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  • Okay seems like this was a caching issue for me, after clearing the entire cache, the datepicker seemed to be fine. Sorry for the confusion.

    Okay, so I’ve disabled all plugins and switched to the 2011 theme, and the date picker is still not working.

    Edit: going to do a fresh install of the plug in and report back.

    Edit: It really seems as though no js is loading in the admin area of the Events Manager. Does anyone know what could cause something like this? When I switch back to version 4.15 of the plugin, everything works fine for the date picker, however there are db errors with the newest version of WordPress.

    Having the same issue, datepicker is not displaying in the admin section when adding an event. I have tried switching to default themes with no luck.

    Not using many plugins, list of plugins is:

    • Google Analyticator
    • No Self Pings
    • RB Internal Links
    • TinyMCE Advanced
    • WordPress SEO

    Also, no JS errors are appearing in the console on the page.

    Edit: Also, have tried this in Chrome and FF, clearing the cache completely in FF and this is still not working.

    Thread Starter creativelifeform


    Okay, just deactivated then reactivated the plug in (as well as Tiny MCE Advanced) and that seemed to fix it!

    Thread Starter creativelifeform


    hmm have just noticed that my wordpress native “upload/insert media” button is also kind of bugged. Not sure what is going on, I just get a blank box in the modal dialog window.

    Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: the_category() issue
    Thread Starter creativelifeform


    Hmm I’ve solved it like this

    $category = get_the_category();
                foreach($category as $cat)
                    echo '<a href="'.get_category_link($cat->term_id ).'">'.$cat->cat_name.'</a> ';

    Not sure what was happening with the other function but there it is.

    Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: the_category() issue
    Thread Starter creativelifeform


    The problem seems to happen when using a separator. If I call the function like this:

    <?php the_category('','multiple',$post->ID);?>

    The result is normal (but no separator). If I do this:

    <?php the_category(' ','multiple',$post->ID);?>

    I get only one category listed.

    Thread Starter creativelifeform


    Sure here you go

    this was built using the older version of the plug in though.

    Thread Starter creativelifeform


    Ah! got it, sorry.

    Okay so it was just an issue with the directories. It was the right file (locationmap.php) but it should be like this:



    Thread Starter creativelifeform


    I read the docs. Still can’t figure this one out. Does EM_Location() take a width argument? I can see a template inside of the original /templates directory (/templates/placeholders/locationmap.php) is this the file that needs to be edited? If so, should this go inside of mytheme/plugins/events-manager/templates/placeholders or just mytheme/plugins/events-manager/templates/

    Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: Add simple button to Tiny MCE
    Thread Starter creativelifeform


    Hi Jackson, that’s actually a pretty good solution! We’ve decided to do this via tags however now, so if a post has a specific tag, a specific sidebar element is shown. Thanks for the tip though this might come in handy for something else.

    Thread Starter creativelifeform


    Solved this, the problem was using this. As IE sucks, you need to use $(this) so here is the final code:

