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  • Thread Starter Chris


    There may be a shortcode that allows you to assign a time to the end of the promotion to products by setting a rule, because that’s what my countdown to the end of the promotion is based on. At the moment, I can set the time to the end of the promotion in discount rules, but it doesn’t include it for a given product as the time to the end of the promotion, so I have to manually set the time to the end of the promotion in the product anyway.

    Thread Starter Chris


    I managed to fix it. The problem was that I think there was an error in the blocks, I deleted the whole block and made it again, maybe there were 2 forms blocks inside each other?

    I made the section again and it works.

    Thread Starter Chris


    Hi, thanks for the quick reply.
    I have everything set up as in the screenshots, but on the front end it shows me a notification:

    “Form action is missing, please assign form action into this form.”

    That’s strange because I also have other subpages with forms and they work, I also tried to copy the code from these subpages to another one and it doesn’t work.

    Thread Starter Chris



    However, I had to create a unique code that automatically works in every form, here is the code, I hope it helps someone. I am working on a lowered version of the plugin because there is still an error with tags in the form itself, it would be great if support could solve this because the plugin is generally great.

    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    // Poczekaj na pe?ne za?adowanie DOM
    setTimeout(function() {
    // Znajd? wszystkie pola z klas? wpcf7-mailpoetsignup
    const mailpoetFields = document.querySelectorAll('.wpcf7-form-control.wpcf7-mailpoetsignup');

    mailpoetFields.forEach(function(field) {
    // Znajd? checkbox w obr?bie danego pola
    const checkbox = field.querySelector('input[type="checkbox"]');
    // Znajd? ukryte pole powi?zane z checkboxem
    const hiddenField = field.querySelector('input[type="hidden"]');

    if (checkbox && hiddenField) {
    // Zachowaj oryginaln? warto?? hiddenField
    const originalValue = hiddenField.value;

    // Funkcja do obs?ugi zmiany stanu checkboxa
    function handleCheckboxChange() {
    if (checkbox.checked) {
    // Je?li checkbox jest zaznaczony, ustaw warto?? hiddenField
    hiddenField.value = originalValue;
    } else {
    // Je?li checkbox nie jest zaznaczony, usuń warto?? hiddenField
    hiddenField.value = "";

    // Nas?uchuj zmiany stanu checkboxa
    checkbox.addEventListener('change', handleCheckboxChange);

    // Ustaw stan pocz?tkowy na podstawie tego, czy checkbox jest zaznaczony
    }, 100); // Opó?nienie 100ms, aby poczeka? na za?adowanie warto?ci

    Add-on Contact Form 7 – Mailpoet 3 – 1.3.21

    Contact Form 7 – 5.8.3

    MailPoet – 4.58.2 (in the higher version there is a problem with tags and a critical error occurs wherever there are forms)

    • This reply was modified 4 months ago by Chris.
    Thread Starter Chris



    After updating the issue, I also found the error here

    /public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6022 -> /public_html/wp-includes/class-wpdb.php on line 1478 ->

      global $wpdb;

          $tablename = esc_sql($wpdb->prefix . 'ee_product_feed');

          $sql = $wpdb->prepare("select * from
    $tablename ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1", array());

          $result = $wpdb->get_results($sql);

          if ((isset($tvc_add_data_admin_notice['google_merchant_id']) && $tvc_add_data_admin_notice['google_merchant_id'] != '')

            && is_array($result) && isset(end($result)->feed_name) && end($result)->feed_name != 'Default Feed'

            && isset(end($result)->is_mapping_update) && end($result)->is_mapping_update == '0'

          ) {

            $link_title = "Click here to create.";

            $content = "Attention: Your GMC (Google Merchant Center) account is successfully connected, but it appears that you have not processed your product feed yet.";

            $status = "1";

            $link = "admin.php?page=conversios-google-shopping-feed&tab=feed_list";

            $this->tvc_add_admin_notice("no_product_sync", $content, $status, $link_title, $link, "", "", "9", "no_product_sync");

          } else {

            $link_title = "Click here to create.";

            $content = "Attention: Your GMC (Google Merchant Center) account is successfully connected, but it appears that you have not processed your product feed yet.";

            $status = "0";

            $link = "admin.php?page=conversios-google-shopping-feed&tab=feed_list";

            $this->tvc_dismiss_admin_notice("no_product_sync", $content, $status, $link_title, $link);

    correct code

         //if user has linked google merchant center account and not synced any product.

          global $wpdb;

          $tablename = esc_sql($wpdb->prefix . 'ee_product_feed');

          $sql = "SELECT * FROM
    $tablename ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1";

          $result = $wpdb->get_results($sql);

          if ((isset($tvc_add_data_admin_notice['google_merchant_id']) && $tvc_add_data_admin_notice['google_merchant_id'] != '')

              && is_array($result) && isset(end($result)->feed_name) && end($result)->feed_name != 'Default Feed'

              && isset(end($result)->is_mapping_update) && end($result)->is_mapping_update == '0'

          ) {

              $link_title = "Click here to create.";

              $content = "Attention: Your GMC (Google Merchant Center) account is successfully connected, but it appears that you have not processed your product feed yet.";

              $status = "1";

              $link = "admin.php?page=conversios-google-shopping-feed&tab=feed_list";

              $this->tvc_add_admin_notice("no_product_sync", $content, $status, $link_title, $link, "", "", "9", "no_product_sync");

          } else {

              $link_title = "Click here to create.";

              $content = "Attention: Your GMC (Google Merchant Center) account is successfully connected, but it appears that you have not processed your product feed yet.";

              $status = "0";

              $link = "admin.php?page=conversios-google-shopping-feed&tab=feed_list";

              $this->tvc_dismiss_admin_notice("no_product_sync", $content, $status, $link_title, $link);


    • This reply was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by Chris.

    I have exactly the same problem, except that when I first enter the cart, it shows information about free delivery, and when I refresh the page, it shows the correct price for free delivery. The same happens in the cart and on the order page. I tried everything, deactivating plugins, theme and it didn’t help.

    Thread Starter Chris


    Hi, I will manage to get an answer. I have been writing e-mails regarding this matter for several weeks, but I have not received an answer to them either.

    Thread Starter Chris


    I sent you a message some time ago and still haven’t received a reply. Feed still does not work even after updating or disconnecting and reconnecting the account.

    Thread Starter Chris


    TikTok Feed (Beta) 4.2.5

    Thread Starter Chris


    Hi, I managed to solve the transaction registration problem, I wrote a special code that registers the transaction after clicking the pay button, not after returning to the woocommerce_thankyou page.

    Other problems include:

    1. How to update payments that have not been recorded by the plugin I have 544 transactions in Woo and 211 are visible in your plugin.
    Thread Starter Chris


    Thank you for the information.

    However, I have a problem, I was looking for formatting settings in the file range.php but I did not find it.

    I tried to add my code, but it does not work.

    Would you have a moment to help me with that?

    Thread Starter Chris



    I will add that it is only a filter, a dot appears in the ordinary field, but when filtering the price, it shows 240 cities and 240,000 EURO.

    Thread Starter Chris


    Thank you for your reply.
    Unfortunately that’s not it, I set it up before.

    Thread Starter Chris


    Yes! Now it is working ??
    Thank you for fast help ??

    Best regards
    Krystian ?cipień

    Thread Starter Chris


    This is due to some bug after updating the plugin to the latest version.

    I have version 4.4.11 on another site and after using the rollback feed plugin, it works fine, but I don’t know if there will be a problem that has probably been fixed, i.e. the limit of 150 characters, which was set by Facebook.

    Please reply, will it be fixed in the next update?

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