Hi, just wanted to post an update on my mqTranslate problem since I started this thread.
Unfortunately I had to delete the plugin, I was getting no answers and for me it is just not worth it to keep it running, so I took a big step and deleted it. I had to rewrite most of my posts so it was a lot of work but I didn’t want to be dependent on this plugin anymore.
I hope you others that have this problem have better luck than I did because when the plugin is working, it is great. Unfortunately I have had problems with qTranslate and now mqTranslate most every time WordPress got updated and I just don’t want to take that risk anymore.
I realize the plugin is free and I can’t expect much support when something goes wrong, so I’m not trying to downgrade it. If I ever need to add different languages on my blog, I will probably look into a paid plugin that offers support, there is just too much work involved with translating every post to take the risk of loosing content.
Cheers to all.