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OK. I could swear that I tried every combination of #_ATT{nameofattribute} but apparently I never put it inside the [events_list_grouped] …. [/events_list_grouped].
Thanks. Feeling dumb now. ??
The Divi theme people provided a fix. Thanks for your help. Works again.
I switched to Twenty Ten and the events show up in the list. However, the recurring events disappeared from both the event list AND the event calendar.
I did this on a test site and I can regenerate the test site if needed. I switched back and forth with the themes, the one I am using is Divi and the event list comes and goes with the theme change.It is interesting though that the events were there a few weeks ago and I have not changed themes since. Might have updated the theme, not sure.
What do you suggest now? Work with the theme creator?
Or ???
Thanks for your help so far.Thanks. Yes, this snippet of code change did work for me.
In the file group.php located in
change line 15 fromif( groups_is_user_admin(get_current_user_id(), $group_id) ){…
if( groups_is_user_member(get_current_user_id(), $group_id) ){…
I find it odd that with all the customization available to Event Mgr and Buddy Press there is not a simple check box to make this change possible and permanent. Now we will have to update this file every time we update EM. Maybe something for a future update.
I cannot say for sure what changed. I don’t look at these events every day. I checked each one when it was entered. A couple weeks later they were trashed. Is there someway i can manipulate the database so EM recognizes changed data. It would be easier for me to copy paste data rather than reenter it from scratch. Thanks.
I cannot see any difference between an event that displays Array and an event that shows up properly in the database. I have looked at all the fields. When you look at the bad event in the event editor, the attribute fields show Array. If you edit them to correct the information, and update the event, it shows that it updates correctly but the data does not change and it still shows Array in both the event editor and in the event post page.
I have manually created a new event that is a duplicate of an event that does not work and it shows up fine.Other steps I have tried so far to no avail.
1. Copied a bad event into database. Event does not show up in the event list.
2. created new event normal way, then copied the attributes from a “bad” event into the new event. Attributes do not show Array, they do not show up at all. I edited this event to create new attributes and they show up fine.Other than recreating all the bad events, which will be painful, I’d appreciate any thoughts on how to resolve the problem.
Have not tried to edit outside Event Manager. I don’t believe I have installed any new plugins that relate to the custom field or attributes. In looking at the database with phpMyAdmin, the information for the field is correct. It just does not display properly. And not all of the events are affected. I am trying to figure out what makes some of them work and some not work, but not there yet.
So I set up a test site and deleted all but 4 of the events. Now the information shows up properly. I will restore the events from a backup and try to see where it broke.
I looked in the database. Here is what appears in the database for one of the events.
a:20:{s:6:”Group1″;s:1:”A”;s:6:”Miles1″;s:2:”52″;s:12:”Description1″;s:13:”Galisteo Loop”;s:6:”Group2″;s:2:”B+”;s:6:”Miles2″;s:2:”40″;s:12:”Description2″;s:29:”to Galisteo to 14 and reverse”;s:6:”Group3″;s:1:”B”;s:6:”Miles3″;s:2:”26″;s:12:”Description3″;s:34:”Galisteo, 42 to RR tracks, reverse”;s:6:”Group4″;s:2:”B-“;s:6:”Miles4″;s:2:”26″;s:12:”Description4″;s:17:”same as B, slower”;s:6:”Group5″;s:1:”C”;s:6:”Miles5″;s:2:”22″;s:12:”Description5″;s:17:”Galisteo and back”;s:7:”Leader1″;s:0:””;s:7:”Leader2″;s:0:””;s:7:”Leader3″;s:0:””;s:7:”Leader4″;s:0:””;s:7:”Leader5″;s:0:””;}
And this is what the display of said event looks like:
Group Leader Miles Description
Array (blank)Array Array
Array (blank)Array Array
Array (blank)Array Array
Array (blank)Array Array
Array (blank)Array Array