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  • Thread Starter The Shopkeeper



    Judging by the many people here who have the same issues, it’d probably be in your best interest to “look into it further” whether or not I create a ticket.

    Thread Starter The Shopkeeper


    I rolled back to 6.3.5 and it works fine for me also.

    Thread Starter The Shopkeeper


    Thank you. Where exactly is the field for the HS Tariff Number? I searched through the Product Data section for my variable products and also the WooCommerce Shipping section under WooCommerce > Settings and I don’t see that field anywhere.

    Thread Starter The Shopkeeper


    Thread Starter The Shopkeeper


    Thank you @anastas10s I will try that!

    Thread Starter The Shopkeeper


    There is one error:

    2023-01-18T22:52:03+00:00 CRITICAL Out of memory (allocated 14680064) (tried to allocate 20480 bytes) in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/ozark-plugin/inc/plugins/kirki/core/class-kirki-field.php on line 325

    Thread Starter The Shopkeeper


    This is the message I get in the dashboard:

    I’m not able to show you a screenshot of the message in the Plugins section since I already upgraded it, but it basically gives me the general message saying the plugin failed to update.

    Also, it’s 22 plugins, not 13. But they all update fine automatically except this one.

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    Oldest: 2023-01-20 21:21:17 +0000
    Newest: 2023-01-20 21:21:17 +0000
    Status report information
    Generated at: 2023-01-20 06:40:05 +00:00

    Thread Starter The Shopkeeper


    It was an issue with the theme’s core plugin file. I got it resolved by updating to the latest plugin.

    Thread Starter The Shopkeeper


    I added in that line but I’m still unable to autoupdate just this one plugin. I get the error: Update failed: The update cannot be installed because we will be unable to copy some files. This is usually due to inconsistent file permissions.

    If the file permissions were inconsistent, wouldn’t all the other plugins also fail to autoupdate?

    Thread Starter The Shopkeeper


    I just had to take out the admin.php?page= part.


    Any updates on this? I’d rather just update through once the final is out. Getting the same REST api error btw.

    Thread Starter The Shopkeeper



    Here’s the screenshot.

    Thread Starter The Shopkeeper


    @simplysaru Yes, every other plugin from gets updated automatically except this one. I can try to install an older version of the plugin in order to make that error pop up and get the screenshot. Do you know where I can download an older version?

    Thread Starter The Shopkeeper


    @simplysaru I have WordFence which has a firewall included, but I haven’t set any special rules for those types of links. Every other plugin I have auto updates except for this one, so I’m not sure if the firewall is the issue.

    Thread Starter The Shopkeeper


    @simplysaru I downloaded it from My problem isn’t that I’m not seeing the update notifications. My problem is that the updates are giving me errors causing me to update manually via ftp.

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