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  • How are you installing WordPress? I can’t remember, but doesn’t MAMP allow you to do a one-click install? or maybe that is only MAMP Pro.

    If you’re doing it manually then check your wp-config.php file for the database credentials to make sure they’re matching with your desired local database. See here for more info:

    That I’m not sure of and would have to dig deeper myself. Good luck, and feel free to report back on what you find?

    Also, three things I can think of you might want to try:

    1. When you encounter the issue in Chrome can you open the Developer Tools and navigate to the Console and see if there are any errors (usually in red). There may be some JavaScript (from plugin or theme) interfering here.
    2. Try temporarily Deactivating all your Plugins, and then see if the issue persists.
    3. Last, try switching to another Theme temporarily and see if the issue persists.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Damon Cook.

    Hi Bazajaytee,

    I’m trying to narrow down the steps to recreate the issue. If I’m understanding you correctly the issue lies somewhere in when editing an existing link in a post.

    So steps to recreate issue are:
    1) Click cursor on an existing link in the TinyMCE editor.
    2) Click the pencil “Edit” icon and the inline link editor field is shown
    3) Click the cog icon for “Link Options”
    4) Check the “Open link in a new tab”, and hit Enter / or click “Update” button.

    Are you typically in the Visual or Text view of the editor when encountering this issue? Please see screenshot here if you’re not sure what I mean:

    I just tried on base install of WP 4.7.4 in Chrome 57.0.2987.133 (64-bit) and not noticing any odd behavior. Again, I may be missing the issue though.

    I notice a similar issue was mentioned on an earlier version of WordPress but there didn’t appear to be a solution in that thread.

    If you happen to have a link to that issue it could be helpful.


    Hi marciokoko,

    I had an old installation of wp with issues.

    Curious, what were the issues? If they were database related then you might want to fix that first obviously.

    In theory, you can just copy the database credentials in your old WordPress install’s (at www/) wp-config.php, and place them in the new site’s wp-config.php

    Something like this:

    // ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //
    /** The name of the database for WordPress */
    define( 'DB_NAME', 'database_name_here' );
    /** MySQL database username */
    define( 'DB_USER', 'username_here' );
    /** MySQL database password */
    define( 'DB_PASSWORD', 'password_here' );
    /** MySQL hostname */
    define( 'DB_HOST', 'localhost' );

    Here is a bit more info from the Codex:

    Hit us up if you still need help. Enjoy your day!

    Hi vizavladimir,
    In order to try and help can you please provide more details please. Like:

    • Are you using MAMP or MAMP Pro?
    • Which version are you using of MAMP?
    • What steps are you taking to install WP, and where does it fail?
    • What is the error you’re receiving? Is it a MAMP error, or WordPress-specific error? A screenshot might be helpful.

    Thanks, and hope you’re enjoying your day!

    Hi johannes999,
    As far as I’m aware container/element queries are not natively supported CSS properties yet, therefore I would probably steer clear. There are JavaScript and polyfill solutions out there, but the spec and discussion around them has shifted and hasn’t seemed to land anywhere solid yet.

    Here is some further reading that I came across, which might help you decide:

    Here is one popular JavaScript plugin solution, but there are others out there.

    EQCSS (Element Query CSS)

    Hope this helps!

    Hi click2world, It could be related to the theme you’re using. Can you please report which theme you have active, and maybe try switching themes briefly to see if the issue persists?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Apostrophe issue

    Maybe try escaping the character. So when you write in the field: “Mother’s day set menu” try typing this instead: “Mother\’s day set menu”.

    If that does not work can you please note what you’re using the generate that form, as it might have something to do with the form, as opposed to the category name.

    Let us know.

    Divi is a commercial theme, and made available by, which offers its own support. You should have received login information when purchasing their theme to access their support forums. I believe their Support Forums are located here, but again you need to have access:

    If you use a commercial theme or plugin and need support, please go to their official support channel. In order to be good stewards of the WordPress community, and encourage innovation and progress, we feel it’s important to direct people to those official locations.

    Forum volunteers are also not given access to commercial products, so they would not know why your commercial theme or plugin is not working properly. This is one other reason why volunteers forward you to the commercial product’s vendors. The vendors are responsible for supporting their commercial product.

    Hi sholl242,
    I just installed and activated using the same methodology you mentioned above, and the theme is working fine for me.

    My first thought is that the theme installation maybe got interrupted (brief network interruption?), therefore all the files were not transmitted when you tried to install on your site. You might want to try using FTP to transfer the entire theme to the themes directory and then try activating? Just a thought, and theme author might have more insight on what might be causing.

    Another option I would suggest is disabling all the plugins you have active on your site, and then installing and activating as there might be a conflict between this theme, and a particular plugin you have activated.

    Hi Rad10active,

    I would like my nav bar on top to be on one row, now its divided to two rows

    You’ll have to install a Custom CSS plugin (quick, and easy solution), or create a child-theme and edit the child theme’s CSS (a little more labor intensive), and add this:

    .head-nav {
        max-width: 1100px;

    Either install Simple Custom CSS, or if you have Jetpack plugin enabled you can activate the Custom CSS module, but seems you do not have that plugin installed from what I can tell by Viewing Source on your site’s code.

    is there a way to make content to be as wide as the nav bar, now my content seems to have a space for sidebar or something?

    The One-Blog theme has a sidebar by default, therefore the sidebar was always there. However, you could again use a Custom CSS plugin to override the CSS for the space, and this should work in that case:

    .post_content {
        width: 100%;
        float: none;
    .blog_posts {
        width: 100%;
    .sidebar {
        display: none;

    If your question has been answered, we would love if you would mark this topic as resolved in the right hand sidebar. This helps our volunteers find the topics that still need attention and more people will get helped, possibly like you did. Let us know, and thanks!

    Hi vixennu,
    It looks like you figured out how to hide the post meta area, which includes the Category links and text info with this:

    .entry-meta .cat-links {
        display: none !important;

    Is there another area of concern where the category info is still showing that you’re looking to hide or remove? Let us know, and thanks.

    If your question has been answered, we would love if you would mark this topic as resolved in the right hand sidebar. This helps our volunteers find the topics that still need attention and more people will get helped, possibly like you did.

    This should work:

    .site-header .main-navigation ul:not(.sub-menu) > li > a,
    .site-header .main-navigation ul:not(.sub-menu) > li:hover > a {
        font-size: 28px;

    If your question has been answered, we would love if you would mark this topic as resolved in the right hand sidebar. This helps our volunteers find the topics that still need attention and more people will get helped, possibly like you did.

    Eric, as Mark noted please post follow up in new ticket on specified theme’s forum. Other users may be experiencing the same issue with that theme, and will help the theme author to get quicker answer, and fix possibly. Thanks!

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