Hello, thank you for looking into this problem. I did not use Elementor to design my static front page. The thumbnails for the blog posts were one of the options which came with the total theme. I just created a page using ‘homepage’ template, then set my homepage as this static page, then customised the layout according to the total theme. They have the instruction here: https://hashthemes.com/documentation/total-documentation/#HomePageSetup
I now suspect the problem is probably associated with the theme, rather than snowball. However, as I am not very techie, I don’t know how to solve that problem.
Unfortunately, after several tries, I had to stop using snowball to push my posts. I can cope with the problem that the posts made with snowball not appearing on my static home page, but one major issue for me is that the post made with snowball cannot be viewed on mobile devices, when it is accessed through a link from facebook or instagram. As, majority of my blog traffic comes from facebook and instagram links, with users access through mobiles, I couldn’t afford to lose the audience.
However, if snowball can be altered, such that it avoids the two problems I have aforementioned, I would love to use it again.
Thank you,