Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Responsive Lightbox & Gallery] Plug-in doesn’t work at allPlugin doesn’t do anything for me either, assuming your guys got no response. Have you tried and succeeded with anything else?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Form Integration With My EmailSo I fount $sendto and put in my email, it now says it’s a success but the email doesn’t come through. In addition to success it states “warning: preg_match() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given in /home/colmflan/public_html/wp-content/services/php/contactform.php on line 28. Line 28 is the elseif line below..
// validation of filled form
if ( empty($_REQUEST[‘contact-name’]) || $_REQUEST[‘contact-name’] == “”) {
$iserror = 1;
$alert .= “- <h6>” . $emptyname . “</h6>
- <h6>” . $alertname . “</h6>
} elseif ( preg_match( $_REQUEST[‘contact-name’] ) ) {
$iserror = 1;
$alert .= ”“;
}Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Form Integration With My EmailThanks mate for helping..
I looked into he php file but can’t seem to update the correct bit. There is no $to line (which is what my research tells me) and changing the obvious bit (states “enter email here”) leaves me with an invalid email address when using a GMail..
Is it in this section?
// if everything went fine, send e-mail
$plsubject = “=?utf-8?B?”.base64_encode($subject).”?=”;
$msg = “Name: ” . clean_var($_REQUEST[‘contact-name’]) . “\n”;
$msg .= “E-mail: ” . clean_var($_REQUEST[‘contact-email’]) . “\n”;$msg .= “Phone:” . clean_var($_REQUEST[‘contact-phone’]);
$header = “Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\n”;
$header .= ‘From:’. clean_var($_REQUEST[‘contact-email’]);Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: My Theme Doesn't Have a Mobile Friendly UpdateHi Jose,
Thanks for the response, understand the theme convo isn’t supported here.
I have reached out but I believe it’s simply been left aside with no obvious updates in years. I’m not confident I will get a response from them.
Could you elaborate slightly on creating a child theme, just so I am on the right research path?
Would you agree it’s a better option than the mobile plugins, I am just worried about their affect on tracking, user experience, SEO etc.
Thanks mate !!!