    (function(a){||{version:"v1.2.5"},{conf:{effect:"toggle",fadeOutSpeed:"fast",predelay:0,delay:30,opacity:1,tip:0,position:["top","center"],offset:[0,0],relative:!1,cancelDefault:!0,events:{def:"mouseenter,mouseleave",input:"focus,blur",widget:"focus mouseenter,blur mouseleave",tooltip:"mouseenter,mouseleave"},layout:"<div/>",tipClass:"tooltip"},addEffect:function(a,c,d){b[a]=[c,d]}};var b={toggle:[function(a){var b=this.getConf(),c=this.getTip(),d=b.opacity;d<1&&c.css({opacity:d}),,},function(a){this.getTip().hide(),}],fade:[function(a){var b=this.getConf();this.getTip().fadeTo(b.fadeInSpeed,b.opacity,a)},function(a){this.getTip().fadeOut(this.getConf().fadeOutSpeed,a)}]};function c(b,c,d){var e=d.relative?b.position().top:b.offset().top,f=d.relative?b.position().left:b.offset().left,g=d.position[0];e-=c.outerHeight()-d.offset[0],f+=b.outerWidth()+d.offset[1],/iPad/i.test(navigator.userAgent)&&(e-=a(window).scrollTop());var h=c.outerHeight()+b.outerHeight();g=="center"&&(e+=h/2),g=="bottom"&&(e+=h),g=d.position[1];var i=c.outerWidth()+b.outerWidth();g=="center"&&(f-=i/2),g=="left"&&(f-=i);return{top:e,left:f}}function d(d,e){var f=this,g=d.add(f),h,i=0,j=0,k=d.attr("title"),l=d.attr("data-tooltip"),m=b[e.effect],n,":input"),p=o&&":checkbox, :radio, select, :button, :submit"),q=d.attr("type"),[q]||[o?p?"widget":"input":"def"];if(!m)throw"Nonexistent effect \""+e.effect+"\"";r=r.split(/,\s*/);if(r.length!=2)throw"Tooltip: bad events configuration for "+q;d.bind(r[0],function(a){clearTimeout(i),e.predelay?j=setTimeout(function(){},e.predelay)}).bind(r[1],function(a){clearTimeout(j),e.delay?i=setTimeout(function(){f.hide(a)},e.delay):f.hide(a)}),k&&e.cancelDefault&&(d.removeAttr("title"),"title",k)),a.extend(f,{show:function(b){if(!h){l?h=a(l):e.tip?h=a(e.tip).eq(0):k?h=a(e.layout).addClass(e.tipClass).appendTo(document.body).hide().append(k):(,h.length||(h=d.parent().next()));if(!h.length)throw"Cannot find tooltip for "+d}if(f.isShown())return f;h.stop(!0,!0);var o=c(d,h,e);e.tip&&h.html("title")),b=b||a.Event(),b.type="onBeforeShow",g.trigger(b,[o]);if(b.isDefaultPrevented())return f;o=c(d,h,e),h.css({position:"absolute",,left:o.left}),n=!0,m[0].call(f,function(){b.type="onShow",n="full",g.trigger(b)});var,\s*/);"__set")||(h.bind(p[0],function(){clearTimeout(i),clearTimeout(j)}),p[1]&&!"input:not(:checkbox, :radio), textarea")&&h.bind(p[1],function(a){a.relatedTarget!=d[0]&&d.trigger(r[1].split(" ")[0])}),"__set",!0));return f},hide:function(c){if(!h||!f.isShown())return f;c=c||a.Event(),c.type="onBeforeHide",g.trigger(c);if(!c.isDefaultPrevented()){n=!1,b[e.effect][1].call(f,function(){c.type="onHide",g.trigger(c)});return f}},isShown:function(a){return a?n=="full":n},getConf:function(){return e},getTip:function(){return h},getTrigger:function(){return d}}),a.each("onHide,onBeforeShow,onShow,onBeforeHide".split(","),function(b,c){a.isFunction(e[c])&&a(f).bind(c,e[c]),f[c]=function(b){b&&a(f).bind(c,b);return f}})}a.fn.tooltip=function(b){var"tooltip");if(c)return c;b=a.extend(!0,{},,b),typeof b.position=="string"&&(b.position=b.position.split(/,?\s/)),this.each(function(){c=new d(a(this),b),a(this).data("tooltip",c)});return b.api?c:this}})(jQuery);
    	/* Calendar AJAX */
                $(".eventful[title]").tooltip({position:"bottom center"});
            $('.em-calendar .eventful').mouseenter(function()
            $('.em-calendar .eventful').mouseleave(function()
    	$('.em-calendar-wrapper a').unbind("click");
    	$('.em-calendar-wrapper a').die("click");
    	$('a.em-calnav, a.em-calnav').live('click', function(e)
                if($('em-loading') )
                $(this).closest('.em-calendar-wrapper').prepend('<div class="loading" id="em-loading"></div>');
                var url = em_ajaxify($(this).attr('href'));
                $(this).closest('.em-calendar-wrapper').load(url, function()
                        if($.browser.msie == true && $.browser.version != "9.0")
                        $('.em-calendar .eventful').mouseenter(function()
                        $('.em-calendar .eventful').mouseleave(function()
                            $(".eventful[title]").tooltip({position:"bottom center"});
    	} );
    Thread Starter creativelifeform


    Okay running into a sight issue with IE<9 (of course). The problem is that the tool tips will not appear once an ajax load for the calendar has been fired. I can’t quite understand why though as I am re adding the events after the calendar loads. Here’s my code, again I’m not a jQuery user so please excuse any messiness:

    /* Calendar AJAX */
                $(".eventful[title]").tooltip({position:"bottom center"});
            $('.em-calendar .eventful').mouseenter(function()
            $('.em-calendar .eventful').mouseleave(function()
    	$('.em-calendar-wrapper a').unbind("click");
    	$('.em-calendar-wrapper a').die("click");
    	$('a.em-calnav, a.em-calnav').live('click', function(e)
                if($('em-loading') )
                $(this).closest('.em-calendar-wrapper').prepend('<div class="loading" id="em-loading"></div>');
                var url = em_ajaxify($(this).attr('href'));
                $(this).closest('.em-calendar-wrapper').load(url, function()
                        $('.em-calendar .eventful').mouseenter(function()
                        $('.em-calendar .eventful').mouseleave(function()
                            $(".eventful[title]").tooltip({position:"bottom center"});
    	} );

    Any ideas? note: .e-tip is just a class I have for styling, you could use .eventful I guess.

    Thread Starter creativelifeform


    Oh right! Thanks Marcus I will check it out.

    Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: IP based redirect
    Thread Starter creativelifeform


    Okay have modified the code to use Javascript redirection (eventhough I think that is lame), just replace the header function with this

            <script type="text/javascript">window.location = ""</script>
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