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Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: I THINK I HAVE A SOLUTION FOR 90% OF ALL SITES BEING ATTACKEDOh.. Then “YOU’RE A GENIUS!” wasn’t ironic, of course. Sorry, misunderstood. But “Conceit (aptly named)” probably is, or not ? Who knows. The pretty great thing about irony is that you can use it as fits, and never make a clear assertion.
So, did you want to offend me when you said “Conceit (aptly named)”, no of course not, either you did not want as you said “YOU’RE A GENIUS!” to HairyPotter. You are – of course – just submitting your neutral and factual opinion to a more or less technical discussion. Probably I also misunderstood this.
But in one point you’re right. You were both too loud.
Thanks for YOUR comments.
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: I THINK I HAVE A SOLUTION FOR 90% OF ALL SITES BEING ATTACKEDNuclearMoose: It’s really dumb to blame someone’s idea with the argument
“Those genius-mega-intelligent people from mars would have done before. You are stupid. Do not talk !”
[/sarcasm]Reminds me of “God said earth is a disc. It is a disc. If it was a ball, we would fall off from the bottom of the ball.”
I guess if Matt and Ryan and all the other genius supermales are as superb as you think, they do explicitly not want that kind of dogmatism here.
And, by the way, you’re ways TOO LOUD !
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP 2.01 slowThe line
also check out brought some help. Now I found the time to install the plugin, and now it’s down to 16 seconds, which is at least acceptable. Thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: I can find no fix for–Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class…/home/******/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-db-backup.php on line 26
There you should find a line which reads
class wpdbBackup {
This is a class declaration. Somewhere else in your wordpress system (probably another plugin) declares the same class.
WordPress loads all php files (also in subdirectories) of “plugins”. No matter how they’re named. If you – for example – made a backup copy of wp-db-backup.php and put it into a subdirectory of wp-content/plugins, this error would occur.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Adding an image link popup window resized to fit image?Then – currently – I cannot help you, but I’m thinking of a new feature in Sticky Image now, where you put a remote (server-side) filename for image & thumbnail into the post-form and things get formatted then the way Sticky Image usually does…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP 2.01 slowOk, thanks. When publishing it needs 20-30 secs now. Indeed sped up a little, but still not what I’d call quick..
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Adding an image link popup window resized to fit image?In Sticky Image you need to upload all images again, that’s true. But that could be worth it. You should read the README.TXT exactly, as you need to slightly edit two files in wp-admin-folder. Nothing complicated, but elsewise your uploads won’t work.
Sticky Image probably does what you want, but I can only guess. It takes the image, resizes it (configurable), puts a thumbnail into the entry (text floating around), links it and opens a window with correct size (javascript) when you click on the thumbnail. You can also enter a text to each image, which is displayed underneath.
Sounds exactly like the things you wanted.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Adding an image link popup window resized to fit image?Let me advertise my Sticky Image plugin (again). It has many features to help image uploading, including this one. Maybe it satisfies your needs.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Installation problem index.phpMost probably on your server the PHP “safe mode” is activated. The open_basedir restriction does not allow a PHP-program to open files outside the “basedir”.
In your case php files may access files only in these directories:
– /home/wnetserv/
– /usr/lib/php
– /usr/local/lib/php
– /tmpWhat to do ? If it is your server, you should think about deactivating safe-mode. But you should know what you’re doing then.
If it’s not your own server (and why else would you put your blog into public_html ?), you need to contact the administrator. But maybe it will be easier to find another web host.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: I can find no fix for–Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class…It could be that you have two plugins installed which use the same class. Probably you installed two versions of the same plugin.
No matter if they’re activated or not, this error may occur them as I found out.
So my suggestion: Delete one of the plugin-version from the server.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Motivation for creating Plug-ins?I’ve written a plugin as I needed some enhanced functionality in WP in a way other plugins I found didn’t do.
So I started reading the developer docs, immediately fell in love with the WordPress API and saw that it is very easy to make a plugin stable and well-designed. So I could make it public.
Next I got dozens of mails from people who used the plugin and had problems with installing, questions, feature-requests and so on. Most things could be solved with some few lines of code.
I recruited some of the people as beta-testers. So I hold contact to some really nice persons all around the world. This social aspect is very important to me. I wouldn’t develop the plugin any further if there was no feedback, I think.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Great In-line photo hackYeah, this need to edit the wp-admin files is annoying (although the changes are really minimalistic). I want to get around this by using an iframe, like the inline-upload form does. Hope I get it done in the next version.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: The Perfect Image Plugin!I developed a plugin, which lets you upload images from the post form (I know, nearly obsolete in 2.01). The image gets automatically resized twice (thumbnail and image), which can be set up detailed in admin panel. It automatically puts the image into the posts using a pre-defined html template (default template is pre-installed) -> Image top left, floating, small frame around, textual description below, onclick-Javascript to open the full sized image.
So the only thing you need to do:
1. Install plugin
2. Set up final image and thumbnail size
3. Start/edit a post
4. Chose a local image for the post (gets uploaded then)
5. SubmitSome more features:
* Resizing like “Fit-best-in-a-bounding-box”, Relative-Size, Absolute-Size, No-Resize…
* Images files get maintained automatically (get deleted, when post gets deleted and get replaced, when new image for that post was uploaded)
* HTML-Template to give extreme controland so on.
I’d really like to know what you think about the plugin.…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Great In-line photo hackI wonder if you tried my Sticky Image plugin, and what you think about it.…