Hi @cena,
I’ll try to be more specific…
The problem is not with permalinks neither with 404 error. The 404 is something normal if an URL is deleted or hidden in WPJM case.
The problem here is definitely from the WPJM and I’ll tell you why.
1. the expired jobs will have 404 error only if this box is checked https://prnt.sc/t01b7m
2. the expired jobs will show up again if the box is unchecked (https://prnt.sc/t01ftx) but in wpsearch results as well – which is not the best practice at all.
The ideal would be point 2. with expired jobs not showing up on the wpsearch but if accessed directly through the URL will be like in this example here.
As you can see in the example (from a top job board), the best practice is to keep accessible the expired job but not showing up in search results (on website search).
How we can achieve this with WPJM?