Thanks @ k4kcom, the info you posted helped me out.
I didn’t have much luck with the ‘Photo Express for Google’ plugin. Couldn’t get it to display private albums (I believe my oAuth info was correct.) Seems others have also experienced problems with this plugin under the current G+/Picasa/Google Photos state of flux.
I found an easier way to get the required info. This assumes you are using the Firefox browser with Live Bookmarks enabled. Posting here as it may help others:
1. Authenticate to
2. Type one of the following URLs into the same browser used to authenticate:
To display private albums”>
To display all albums
With FF and ‘Live Bookmarks’ enabled, the XML data will automatically be parsed within the browser page. Your user id will be displayed in a large font at the top of the screen and your albums listed below that.
3. All you need to do now is hover over the album you are interested in, right click and choose ‘Copy Link Location’
4. Paste the link to a text editor and modify it so it is in the correct format as listed in the post above. (i.e.…)