Hi, thank you for your reply.
I am looking for a different pattern- I want to have two filters that are not connected, when one is selected I would like it to ignore the selection of the other.
You can see a prototype of a filter that I made with the Filter & Search plugin. You can select either a city or a county, and when you click the search button it resets the selection of the other filter to show All.
If you select a city and click “search “Search by Nearest City”, the list shows services for that city. If you then select a county and Click “Search by County” it resets the city filter, and shows all services for that city.
Is something like this possible with filter everything? I can set up multiple filters, but I don’t know if I can get it to show only the selection from one drop down list, ignoring or resetting the selection from the other. I would rather use Filter Everything,
I hope this clarifies my question, thanks again!