Hey there,
Did you really have a successful import with WP importer 2.0? Could you please make another test import with WP importer 2.0…
I see what I did here. In my original test while I had WP Importer 2.0 installed and activated, I still had the WP Importer 0.63 installed and activated – which actually gives you an import screen that looks like this
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I assumed that was a temp UI for WP Importer 2.0 ??
I see now that I’ve deactivated WP Importer 0.63 that WP Importer 2.0 has a much better UI. I also now see that the Elementor import failure issue persists with WP Importer 2.0 (clearly in my original test when I still had both Importer plugins active, the original importer must have completed the import).
Ok so now it would appear the issue is with WP Importer 2.0 not correctly importing Elementor postmeta. Hmmm – not sure what to do now – I guess I could throw it up as a github issue for WP Importer 2.0? I’m sure the Elementor guys will be very worried if their postmeta will not be compatible with the new WP importer!