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  • I was surprised by this change – but after learning about it, not a big deal. However, I have a new issue – the checkbox to SHOW the excerpt box is missing … thought maybe it was an issue with the theme I was using, but after activating TwentyTen, same result.

    I have the option to show / hide the excerpt box on Posts … but not on Pages. Was this intended? Why would a page not need an excerpt?

    I am sure I can figure something out – but if there’s a reason Pages don’t have excerpts – let me know. And if there’s a way to get Page excerpts back, I’d appreciate the info.


    I have this working on multisite, however it’s in a subdirectory configuration, not subdomain. My problem in multisite is in creating a new subsite. Since installing W3TC on the site, I cannot get a new subsite to create correctly – it’s remembering widgets from other sections, although no widgets are spec’d in the new subsite – also no matter how many new pages I create, it doesn’t recognize the URL of the new page.

    Are you seeing any of this behavior as well?

    (don’t mean to take over your thread, I just saw you posting multiple WPMS / W3TC questions, so I thought we could discuss.)


    I made the change and it got me past the recognition of WP Super Cache. Then I was trying to Sync Files and received this error:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_mu_plugins() in /nfs/c01/h08/mnt/14148/domains/ on line 50

    I’m going to play with that a bit to see if I can solve it.

    @ Backie – did you mean line 49? My line 49 saya:

    $activePlugins = array_merge( $activePlugins , get_option("active_plugins") );


    $activePlugins = array_keys(get_site_option("active_sitewide_plugins"));

    As you noted above. Please confirm

    Thread Starter craigtommola


    I solved the WPSC recognition issue using a fix posted here:

    But I still need to figure out the settings to do this correctly …

    No charges apply.


    Are you on Media Temple? I realized that the sites which exhibit this problem are on my Media Temple Grid Server … upon downloading and installing locally, the sites work fine.

    While the official MT answer was “once you upgraded past 3.0.2 provided by our one click install, we don’t support it” the tech support rep who helped me stated that he upgraded to 3.0.3 on his MT-GS account and had no issues.

    I think the security fix for WP is a bug for MT, but I cannot seem to get direct support from either company due to the grey area which the problem resides.

    I tested the permalink idea t-p suggests and it doesn’t work for me. As a matter of fact, I tried most routine debugging tactics and found no solution except moving it off the MT GS and installing locally.


    @ t-p …. no one hijacked anything in this thread … it’s titled “Problems with 3.0.3” and we’re all discussing lost or missing functionality in the dashboard / admin after upgrading. Seems exceptionally relevant. Let me know when you’re a moderator and I’ll reconsider. Thanks though.

    Why in the world would I need to increase the memory available for PHP?

    I have a similar situation where functionality is lost – from the admin – after upgrading to 3.0.3 … I have deactivated the theme and reverted to Twenty Ten and still have no results.

    The problem I am experiencing is that I can no longer edit pages in the admin. It states that no pages can be found. The parenthetical page counts behind the all, published, private filter options are correct, showing that I have 1 published page and 9 private pages, but if I click on “Published” to edit, it says “No Pages Found”.

    If I hit “Edit” from the frontend, then I am able to edit the published Page fine with no problems.

    If I choose “Add New Post” the entire right sidebar of the new post page is missing – no categories, tags, etc. No new plugins or themes added since this was all functional. Only change is the upgrade.

    I am in OSX and Safari – latest versions – and I tried Firefox but it’s the same experience.


    Please confirm, if I want to insert the like + counter button in my theme, I would use the following …

    <?php if (function_exists('sfc_like_button')) echo sfc_like_button(array('action'=>'recommend', 'layout'=>'button_count'));?>

    Is that right?


    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: RSS Filter
    Thread Starter craigtommola


    Ouch. I suppose it’s important to remind one’s self there is always more to learn ??

    Thanks for the solution.

    For anyone who stumbles on this, basically, all you need to do is add “feed/” (sans quotes) at the end of the category page URL. Done.

    Thread Starter craigtommola


    Sorry for the lack of due diligence on that one. I was in the midst of cleaning up after a nasty cretin hacked about 30 of my WP sites which I had to clean up ASAP. (johnnyA ring a bell?) Had to basically strip and rebuild all of them myself, and it got a little frantic and chaotic. I posted this in the midst of that.

    Note to self – a developer who suggests that we disable core and plugin notifications so the clients don’t see the alert is actually wrong, regardless of him having more experience than myself.

    Moral of the story, Up to date = good. Out of date = bad. Hunches = Often correct.

    Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post.
    I truly appreciate it.

    Thread Starter craigtommola


    PS – I solved this by using WP o Matic.

    And FYI – it was not for one of those spammy, content fodder chomping automated sites. It was to add the latest industry news to a dentist site from the Academy of General Dentistry.

    I assume that the supposition that I was building a shameless automated aggregator is why I received no responses.

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