Forum Replies Created
Hello Gilbert,
thank you for your last update. I’m almost 30 years in unix computer business now. I waited till Kadence Blocks Version 3.2.37 and 2 days ago I updated. And: Everything works fine, now.
Best regards, Jürgen
Hello Gilbert,
thank you for your reply. As I said there are no problems with 3.2.29. All other plugins are the same. As soon as I switch to 3.2.30 I get the white screen when creating new/edit existing blog posts.
Actually I activated the wordpress debug option with 3.2.30 plugin version getting this output:[24-Mar-2024 22:25:21 UTC] [24/Mar/2024:22:25:21 +0000] DEBUG: Found cache file: 470f7893f08f6763d7c524b96af
51ab3.json [24-Mar-2024 22:25:21 UTC] Array
[0] => Array
[name] => Helles Rosa
[slug] => pale-pink
[color] => #f78da7
) [1] => Array
[name] => Kr?ftiges Rot
[slug] => vivid-red
[color] => #cf2e2e
) [2] => Array
[name] => Leuchtendes, kr?ftiges Orange
[slug] => luminous-vivid-orange
[color] => #ff6900
) [3] => Array
[name] => Leuchtendes, kr?ftiges Bernstein
[slug] => luminous-vivid-amber
[color] => #fcb900
) [4] => Array
[name] => Helles Cyangrün
[slug] => light-green-cyan
[color] => #7bdcb5
) [5] => Array
[name] => Kr?ftiges Cyangrün
[slug] => vivid-green-cyan
[color] => #00d084
) [6] => Array
[name] => Helles Cyanblau
[slug] => pale-cyan-blue
[color] => #8ed1fc
) [7] => Array
[name] => Kr?ftiges Cyanblau
[slug] => vivid-cyan-blue
[color] => #0693e3
) [8] => Array
[name] => Sehr helles Grau
[slug] => very-light-gray
[color] => #eeeeee
) [9] => Array
[name] => Bl?uliches Cyangrau
[slug] => cyan-bluish-gray
[color] => #abb8c3
) [10] => Array
[name] => Sehr dunkles Grau
[slug] => very-dark-gray
[color] => #313131
) [11] => Array
[color] => #a48a67
[name] => Website Gold
[slug] => kb-palette-2
) [12] => Array
[color] => #1f1f1f
[name] => Website Hintergrund dunkelbraun
[slug] => kb-palette-3
) [13] => Array
[color] => #a48a67
[name] => Website Gold
[slug] => kb-palette-2
) [14] => Array
[color] => #1f1f1f
[name] => Website Hintergrund dunkelbraun
[slug] => kb-palette-3
) )concerning the setting I found in the wordpress report:
Server-Architektur Linux 5.10.0-26-amd64 x86_64
Webserver. Apache
PHP-Version 8.1.27 (Unterstützt 64bit-Werte)
PHP-SAPI apache2handler
Maximale PHP-Eingabe-Variablen (max_input_vars). 1000
Maximale PHP-Ausführungszeit (max_execution_time). 30
PHP-Speicher-Limit (memory_limit). 512M
Maximale Eingabe-Zeit (max_input_time) -1
Maximale Dateigr??e beim Upload (upload_max_filesize). 150M
Maximale Gr??e der PHP-Post-Daten (post_max_size). 150MHope that’s helping you find the issue. Thank you.
Kind Regards, Jürgen
Hello Prashant Rai! Thank you for your help. I made a night shift last night activating the cloudflare captcha, but same problem. I double-checked everything and finally I came to the point like you, that it isn’t a problem of the wpforms plugin but something blocks the communication to the captchas. After several hours of trying to fix it I came to the point that until now I just received spam through the contact plugin. So I throw the complete form out of the site. Usually that’s not my way of problem-solving, but I don’t want to check every week, if the form works, or not.
All the best and thank you!
Update: I’m a little bit muddled, now. I just received an email from some (spam) who was able to enter and send via my contact form with hcaptcha. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, testing it (tested it with firefox, chrome and safari). Happy for all hints.