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  • Thread Starter CoffeeOD


    To make things even better, I added new shortcode for “link title” that I can use, instead pasting same text and worrying if I made a typo somewhere.

    Still wondering about #2 mentioned in previous post, but since orginal question is now fixed, for my side at least, I will mark this as solved.

    Thread Starter CoffeeOD


    EDIT #2 Another problem solved. Small tweaks to my shortcode allowed me to do everything I wanted and get results displayed with PressTable.

    I simply created shortcode

    [postikulut kauppa="x" hinta="xxx.xx"] €

    kauppa = shipping cost from shop ID listed in array.
    hinta = product price.

    Shortcode produces

    return number_format($postikulut[$kauppa] + $hinta,2);

    and ta-daa, I was correct format (xxx.xx) and automatic shipping cost calcutator, yay.

    EDIT #1

    Problem solved with my own shortcode, I had “echo” instead “return”, it’s now showing as it should. Still wondering about #2 mentioned in previous post.

    Thread Starter CoffeeOD


    An update.

    I got the orginal problem solved.
    =sum(B2, [table-cell id=1 row=1 column=2 /]) works now.

    1) but it does not work inside the table editor when previewing. Is there any chance you consider to look into that? Keep getting “!ERROR! illegal character ‘[‘”, alto everytihng works when viewing article itself.

    2) Second, since I’m doing price thing, (26.80 + 1.90 as example), results is 28.7, I would need it to keep “currency format”, as in 28.70. It can go 123.19 etc. Is there some trick I can use to preserve right format?

    Thread Starter CoffeeOD


    Hi, thanks for the reply!

    First off, my shortcode.

    function kaupat( $atts , $content = null ) {
    extract( shortcode_atts(array('kauppa' => '0',), $atts ));
    $postikulut = array("1.90", "7.50");
    echo $postikulut[$content]; }
    add_shortcode( 'postikulut', 'kaupat' );

    Every TablePress related plugins is activated indeed. I still keep getting !ERROR! illegal character ‘[‘ when trying to use shortcodes.

    example: =sum(B2,[postikulut]1[/postikulut])
    Article includes [table id=4 shortcodes_before_formulas=true /]

    In most simple way, goal is here to get certain row value from the table + shortcode OR from table_1 column B row (something) = output into table row, these changes depending on situation (as in they are not always same row number or column letter).

    About looking into other solutions, I did but sadly all the shop related plugins comes with features I dont need (such as shopping cart etc) and they feel bloated, I enjoy doing custom solutions and learning ropes the hard way, which is reason I started looked into coding custom shortcodes.

    Anyhow, I will send review with 5 stars for you plugin, it does the job without problems, my skills to modify plugin should not affect star numbers in this case (as you provide tools and help for that).

    Thread Starter CoffeeOD


    It’s seems I cant get even my own shortcode to display within PressTable content (added to the theme function.php file).

    > Created shortcode [example]1[/example] which prints 1.50.
    * works inside “page” or “article”.
    * unable to get it work inside PressTable content (row).

    I would assume its custom, theme name is surgical tech. (/themes/surgical tech)

    Thread Starter CoffeeOD


    Still trying to figure out this, havent found any code that would be about adding new page to user after sign up.

    Now, wordpress adds “about” automatic when users sign ups, I would like add another page and be able to change “about” page title to something else, including default text that comes with them. TTried to search trough registration, registration-functions, wp-signup, taxonomy, user pages already. Any ideas?

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