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  • Plugin Support CodeWooGeek Support


    Hello there,

    Good Day!

    We’re here to assist you with this one. We use WooCommerce Email Template Core Function to send an email. If you want to set the logo to an email, then you can do it by the following settings.

    Admin Dashboard -> WooCommerce -> Settings -> Emails (Scroll to the bottom of the page) -> Email template (in there you can change appearance like color /bg/ logo) -> Header image.

    Please note that the changes will reflect all email of woocommerce as well.


    Plugin Support CodeWooGeek Support


    Hello there,

    Good Day!!

    Thank you so much for your wonderful review and feedback, it means a lot for us!!


    Plugin Support CodeWooGeek Support


    Hello there,

    Good Day !!!

    We’re here to assist you with this one.

    Could you please check the following details in your side

    1. Go to Admin Dashboard -> Instock Notifier -> Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Background Process Engine Selection and let us know what was the option chosen here?
    2. If it is WooCommerce Background Process Engine -> Go to Admin Dashboard -> WooCommerce -> Status -> Scheduled Actions – Check for the name “cwginstock_notify_process” is under pending/failed
    3. If it is Default Background Process then please change it to WooCommerce Background Process Engine and check the previous behaviour again for automatic email.

    Let us know.


    Plugin Support CodeWooGeek Support


    Hello Daniel,

    Good Day!!!

    We’ve fixed your reported issue and we sent you the information already through email. Please check it out.

    For your information: WordPress support cannot be used for premium plugin queries/support, as per forum rules.

    As of now we mark this ticket as resolved due to this reason.


    Plugin Support CodeWooGeek Support


    Hello there,

    Good Day!!

    We have checked your reported issues from our side. But unfortunately we couldn’t reproduce the error exactly which you have specified. It works properly on our side(even tested with different themes).

    We would like to know about some information which we require to assist better
    1. Is there any other plugin stock related active on your side? Or could you please deactivate all other plugins except WooCommerce and Back In Stock Notifier to see if it works(sometimes issues may arise by conflicts between plugins).
    2. If you’re using cache then please purge your site cache/browser cache and check it out.
    3. We require your edit product inventory screenshot and our plugin settings screenshot(especially our Visibility Settings section)

    Let us know.


    Plugin Support CodeWooGeek Support


    Hello there,

    Good Day!!

    Thank you so much for your wonderful review and feedback, it means a lot for us!!


    Plugin Support CodeWooGeek Support


    Hello there,

    Please do cross check if you have configured v3 google reCAPTCHA correctly” – as this is the alternative of nonce verification so purge your cache and check it out.

    And also deactivate all other plugins except woocommerce and our back in stock notifier to see that duplication still arises? Duplication may arise if any conflicts between plugins.

    Also provide your site link/out of stock product link. Let us know.


    Plugin Support CodeWooGeek Support


    Hello there,

    Good Day!!!

    We have checked?your reported issues,but we are unable to reproduce it from our side.

    Kindly check it again by enabling

    1.reCAPTCHA V3? (Admin Dashboard -> Instock Notifier -> Settings ->Google reCAPTCHA Settings ->Select Google reCAPTCHA version(V3) )


    2.Wordpress REST API? ?(Admin Dashboard -> Instock Notifier -> Settings ->Troubleshoot Settings (Experimental)->Frontend Subscribe Form Submission via->Wordpress REST API Route)

    If the above solutions will not be helpful, please help us by providing some additional parameters:
    – Could you find any js error from your side?
    – Check whether any cache plugin is active

    We also require your product url,so that our core team will review it and provide an exact solution.

    Let us know!


    Plugin Support CodeWooGeek Support


    Hello there,

    Good Day!!!

    There is no possibility of sending an email when the product is privately published as it is not visible to users except admin/shop manager. If any product is already published with some number of subscribers, later
    if you change the status of the product to private where instock email will trigger upon stock status regardless of product status.


