Forum Replies Created
Hi Johan, i didn’t get the chance to try the new version because of lots of work. Besides, this week we launch our new website! I hope I ‘ll find time to test the new version on the server of development next week.
Regarding your *Rant mode on* :=) …I understand what your are feeling. I think many people forget notify their answers via email for feedback.
To be honest with you, so far, I have never clicked on works button just because I never think about it. Nevertheless I am trying to fix the problem with fix or relay bug.
Maybe we need to be more grateful toward s developers. ?Thank you for your great contribution and I hope you’ll keep working with us to maintain your plugin and bring us your ideas and improvements we could lead.
Thanks very much Johan, it’s a pleasure to contribute for your plugin ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CPT-onomies: Using Custom Post Types as Taxonomies] Add support for WPMLany news ?
Have you tried my fix ?
Hi Johan,
i found exactly where the problem comes from but i don’t know why ?
it seems the while doesn’t works correctly and try to rewrite some parameters for posts, i try to put reset wp_query but no result, i fixed the problem to using foreach instead while in popup.php :$args = array('post_type' => 'content_block','suppress_filters' => 0, 'numberposts' => -1, 'order' => ASC); $custom_post_widget_lists = get_posts($args); foreach($custom_post_widget_lists as $custom_post_widget_list) { if(isset($custom_post_id)){ $currentID = $custom_post_widget_list->ID; } $currentID = get_the_ID(); if($currentID == $custom_post_id) $extra = 'selected' and $widgetExtraTitle = get_the_title(); else $extra = ''; echo '<option value="'.$custom_post_widget_list->ID.'" '.$extra.'>'.$custom_post_widget_list->post_title.'</option>'; }
PS : me too, i use Advanced custom fields, this bug appears only on WP 3.5 and maybe when you have ACF installed, but it strange because in WP 3.4.2 and last ACF installed no problem all is working.
ok, in fact the bug comes from the Query post and conditional if
<?php query_posts('post_type=content_block&orderby=ID&order=ASC&showposts=-1'); if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); $currentID = get_the_ID(); if($currentID == $custom_post_id) $extra = 'selected' and $widgetExtraTitle = get_the_title(); else $extra = ''; echo '<option value="'.$currentID.'" '.$extra.'>'.get_the_title().'</option>'; endwhile; else: echo '<option value="empty">' . __('No content blocks available', 'custom-post-widget') . '</option>'; endif; ?>
i found a way, the problem comes from post-widget.php at the end for add_action(‘admin_footer’, ‘add_content_block_popup’);
if you disable this, the featured image works again. I suspect the bug comes from popup.php
i get the same problems, maybe it’s come from the same name for an function ?
Actually, when you go in nav-menus.php, the title of archive post type archive link isn’t translate in good language, it stay with the main language.
Install CPT-onomies or WP-types, create a custom post type and after come in nav-menus.php
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CPT-onomies: Using Custom Post Types as Taxonomies] Add support for WPMLHi, have you integrated WPML support with 1.2 version ?
Stop to use this plugin because there are a lot of bugs with native upload and Medialibrary. This plugin isn’t compatible with WordPress 3.5.
I advise you to use : Plugins
In reply to: [CPT-onomies: Using Custom Post Types as Taxonomies] Add support for WPMLGood news Rachel, if you want some helps, tell me ??
Well i try but no effect
Yeah exactly, cpt_onomy_tt1.term_taxonom_id doesn’t find all taxomoy_id
i must get this for French langauge
AND ( cpt_onomy_tt1.term_taxonomy_id IN (5,6,7,8,9)and for English language
AND ( cpt_onomy_tt1.term_taxonomy_id IN (12,13,14,15,16)
but with CPT i get this
AND ( cpt_onomy_tt1.term_taxonomy_id IN (12)That’s why it’s strange. I translate all my categories in two languages
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Filter] Add support with WPML to filter in other languageGreat news ??