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  • Thread Starter corradoizzo


    Hi Stefan

    In another post i saw you suggested to put this code in to move the description box to the left :

    .slideshow_container .description {
    margin-left: 0px; /* This is how far you want the description to be pushed to the left. */
    width: 250px !important; /* This is the width you want the description to be. */
    background: #000;

    I did that and now as you can see here :

    the caption is to the left

    How do i adjust the height of the the Caption ?


    Thread Starter corradoizzo


    Still having the same issue and this looks very much like a bug
    in the code of the theme itself.

    How can give out a theme that has bugs ?

    I don’t understand this.

    Can anyone explain what the deal is ?

    Thread Starter corradoizzo


    @andrew sorry can you please clarify your question to me.

    I do not understand.

    Thread Starter corradoizzo


    That worked thanks to the both of you – will test over the next few days and post here if something comes up.

    Thread Starter corradoizzo


    we also get a fatal error when we click the “poplate posts” on the Global Tags Admin page :

    Fatal error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array in /home/xxx/ on line 195

    Thread Starter corradoizzo


    @ Andrea

    We did everything and got the two plugins workin, they pull the text part of a post but not the picture.

    contrary to your comment The SWT has no checkbox anywhere for pulling a picture or maybe we are just blind.

    We ave another problem as well, we have updated to wordpress 3.3 and inside our network admin the featured post plugin display’s a line that says :

    “There is a new version of Featured Posts Widget available. View version 2.8.3 details or update automatically.”

    We run the update but the messagge is still there.

    Anyway the problem we are having is that the plugin is not pulling the picture of the post.

    Thread Starter corradoizzo


    I have just uploaded a photo that shows you how it looks right now

    can i use these plugins in this scenario ?

    you can check it under this link

    Thread Starter corradoizzo


    @ Ipstenu

    Yes i have checked the comments and pictures are pulled as well i have an issue though that i have limited space in the article introduction fields on our custom made landing page you know exactly like on where you see just a small edit from the original picture displayed on the blog that is being featured.

    @ Andrea

    thank you for your input.

    Can/ how would i use the plugins in this scenario :

    The Landing page is a a theme which we have developed,
    the theme has article/blog introduction fields exactly like has on its landing page,


    Our Article/blog introduction fields are of variable width, meaning that they are not all of the same size, we designed it very much like a newspaper and you know how a newspaper looks like, there are different blocks of different sizes and at the end of which it reads continue reading on page 32, only that the continue reading then leads you to that blog that was introduced on the landing page.

    Additionally to the blocks of different size we have main headlines.

    Each of these article introduction fields on our Landing page has a picture (optional) a headline, the authors name, about what the article/post/blog is and a few lines of text from the article itself.

    So reguarding the amount of text that has to be displayed on the landing page can we at any point define how many lines are displayed in our article introduction fields and how d we solve the issue that we have fields of variable width ?

    Thank you Andrea and Ipstenu

    Thread Starter corradoizzo



    I have installed the plugins but have one problem that they only pull text content to my index page as they are based on feeds. How can i make the pull pictures as well ?

    thank you.

    Thread Starter corradoizzo


    Thank you again Ipstenu. This is of very great help for me. I have one more clarifcation about the setup and your wisdom in the matters is required.

    How would you do what you described above in a scenario where you have 100’s of blogs ?

    Would you decide which one of those blogs is the index blog and then set a static landing page for that index blog ?

    I just want to understand the basic setup of the structure.

    – corrado

    Thread Starter corradoizzo


    Hello Ipstenu

    Thank you first of all – this was very helpful and exactly what i was looking for.
    The missing piece for me now is to know how to create the index page for my wordpress multisite. I guess you know a simple answer to that one as well.

    – corrado


    Lets say i would want to create a static landing page on a WordPress Multisite that behaves like a regular html site, i want to create an index page very much like that gives and introduction to the content of posts and blogs in the network.

    Would i have to just follow this guide here ?

    this guide is for a single blog

    is it the same guide for a wordpress multisite that i would have to follow ?

    all the best and thank you for your help

    Thread Starter corradoizzo


    I found an easier way all of this is too complicated and time consuming – i like simple…

    Just clean install and set a copy of the site onto a new domain for dev purposes creating the same environment like for the life site and start from the same version of the Life Site.

    Edit and Code – Experiment – Copy and Paste only Code that works.


    Thread Starter corradoizzo


    @ Andrea_r, Again, controling the content too much is not the purpose of this excercise. Users still have to have their blogs and be able to run them indipendently. What i am suggesting here in simple terms is to open a new communication channel where on the one hand you communicate relevant infos to blog owners and to their respective traffic and on the other hand you offer publishers monetization functions that they can easily implement.

    Upon registration, users “could” leave you informations about themselves and their business/passion etc. which could be used to design special offers or engage in or promote a knowledge transfer with that certain group of blog owners and readers of their blog, yes in form of advertising but also organization of discussion groups, seminars, coaching programs, tutorials etc.

    I agree and came to the conclusion that the only thing that’ll do it here is a custom plugin, all this plugin does is to reserve an area on each single blog in the network. The superadmin controls the content of this area. In case of advertisings the plugin will distribute a share of income to the blog that generated the click that converted into a sale.

    Thread Starter corradoizzo


    @ Andrea_r – well that’s not the idea. I have come to the conclusion that a solution like this needs to be a custom made one. wpmudev offers two plugins with which you can comunicate to all admins in the network thru the admin panel. But that is all i found out there.

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