Forum Replies Created
Hello, same issue as above since the latest updates. WP 5.2, WC 3.6.2, and plugin 3.0.30.
Woo Feed > Manage Feeds > Regenerate > Error: “No products found. Add product before generating the feed.”
Can’t wait. Thank you as always for the excellent support!
have you tried the option (it is a pro option) “Hide voting until user voted” in “Edit options” >>> “Gallery options”? Users see only the rating after they voted.
Yes, checking that box hides all of the votes until the user votes. After the user votes, the current vote tally is revealed, but only for the image they voted on. If “votes per user” is set to 5, they can only see the results of the 5 they voted for. The other images they didn’t vote for are hidden, and they will never see the results because they can only vote on 5.
Here is an idea about how it could be more intuitive for users… In the condition that “Hide voting until user voted” in NOT checked but voting limits are set to 5:
- All stars should be grey.
- All voting numbers should be visible next to the grey stars.
- When the use clicks to vote, only the star they clicked should turn gold. This indicates to them they already voted for that image. The number should increase by one.
- All of the unvoted images remain with grey stars and original numbers of votes.
Block by session is definetly an option that should be included. I will prio vote by frequency (one vote per day or hour) and after that I will target block by session.
That will be a great addition to this plugin. Thank you for your hard work!
By IP (if allow voting only for registered users is deactivated). If user change the IP he can vote again. There is no cookie technique is used where he can reset just cookies in browser and vote again.
Just found out that using IP to block multiple votes is a bad idea. Say for example a contest entry to submitted by an office worker and they ask everyone in the office to vote. Or if a university student send the link for other students to vote, now no one else can vote because they are all using the same IP address.
This really should be blocking votes by session, not IP.
Thank you for your help and ongoing improvements on the plugin.
In Edit Options > Single Pic Options > Only gallery view
Make images unclickable:
(Images can not be clicked. Configuration of rating out of gallery is possible.)Checking this box does not prevent the single pic popup from showing. Is this broken?
By the way, for anyone else checking this thread, if you use Contest-Gallery’s example code above as a template, be sure to put background: or it won’t work;
.cg_gallery_rating_div_one_star_on { background:
url() no-repeat center !important;
}The code above is only for images that have a vote. For images that dont have a vote, you will also need to add this code (the only different is star on or off in the div class:
.cg_gallery_rating_div_one_star_off { background:
url() no-repeat center !important;
}Thank you so much for the detailed reply! Further proof that this plugin is not only the best option but also has the best support.
So, is base64 the only way to change the image? Can I just host the image locally and put it in the css?
Compared to similar plugins on the market, your PRO version has a lot to offer. Thank you for the information!