You can run a malware scan on your website, but it doesn’t appear to be malware. If anything, it’s likely browser adware. Just need to reset your browser, or find out where it’s coming from, i.e. which plugin; and erase it.
You should log into your cpanel and do a search on your database from within there, as it’s unlikely the ‘virus’ would be in a fresh installation of WordPress. Most hackers insert some kind of file into your root domain and use that as backdoor access into your site. From there, they edit specific code, which allows them to embed their redirects. But that typically takes weeks or months, after a successful reinstallation, since they work in bulk (infect many sites), and are typically unawares; when their code has been removed.
This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Compuchenna.
This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Compuchenna.