Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flamingo] Lost Channel NamesForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Podcast Feed Player Widget and Shortcode] Warning: Invalid ArgumentDitto. From my 15 minute peeking, there is something awry with the
function.$feedurl = $atts['feedurl'];
Line 235 reads the attributes, which can be comma separated for multiple feeds.
There is an SSL test where the error occurs at line 244:
if( strpos($feedurl, ',') !== false ) { $feedurls = explode(',', $feedurl); } else { $feedurls = $feedurl; }
Which means
ends up as an array for more than one URL, and a string otherwise, hence the error will occur with the code starting at line 250, because for one URL its trying to runforeach
on a string. ERROR.if (is_ssl()) { foreach ($feedurls as $url) { if(!preg_match( '|^https ?://|', $url )) { $ssltest = $ssltest + 1; $nonssl .= $url. ", "; } }
I just tested commenting out lines 244-248 and replacing with what is done in other functions
$feedurls = explode(',', $feedurl);
and the error went away.
That’s just some guesswork looking at the code; feed_fetch works fine on an array.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by cogdog.
Thanks, that worked like a charm. Not sure how I missed the advanced settings.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Modern] Featured Image Full WidthYes, I fully know and use Regenerate Thumbnails often. As far as I know, it will not upsize older featured images where the original size was smaller than a defined media size.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Modern] Featured Image Full WidthThanks for the response. Yes, I had changed both the columns number and the image sizes. This was a case where the theme was changed on an older blog with many posts, and not all the featured images were large enough.
True, specific use case is mine, and it’s looking great.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Font Awesome 4 Menus] font awesome VERSION 5 UPDATEFWIW I made a run at a rewrite of the plugin to be compatible with Font Awesome 5 icons menu classes are working good. I don’t use the shortcodes, so have not tested them, but if that’s what I needed I’d opt for the official Font Awesome Plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Font Awesome 4 Menus] font awesome VERSION 5 UPDATEI tried a slightly different approach than Simon- his code will insert
classes on all menu items, restricting it to just those icons.Instead, I commented out lines 164-166:
/* if( !in_array( 'fa', $classes ) ){ array_unshift( $classes, 'fa' ); } */
and now I used explicitly the full classes from font awesome, e.g.
fab fa-flickr fas fa-arrows-alt far fa-clock
and it seems to work (well some CSS adjustments needed as the icons were small and italic).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Missing CSS in Front End Forms Using wp_editorThanks, enqueuing the admin styles for the one page using the form fixed most of it; some other style conflicts called for moving the top the search results box down a bit in custom CSS.
Not elegant, but at least better.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Custom Fields Search] Wrong Blog URL on MultisiteYup that works well! Thanks for quick fix.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Intergalactic] Cannot find Intergalactic 2 ThemeThanks, somehow I missed that themes roll off after two years. I guess the only way to find old themes is via Google search.
I use Intergalactic parent for a child theme I designed that turns WordPress into a sort of web-based slide presenter
I’ve found it holds up well. I’m not too sure all the new features matter as it’s not used for blogging. Since 1.3.2 is not being updated, I might just roll into a single theme.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Intergalactic] Cannot find Intergalactic 2 ThemeStill, the question remains, why are neither Intergalactic or Intergalactic-2 not showing up in the Theme search on self-hosted WordPress? How many people can really know where to find these?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Customizer Social Icons] Customer Won’t Load With this PluginHello? Hello? Waving arms at the developer of this plugin? It breaks the Customizer?
Bueller? Bueller?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Customizer Social Icons] Customer Won’t Load With this PluginErr, typo in title should be “Customizer”, but still, this plugin breaks my site. Please help.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Sweep] How long does it take to run?I bumped my max execution time to 300s but still not seeing completion for 177k duplicate term meta and 240k orphaned comment meta, do I need more?