Forum Replies Created

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  • For the users who want to use this option before the official version is released..

    In quick-chat.php : line 1261

    function quick_chat_display_chat($height = 300, $room = 'default', $userlist = 1, $userlist_position = 'left', $gravatars = 1, $gravatars_size = 32) {

    add the if..else codes in the start and the end of the function.

    function quick_chat_display_chat($height = 300, $room = 'default', $userlist = 1, $userlist_position = 'left', $gravatars = 1, $gravatars_size = 32) {
      if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
      }else {
        return "You must login if you want to participate in chat.";

    I looked into the code and found the error $forumName variable is not used properly..

    In the /wp-contents/plugins/buddypress-ajax-chat/bp-chat.php

    It worked when I replaced line 341-342

    echo __('<p>Notice a popup window will try to appear.<br />  If you are using I.E. you might need to hold down the CTRL key when clicking on chat to allow the popup screen to appear.</p><p>If all else fails you can <a target=\'_new\' href="', 'bp-chat'); echo get_bloginfo('wpurl') . "/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-ajax-chat/bp-chat/chat/index.php?channel=$forumName"; echo __('> click here</a> for a new chat window.', 'bp-chat');
                echo "<script>'" . get_bloginfo('wpurl') . "/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-ajax-chat/bp-chat/chat/index.php?channel=$forumName" . "', 'BuddypressAjaxChat', 'menubar=no,resizable=no,status=no,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,height=600,width=700');</script>";

    to this,

    echo "<p>Notice a popup window will try to appear.<br />  If you are using I.E. you might need to hold down the CTRL key when clicking on chat to allow the popup screen to appear.</p><p>If all else fails you can <a target='_new' href=" . get_bloginfo('wpurl') . "/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-ajax-chat/bp-chat/chat/index.php?channel=".$forumName."> click here</a> for a new chat window.";
                echo "<script>'" . get_bloginfo('wpurl') . "/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-ajax-chat/bp-chat/chat/index.php?channel=".$forumName."', 'BuddypressAjaxChat', 'menubar=no,resizable=no,status=no,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,height=600,width=700');</script>";

    One more update about this.

    Tested with:
    Freshly installed WP 3.1.2 + BP 1.2.8 + Buddypress-ajax-chat 1.4.2
    No plugin except for buddypress is installed and basic BP theme is used.

    The same problem occurs.

    Thanks for the fast update, Dfa327. I really appreciate your hard work.
    But it still has the exactly same problem the op experienced without any script error.

    I tried firefox error console and it shows this error in the chat page.

    document.getElementById(“buddypress_ajax_chat_ad_frame”) is null.

    WHen I click the link I see this part is highlighted.
    document.getElementById("buddypress_ajax_chat_ad_frame").src = url;

    Nothing further error is found yet.

    I’m having the exactly same error that the OP experienced. I’m using Chrome and WP 3.1.2 + BP 1.2.8.

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