Hello, i ahve just installed MyBB for 3 different times, all of them perfect installation, MyBB works fine and Wp too as long as by themselves. As soon as i try to activate WordBB, I get the following error which shuts down all my site. How to solve this issue and make WordBB work to join WP and MyBB?
‘”WordPress database error Table ‘cpmrgmt_mutismoselectivocom.mybb_settings’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT name,value FROM mybb_settings made by activate_plugin, include, wordbb_init, _wordbb_get_mybb_settings
WordPress database error Table ‘cpmrgmt_mutismoselectivocom.mybb_forums’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT fid, name, type FROM mybb_forums WHERE type=’f’ made by activate_plugin, include, wordbb_init, _wordbb_get_forums
WordPress database error Table ‘cpmrgmt_mutismoselectivocom.mybb_users’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT * FROM mybb_users WHERE username=” made by activate_plugin, include, wordbb_init, wordbb_get_user_info_by_username’.