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  • Cam


    Thanks guys.
    I did several things and it began to work.

    The thing I found that probably did it for me was updating jquery.colorbox-min.js to the latest version, since the wordpress update probably replaced their version.

    @primated This particular site of mine doesn’t use the shadowbox plugin, therefore that is why I couldn’t find these settings. Thanks for clarifying.

    @jamessy I tried your fix with the update first and it worked, and then for clarifications sake, I removed it and it still worked. I placed it back because it doesn’t seem to cause any harm and it may help with functionality.

    So for everyone, another fix is to update jquery.colorbox-min.js to the latest version which is available at

    Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.



    Which settings; where did you go to find the settings options?



    You added a link to this post into your global.js file?

    Or is this a mistake?

    I’m having this problem and I’d love to find a fix.

    Thread Starter Cam


    Sure. I just sent you an email related to this as well. ??

    Thread Starter Cam


    WordPress MU is no longer in development. WordPress 3 with multisite capabilities is what has replaced wpmu.
    I don’t know about backpress but I imagine it is in a similar boat.
    If you are running a WordPress 3 site, then the lack of wpmu support shouldn’t bother you.

    Thread Starter Cam



    Since this is a different issue/inquiry, you may want to start a new thread. I’d love to help you figure this out, but this configuration is above my ability level.
    Thanks for asking, and I’m sure there are others like Ron here on the forum who can help.

    Have a great day!


    Thread Starter Cam


    I just removed the site #1 from db_c (since it is in the global db) and everything appears to work properly. The only thing I notice is that the partition column in the sites menu still shows it in db_c when it really isn’t, but this is a minor issue in my mind. ??

    Thanks Ron (@wpmuguru) for all your help and I will mark this issue resolved. (Isn’t it nice to have resolved support topics. ??

    Thread Starter Cam


    Currently my host is experiencing difficulties, so I can’t access my site. (Grr for those reasons.) When I get it back up I will experiment and remove Site #1 from db_c and see if it breaks anything. Does the migration tool check for this–or is there even a way to check for this? May be worth adding a feature or option to avoid the main site from being moved to the wrong spot when global migration gets incorporated.

    Thanks for the clarification on how MU differs from the new network.

    Thread Starter Cam


    FYI for future onlookers, db.php is installed after using the migration tool. This was not in the documentation very clearly (at least for me), however the documentation may be updated to reflect a clearer installation:

    Here is the steps I took to install SharDB:

    1. Create database structure per the instructions document:
      All db should have the same username and password as your source db (as configured in wp-config.php)
      Global db should end with ‘global’
      Databases should end with a one/two/three md5 hash suffix. (Meaning 0-9 and a-f for a 1 md5 hash suffix) and the same prefix as you will specify in the db-settings.php file
      My example db names are:
      Prefix: mydb_
      Databases: mydb_global, mydb_0, mydb_1, mydb_2, …, mydb_9, mydb_a, mydb_b, …, mydb_f.
      (Seventeen tables total for a hash_length = 1 scenario. Also include a table that ends with home or vip1, vip2, etc. if you intend to use those features.
    2. Open db-settings.php and configure the file to your settings.
      For me, uncommenting the first three options [hash_length/prefix/dataset] and making sure that the section is uncommented (no /* & */ on either end. Use visual editor that is color-coded if in doubt) were all I used. May be more complex if you are utilizing more features.
    3. Install db-settings.php in same directory as wp-config.php.
    4. Add line: require('db-settings.php'); in wp-config.php right above the line: /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
    5. Install shardb-admin.php in wp-contents/mu-plugins/ [create directory if it doesn’t exist].
    6. Log in and use the migrate tool to migrate your database (currently Tools–>SharDB Migration or something like this)
    7. With the migration tool working properly it should proceed automatically through your sites. (This was something I wasn’t aware of and spent lots of time creating blank tables).
    8. Install the db.php file in the wp-contents directory.
    9. Locate the global db tables and export them from your source db and import them into your global db. (Ron has mentioned adding this into a future version of the migration tool, but currently this is a necessary step if you are moving to a completely new db structure.)
    10. Update the DB_NAME field in wp-config.php to your new global db.

    With what has been noted above as current temporary code issues that will be resolved, these are the steps I took to install and configure SharDB. Hope this helps anyone who may currently be struggling with installing/configuring this plugin.

    Thanks Ron (@wpmuguru) for a great plugin and if this is helpful/useful, feel free to copy/paste/add/edit any of these instructions into the documentation to help others. ??



    I just found this post again after being away for a while. Currently I am using a paid plugin WP Replicator by Ron and/or Andrea. It does a simple duplication and was definitely worth the price. It copies all but two or three different things over but all plugin settings and things that I was looking for with duplicating was included. (I easily duplicated one template 200 times for the application I was using it for.)
    Hope this helps those who are interested, and this plugin is significantly cheaper than WPMUDEV’s option.

    Thread Starter Cam


    Hi Ron,
    Per your suggestion the following lines are modified in shardb-admin.php:
    Line 41 is now:
    remove_action( 'manage_sites_custom_column', 'shardb_blog_field' );

    Line 54 is now:
    add_action( 'manage_sites_custom_column', 'shardb_blog_field', 10, 3 );

    With these two changes, #3 is fixed.

    #2 and all links to & from seem to work properly while I have blog id 1’s tables included in global db, however, the database column (that now works) says that this blog is in db_c.

    This seems to be the only remaining potential issue. Thank you for all your assistance. ??

    Thread Starter Cam


    This is a 3.0.x install that was upgraded to 3.1. WPMU has never been involved. (funny thing is that, I started my website the day that WP 3 came out–the root site that is. This Multisite that is several directories deeper into the site was started later, probably with 3.0.2 or 3.0.3 and was upgraded.)

    Thanks for the update.



    I’m totally with you guys on this. I am wanting to use wordpress to create a large content management system (300+ blogs) in a MU configuration and have them all set with the same settings (plugins, settings, posts/pages, etc.) It would be simpler to duplicate then modify, vs. starting from scratch each time and trying to remember all the individual settings.

    Any plugins that could help with this? Is there a feature request area we could request this in?

    Thanks in advance for your help.


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