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Perhaps, you imported images from wordpress media library folder and not turned off option “delete image files when delete gallery”. You can find this option under FlAGallery -> Options page.
try go to FTP wp-content/flagallery/ and replace white space with “_” in gallery folder name. Then go to Manage gallery and in “Path” field fix folder name same as you did on FTP. Save changes.
Can you write how do you fixed “E?RROR HTTP ERROR” problem? So others can see the solution.
Post a link to your gallery, please.You can give me temporary access to WordPress Dashboard and to FTP plugins folder, so I’ll try to solve this problem.
email: webmasterswall(at)gmail.comSome of plugins or in the .htaccess file enabled showing ALL warnings and Notices. You need to disable that and gallery should work.
To Trent:
Your WordPress theme is using old jQuery javascript library v1.2.6
But GRAND FlAGallery is using new jQuery library v1.7.1 builted in WordPress v3.3.1.
So, WordPress loads this two jQuery versions and get javascript error.
You need update your theme to use jQuery library builted in WordPress.try chmod gallery folders to 755
I need a link to broken gallery, so I can tell you why this happens.
Check gallery on Manage Galleries page -> choose ‘Create new thumbnails’ from action dropdown box -> click ‘Apply’ -> set image size to 115×100 -> OK
Some hostings add analitics javascript code to xml.php files. You should disable analitics code in hosting control panel
OR add this code to the end of .htaccess file:php_value auto_append_file none
If you get error message like “Couldn’t load the media file…” this means that flash could not load or get access to one ore more file(s) (mp3, image or video). Check if file is available on your server and you can download it with browser.
Post a link to your banner rotator, so I can look closer on your problem.
Go to admin FlAGallery -> Overview page and click Reset settings button
You can replace word “Gallery” (not “|”) in shortcode with white space or other word. Example:
[flagallery gid=all name="Collection"]