project',
    							$postProject = new WP_Query( $args );
    							// The Loop
    							while ( $postProject->have_posts() ) : $postProject->the_post();
    								<li class="project-title-list"><a href="<?php echo get_permalink( $post->ID ); ?>"<?php post_class(); ?>><?php the_title(); ?></a></li>								<?php
    							// Reset Post Data
    				</article> <!-- .project-list -->
    			<aside class="column-right">
    				<div class="preview">
    					$args = array(
    						'post_type' => 'project',
    					$postProject = new WP_Query( $args );
    					// The Loop
    					while ( $postProject->have_posts() ) : $postProject->the_post();
    							<?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) : ?>
    								<div <?php post_class('post-thumbnail project-image image-container animated fadeIn'); ?>>
    										<div class="b-to-load">
    											$post_thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID );
    											if ( $post_thumbnail_id ) : ?>
    												$post_thumbnail_medium = wp_get_attachment_image_src($post_thumbnail_id, 'medium');
    												$post_thumbnail_large = wp_get_attachment_image_src($post_thumbnail_id, 'large');
    												$post_thumbnail_large_2x = wp_get_attachment_image_src($post_thumbnail_id, 'large_2x');
    										    		<img class="cover" src="<?php echo $post_thumbnail_large_2x[0]; ?>" alt="">
    										    <?php endif ?>
    							<?php endif; ?>
    					// Reset Post Data
    			<script type="text/javascript">
    			$("ul.project-title li a").hover(function () {
    			  var body = $( 'body' );
    		</main><!-- .site-main -->
    	</div><!-- .content-area -->
    <?php get_footer(); ?>
    Thread Starter cocosua88


    Here is the dev link:
    Please let me know if I’m missing any information to resolve this.
    Thank you very much!

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