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this means that banner can’t load xml or xml generated with error.
try open in your browser xml:
YOUR_SITE is your local site url or real site url;
WIDGET_FOLDER is widget folder name you use in sidebar;
PLAYLIST_NAME is filename (without ‘.xml’) of playlist you trying to show in this banner.
Here is example from be better if you enter your final site url, so the license key will work when you finish your new site.
Note that in this case license key will not worked on your mirrored site.
I recommend you not to rush and use the default skin (Minima Skin) on your mirrored site. And when you finish your new site you can purchase license key for it. Subscribe to our twitter @gallerycreator for news and discounts.Will be better if you enter your final site url, so the license key will work when you finish your new site.
Note that in this case license key will not worked on your mirrored site.
I recommend you not to rush and use the default skin (Minima Skin) on your mirrored site. And when you finish your new site you can purchase license key for it. Subscribe to our twitter @gallerycreator for news and discounts.I’ll try to solve Back button issue in next plugin version.
As for the screenshot, I can’t say exactly what is the problem. I need to see real link to say more.Nope, there is no option to disable flash for “flash skins”.
The alternate gallery shows only in browsers without flash support.Seems like gallery work again ??
Go to Manage galleries -> create Album -> drag’n’drop categories to it -> go to widgets and in FlAGallery widget choose created album. The number of thumbnails is related to the number of categories in Album.
I think this can be fixed with simple CSS inside theme. But I need link to gallery page, so I can provide this code to you.
This will be implemented in feature skin.
use wordpress built in php function for shortcodes:
echo do_shortcode('SHORTCODE_HERE');
This is problem with your server settings or ‘/wp-content/flagallery/’ folder does not have write permissions. Try chmod it to 755 or 777.
If you select PhotoSwipe library for iPhone/iPad then only first category of each gallery will work. So don’t create multicategory gallery if you want to use PhotoSwipe. FancyBox should work fine for categories. Post a link to your gallery.
“NetworkError: 404 Not Found –”
Re-install skin (delete and install it on Skins page or via FTP ‘/plugins/flagallery-skins/’ folder) or activate another skin.
give me a link to page with gallery
I can’t explain what is happens with all other your images that are not imported to FlAGallery, but I’m pretty sure it’s not plugin fault.