    Plugin Support CodeWooGeek Support


    Hello there,

    Good Day!!!

    We unable to reproduce your reported issue from our side, could you please troubleshoot the following steps

    1. Check your SPAM Folder.

    2. Deactivate all other plugins except WooCommerce and our Back In Stock Notifier.

    We also keep record each activities of our plugin as log – Please check that as well whether automatic email part really triggered in your side as per the status change(out of stock to instock)

    Log can be checked here Admin Dashboard -> WooCommerce -> Status -> Logs – In there top right dropdown find the prefix back-in-stock-notifier with latest date has all the information about the process(post that as well for further assistance).


    Plugin Support CodeWooGeek Support


    Hello there,

    Good Day!!!

    We’re here to assist you with this one.

    Automatic Email part is rely on WP CRON – so make sure cron is enabled in your side? For that we added Status Menu in v2.2 – Go to Admin Dashboard -> Instock Notifier -> Status

    Also take the screenshot of that page and share with us.

    We also keep record each activities of our plugin as log – Please check that as well whether automatic email part really triggered in your side as per the status change(out of stock to instock)

    Log can be checked here Admin Dashboard -> WooCommerce -> Status -> Logs – In there top right dropdown find the prefix back-in-stock-notifier with latest date has all the information about the process(post that as well for further assist).


    Plugin Support CodeWooGeek Support


    Hello there,

    Good Day!!!

    Sorry for the delayed reply.

    As of now that feature is not available in our core, but we will sure bring this in upcoming version as per the feasibility.


    Plugin Support CodeWooGeek Support


    Hello @panon @vovi,

    Good Day !!!

    We’re here to assist you with this one.

    Could you please tell us how you update stock in woocommerce? if you’re using any third party stock management then our plugin may not work as expected.

    Could you please troubleshoot the issue by following the below steps
    1. We record each action associated with sending email part – you can easily check the details associated for the corresponding product upon stock change – Go to Admin Dashboard -> WooCommerce -> Status -> Logs -> Top Right Dropdown (prefix contain back-in-stock-notifier with latest date) check that one and see if automatic email part triggered?
    2. If you update stock status from out of stock to in-stock/ stock quantity from 0 to any will trigger automatic email – those information automatically record in log as well.
    3. If sending mail has failed then check if any plugin create conflicts as we use woocommerce api to send mail – we suggest you to try deactivate all other plugins except woocommerce and our back in stock notifier to see mailing works properly(just for temporary purpose – don’t try this in live)

    If you encounter the same issue then please open a new support ticket.

    Let us know.


    Plugin Support CodeWooGeek Support


    We use one layer of security to our ajax request which is WP Nonce – but due to caching mechanism from third party plugins/hosting this security nonce also cached which cause this error “something went wrong, please try again after some time”, some cases by setting up cache timeout in plugin settings reduce this kind of issue.

    How to get rid of this error?

    From version 2.0 we added different techniques to avoid Something Went Wrong Error – If your site has encounter such issues we suggest you to try the below steps to get rid of Something Went Wrong Error

    Go to Admin Dashboard -> Instock Notifier -> Settings -> Troubleshoot Settings Section -> Frontend Subscribe Form Submission via
    It has two option one is WordPress AJAX(default) and another one is WordPress REST API Route
    Try change that option to WordPress REST API Route and check it out(purge your cache and check it out).

    If the above steps not helpful then follow the another method which is Google reCAPTCHA v3(Invisible Recaptcha) – For that you need Site key and Secret Key of v3 – Go to Admin Dashboard -> Instock Notifier -> Settings -> Google reCAPTCHA Settings -> Enable Google reCAPTCHA and Choose Version -> V3 followed by Site Key and Secret Key(both fields required in order to function properly)

    If v3 not helps try v2 of Google reCAPTCHA


    Plugin Support CodeWooGeek Support


    Hello there,

    Good Day !!!

    We already updated WPML Add-on and intimated via email about the update. Please update it and check it out.


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