I have to say that WordPress, while a very nice piece of coding, needs a LOT of work. The things that need to be done for a simple upgrade are ridiculous. A new install everytime the dev team changes one line of code is insane and anyone who thinks it is “not a big deal” is simply out of touch with what peoples’ time is worth.
I liked WordPress enough to spend time on the learning curve to install and use it (and it wasn’t a smooth install). I thought that those minor tweaks I had to do were a one time thing (I didn’t document every little adjustment I made to make this thing work). Now it appears I have to do it all over again since the dev team thinks it is “OK” to force me to replace every file out there instead of just the files that were changed.
Also the bit of advice to Backup and then test your backup files before upgrading …WHAT? Do you think that everyone is running a webserver on their computers? Not to mention PHP and SQL.