Forum Replies Created
I don’t think I have ever encountered what you’re describing. Would you want to arrange a time for me to have a look at the admin area of your site? I would really need to look at it first hand to get an idea of what is going on.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WP Complete Backup not workingdmeek,
That is a real answer, the problem you’re experiencing is beyond my control.
Do you know if your server has php errors turned on or is recording them to a log (ex. error_log … etc). If I could see the message that PHP is dying on, I might be able to provide a little more insight.
MyCodeTree Support Team
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WP Complete Backup not workingThis is because you web host has not properly configured the ZipArchive package in PHP. You need to use a web host that supports the PHP ZipArchive library and has enough resources for your server account (ram and disk space).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Complete Backup] [Plugin: WP Complete Backup] Permission Denied ErrorThis is a permissions issue on your server, but not with the storage folder. Try setting 0755 for the entire wp-plugins/wp-complete-backup/ folder path. If that doesn’t work, try setting it for the whole plugins folder (don’t worry, that is what the permissions should be anyway). You shouldn’t have to give anything 0777 permissions.
MyCodeTree Support Team
https://mycodetree.comJohn Montgomery,
I respondeded to you via email because was blacked out for the SOPPA protest when I responded.
You need to open the archive with WinRaR or 7-ZIP. Sometimes the native windows zip utility doesn’t like to open archives that have base paths in them, especially on 64 bit operating systems. The archive however, is not corrupted, at least not the one you sent to me.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Complete Backup] WP Complete Backup Not Saving MySQL Data?DanDawson,
The SQL dump file that you are looking for is in the filpath that you referenced, within the zip file that you referenced. After a backup completes, all copies of the database that are not in the archive are removed for security purposes.
MyCodeTree Support Team
I haven’t received anything. Did you try to send a Dropbox link to it?
Please try using WinRaR or 7-ZIP to unzip with. The native Windows zip utility (depending on the OS ver) doesn’t always like zip files that have been created by ZipArcive on Linux.
Can you send it to [email protected]? If it’s too big for email could you try dropbox or something?
You might be hitting a memory limit on the server too, if the backup is exceptionally large.
MyCodeTree Support Team
https://mycodetree.comForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Complete Backup] Unable to activate WP Complete BackupNot having PHP5 is what was tripping you up. Once you upgraded to PHP5, everything should be fine.
Please let us know if you have any other issues!
MyCodeTree Support Team
Would you be willing to let us look at the .ZIP file that the plugin is creating for you?
The plugin creates the ZIP archive based on the ZipArchive class that is *usually* compiled into PHP by most web hosts that support PHP.
As you can imagine, there are a variety of things that could affect a successful ZIP file being created.
If the script timeout setting is to low, the ZIP archive may not be finishing and not completing a valid archive.
One thing that you could try is to increase the script_timeout directive in PHP, if your web host allows you to do that.
In version 4.0 due out sometime this year, we’ll include an option to adjust script_timeout via ini_set() (still not a guarantee that web hosts’ will support ini_set).
MyCodeTree Support Team
https://mycodetree.comForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Complete Backup] [Plugin: WP Complete Backup] Fatal Error On BackupSheiksae,
When I go to I see your website just fine. Additionally, when I try your admin page, WP is asking me to upgrade your database (and is giving me the feature to do so). I think you have some other problems with your site that you should look into first.
However, in the future if you run into a plugin that causes your site not to load after you install it; FTP into the plugins folder of your website and delete the folder of the offending plugin. If the plugin was truly the cause of the issue, deleting the folder should restore functionality.
MyCodeTree Support Team
Pages and posts are stored in the database. If you look In the user’s guide under the, “restore database” section, it will explain how to restore the database. You can load the user’s guide by clicking the “green book” icon in the plugin settings menu.
By uploading the backup and restoring, you are restoring the filesystem and unpacking the database, you have one more step to complete to restore the actual database itself, explained in the user’s guide.
Please let us know if you need further assistance.
MyCodeTree Support Team
https://MyCodeTree.conForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Complete Backup] [Plugin: WP Complete Backup] Cannot load backup pagepdenbigh,
Are there any PHP errors displayed? Does your server have the ZipArchive library compiled in PHP?
MyCodeTree Support
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Complete Backup] [Plugin: WP Complete Backup] Fatal Error On Backupbformhals,
In order for the plugin to work, it requires your web host to have the PHP zip library installed on the server. Most PHP web hosts have this library installed and is ultimately why we chose to use it.
You have highlighted an area that we can improve however, telling users of this issue if the plugin detects that the zip library is not present.
In the meantime, if you want to consider moving to a new web host that has the PHP zip library installed, we recommend