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  • Thread Starter coolkarthik88


    Hi I’ve got the above to hack to work. I can now set only specifc posts to be cached using the above mentioned method.

    Please add it as a feature in the future releases..

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: WP-Cache Problem
    Thread Starter coolkarthik88


    please help. i need this fast..

    Thread Starter coolkarthik88


    and what about the posts_nav_link function. can it not be used..

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Digg Live : A New Plugin
    Thread Starter coolkarthik88


    well another blog has just started to use my plugin check it out at

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Help Me Develop a Plugin
    Thread Starter coolkarthik88


    well everything is ok for now. I moved the plugin to its own folder and after activating it doesen’t create the new database column. I think there is something wrong actvate_digg_this.php hook…

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Help Me Develop a Plugin
    Thread Starter coolkarthik88


    hey yoshi.. how do I add an image to the HTML that the plugin generates. I want the image to be in the plugin folder…

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Help Me Develop a Plugin
    Thread Starter coolkarthik88


    Well I have got most of it working..

    But there are some problems. The Digg url still dosen’t show up eventhough it is there in the database..

    And how do i get the permalink of the post in the code (see below)

    add_action('wp_insert_post', 'diggurl_insert_post');
    function diggurl_insert_post($pID) {
    global $wpdb;


    "UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET
    digg_url = '$digg_url'
    WHERE ID = $pID");


    add_action('dbx_post_sidebar', 'diggurl_addfield');

    function diggurl_addfield() {
    global $post;
    <fieldset id="posturl" class="dbx-box">
    <h3 class="dbx-handle"><?php _e('Enter the Digg URL'); ?>:</h3>
    <div class="dbx-content"><input name="digg_url" type="text" size="21" id="digg_url" value="<?php echo $post->digg_url ?>" /></div>


    add_action('activate_diggthis.php', 'diggurl_addcolumn');

    function diggurl_addcolumn () {
    global $wpdb;
    $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE $wpdb->posts ADD COLUMN digg_url varchar(128)");

    add_action('deactivate_diggthis.php', 'diggurl_removecolumn');

    function diggurl_removecolumn () {
    global $wpdb;
    $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE $wpdb->posts DROP digg_url“);

    function show_digg_this () {
    $diggurl = $post->digg_url;
    $digg_permalink = the_permalink();

    if ( strlen($diggurl) > 0 )
    echo ‘


    echo ‘
    <div id=”digg_this_button”>
    <*a href=”$digg_permalink&#8221; title=”Add to Digg”>
    <img src=”digg_button.gif” alt=”Digg Button” />

    Thread Starter coolkarthik88


    well i just hope many people switch over to bbPress so that the guys at auttomatic get some encouragement..

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Help Me Develop a Plugin
    Thread Starter coolkarthik88


    Well I modified which yoshi gave me but it dosen’t work perfectly..

    I have two problems :
    1) The URL is not added to the database
    2) How on earth am i supposed to show the url on post (please write the display function..)

    Well here is my code..

    Plugin Name: Digg This
    Plugin URI:
    Description: Adds the Digg URL to your site..
    Author: Karthik
    Version: 1.0

    add_action('wp_digg_this', 'diggurl_insert_post');
    function diggurl_insert_post($pID) {
    global $wpdb;


    "UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET
    digg_url = '$digg_url'
    WHERE ID = $pID");


    add_action('dbx_post_sidebar', 'diggurl_addfield');

    function diggurl_addfield() {
    global $post;
    <fieldset id="posturl" class="dbx-box">
    <h3 class="dbx-handle"><?php _e('Enter the Digg URL'); ?>:</h3>
    <div class="dbx-content"><input name="digg_url" type="text" size="21" id="digg_url" value="<?php echo $post->digg_url ?>" /></div>


    add_action('activate_diggthis.php', 'diggurl_addcolumn');

    function diggurl_addcolumn () {
    global $wpdb;
    $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE $wpdb->posts ADD COLUMN digg_url varchar(128)");

    add_action('deactivate_diggthis.php', 'diggurl_removecolumn');

    function diggurl_removecolumn () {
    global $wpdb;
    $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE $wpdb->posts DROP digg_url“);

    function show_digg_this () {


    Please help me out..

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Help Me Develop a Plugin
    Thread Starter coolkarthik88


    oh thanks for the help I’ll see if this helps me..

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Help Me Develop a Plugin
    Thread Starter coolkarthik88


    no this is not what i want..

    i want a plugin that inputs a url from the create post page and displays that url on the Post itself(single)..

    bascially i want the url to be in wp-posts table as a column.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Help Me Develop a Plugin
    Thread Starter coolkarthik88


    well it is something similar i guess. Well thanks for the plugin…

    Thread Starter coolkarthik88


    well guys thanks for all the feedback. i have started to work widgetise the theme and i have fixed some minor bugs here and there..

    Thread Starter coolkarthik88


    thanks man for your encouragement. i was rather thinking that no one is really intrested in bbPress themes…

    well i am glad that this got featured on weblogtoolscollection too..

    Thread Starter coolkarthik88


    i was just wondering how many people use bbPress

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