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  • Thread Starter corporatei


    Hi there,

    ajax_create_response: (ERROR)The extension “sodium” is not available. Please install it to use this method

    Was I supposed to go into cPanel and configure this in the PHP settings?

    Thread Starter corporatei


    [2021-10-17 00:41:56][255e1a] ajax_create_response: (ERROR)The extension “sodium” is not available. Please install it to use this methodxit

    Thread Starter corporatei


    That’s okay, thanks for your help. I will talk to the web server technical support, see what other solutions they can provide.

    Again my apologies above for my misunderstanding of your words.

    Thread Starter corporatei


    The screenshot is the same as this above, but in this, I don’t see a “response” inside header:

    Request URL:
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    bundle: woocommerce/woocommerce.php
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    page: loco-plugin
    action: file-edit

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by corporatei.
    Thread Starter corporatei


    Sorry I misunderstood your words, I did not know you were referring specifically to the empty header’s tab.

    I thought the screenshot did show the header’s tab? this was under the network, headers? Under the headers tab, I don’t see anything related to “response”, I attach the screenshot here.

    In this screenshot, under headers, I don’t see anything related to “response”, if that is what you were referring to.

    Otherwise I will just try to modify the .htacesss as suggested by guiguiweb. I just thought it was a bug that’s why I reached out here.

    Thread Starter corporatei


    Please use respectful language when you communicate here. I am an beginners to intermediate web developer and you should not use this tone.

    Did you see the screenshots? I clicked on the response header and it shows nothing.

    Maybe is easier if you take a screenshot of an example and circle it so I know where to properly find what you need instead of using rude tones.

    Thread Starter corporatei


    When I go to Network, then When i click on the link under the name, there are the tabs “Headers, Preview, Response, Initiator”. I clicked on “response” and I see this:

    It says ‘Failed to load response data”

    See this screenshot here.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by corporatei.
    Thread Starter corporatei


    Request URL:
    Referrer Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin
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    bundle: woocommerce/woocommerce.php
    domain: woocommerce
    page: loco-plugin
    action: file-edit

    Thread Starter corporatei


    What is a HTTP exchange, and how do I provide that information to you?

    Thread Starter corporatei


    @timwhitlock I checked with goDaddy web hosting, and they couldn’t find out what the problem was. At first, they say that it maybe a DNS problem, which is not. They say to check with you guys.

    @guiguiweb so should I try to modify the .htaccess file to include that sentence? Just add it in copy and paste right?

    Thread Starter corporatei


    I go into the wordpress admin, on the side bar, click on Loco Translate, then clicked on plugin, then clicked on woocommerce, then clicked on new language. On this page, I selected WordPress Language – Chinese (taiwan), then Choose a location and I selected “Author: plugins/woocommerce/i18n/languages/woocommerce-zh_TW.po”, then I clicked “Start translating”, then it gave this HTTP2 error message.

    Thread Starter corporatei


    The PHP code:

    $post = get_post();
    // Wrong. Prints all languages mixed together.
    echo $post->post_title;
    // Correct. Prints only the currently selected language.
    echo apply_filters( ‘the_title’, $post->post_title );

    Which php file I find these? I could not find this in the page.php file in the theme?

    Thread Starter corporatei


    Hi there,

    At the WYGIWYS editor or the visuals editor, in between the tabs shortcode, I add a youtube link or just a standard URL link from youtube, and WordPress will automatically display a youtube video. Then I press publish, but when I view the rendered page, it shows the URL text instead of the video.

    Thread Starter corporatei


    Hi there, I am using the plugin Easy Responsive Shortcodes for the tabs.

    The code you wrote works, thanks.

    But for example if I put the code above in the custom template and I want to insert data or custom fields in between the [tab title=”Tab 1 Title”] and [/tab], how do I go about doing that? I tried:

    $meta_values = get_post_meta( $post->ID, ‘360virtualtour’, true );
    echo do_shortcode(‘[tabs]
    [tab title=”Still Photos”]
    [tab title=”Video Tour”]
    [tab title=”360 Virtual Tour”]’.$meta_values.’
    [tab title=”Interactive Brochure”]
    [/tabs]’ );


    And it works.

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