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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] [Plugin: WordPress SEO by Yoast] Great PluginProbably was the doubled title problem. Can you please specify what changes have to be done to the header.php in order to fix that?
If you guys make an option to hide the ratings and show the name, company & website under and to the right of the review, this will be become the best testimonial plugin for wordpress today. For the moment you can just make the ratings optional.
If anybody else needs it, I have managed to import comments from Joomla (Jcomments) with the file modified like this:
<?php global $wpdb; global $CON, $user_id; global $j2wp_mysql_srv, $j2wp_mysql_usr, $j2wp_mysql_pswd, $j2wp_error_flag, $j2wp_user_array, $j2wp_joomla_db_name, $j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix, $j2wp_joomla_web_url, $j2wp_wp_db_name, $j2wp_wp_tb_prefix, $j2wp_wp_web_url; global $j2wp_mysql_vars; require_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/registration.php'); // functions i8mported function j2wp_get_post_id_for_joomla_id( $id ) { global $CON; $j2wp_wp_tb_prefix = get_option('j2wp_wp_tb_prefix'); $j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix = get_option('j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix'); $id_numeric = intval( $id ); // get title and creation date/time in WP $j2wp_title = ''; $j2wp_date_created = ''; j2wp_do_wp_connect(); $query = 'SELECT post_title, post_date FROM ' . $j2wp_wp_tb_prefix . 'posts WHERE id = ' . $id_numeric; $result = mysql_query($query, $CON); if ( !$result ) echo mysql_error(); while ( $wp_row = mysql_fetch_array($result) ) { $j2wp_title = $wp_row['post_title']; $j2wp_date_created = $wp_row['post_date']; } // get post_id from Joomla for same title and creation date/time j2wp_do_joomla_connect(); $query = 'SELECT id FROM ' . $j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix . 'content WHERE title = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($j2wp_title) . '" AND created = "' . $j2wp_date_created . '"'; $result = mysql_query($query, $CON); if ( !$result ) echo mysql_error(); while ( $joomla_row = mysql_fetch_array($result) ) { $post_id = $joomla_row['id']; } return $post_id; } function j2wp_process_comments_by_post($joomla_id, $wp_id) { global $wpdb, $CON; j2wp_do_joomla_connect(); $j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix = get_option('j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix'); $contentid = intval($joomla_id); $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix . "jcomments WHERE object_id = '" . $contentid . "' ORDER BY id"; $result = mysql_query($query, $CON); if ( !$result ) echo mysql_error(); $wp_comments = array(); $comment_counter = 0; while($R = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { if ( mysql_error() ) echo mysql_error(); set_time_limit(0); $wp_comments[] = array( 'comment_post_ID' => $wp_id, 'comment_author' => $R->name, 'comment_author_email' => $R->email, 'comment_author_url' => $R->homepage, 'comment_author_IP' => $R->ip, 'comment_date' => $R->date, 'comment_content' => $R->comment, 'comment_approved' => '1', 'comment_agent' => '', 'comment_type' => '', 'comment_parent' => 0, 'user_id' => 0, ); $comment_counter++; set_time_limit(0); } mysql_free_result($result); j2wp_do_wp_connect(); foreach ( $wp_comments as $item ) { wp_insert_comment( $item ); } return $comment_counter; } function throwERROR($msg) { echo '<br />' . $msg . '<br />' . "\n"; return; } function j2wp_prepare_mig( $func ) { global $j2wp_error_flag; flush(); ob_flush(); if ( is_array($func) ) { $sel_values = $func; $func = 2; } // check if Plugin Options are set if ( !((strlen(get_option( 'j2wp_mysql_srv' )) != 0) AND (strlen(get_option( 'j2wp_mysql_usr' )) != 0) AND (strlen(get_option( 'j2wp_mysql_pswd' )) != 0) AND (strlen(get_option( 'j2wp_joomla_db_name' )) != 0) AND (strlen(get_option( 'j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix' )) != 0) AND (strlen(get_option( 'j2wp_wp_db_name' )) != 0) AND (strlen(get_option( 'j2wp_wp_tb_prefix' )) != 0)) ) { $j2wp_error_flag = -70000; } else { switch ( $func ) { case 1: j2wp_print_output_page(); // get all cats from joomla $joomla_cats = j2wp_get_joomla_cats(); echo '<br /> Found ' . count($joomla_cats) . ' Categories...<br /><br />' . "\n"; flush(); j2wp_do_mig( $joomla_cats ); break; case 2: j2wp_print_output_page(); ob_end_flush(); // get all cats from joomla $joomla_cats = j2wp_get_joomla_cats(); $joomla_temp_cats = array(); foreach ( $sel_values as $val ) { $joomla_temp_cats[] = array( 'id' => $joomla_cats[$val]['id'], 'title' => $joomla_cats[$val]['title'] ); } j2wp_do_mig( $joomla_temp_cats ); break; } $j2wp_error_flag = 0; } return $j2wp_error_flag; } function j2wp_do_mig( $joomla_cats ) { global $wpdb, $CON, $user_id; global $j2wp_mysql_srv, $j2wp_mysql_usr, $j2wp_mysql_pswd, $j2wp_user_array, $j2wp_joomla_db_name, $j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix, $j2wp_joomla_web_url, $j2wp_wp_db_name, $j2wp_wp_tb_prefix, $j2wp_wp_web_url; $mtime = microtime(); $mtime_start = explode(' ',$mtime); // setting timelimit if ( function_exists('set_time_limit') ) { ignore_user_abort(1); set_time_limit(0); } else _e( '<br />Warning: can not execute set_time_limit() script may abort...<br />', 'joomla2wp'); if ( !$CON ) $CON = j2wp_do_mysql_connect(); // migrate all users $j2wp_user_array = j2wp_mig_users(); // check if user adminwp exists $user_name = 'adminwp'; $user_id = username_exists( $user_name ); if ( !$user_id ) { $random_password = wp_generate_password( 12, false ); $user_id = wp_create_user( $user_name, $random_password, $user_email ); } echo '<h4>Content Migration</h4><br />' . "\n"; // create categories in wp and fill category field $mig_cat_array = j2wp_create_cat_wp( $joomla_cats ); // j2wp_joomla_wp_posts_by_cat( $mig_cat_array[10], 10, $user_id ); $index = 0; foreach ( $joomla_cats as $jcat ) { // for each category in joomla process all posts j2wp_joomla_wp_posts_by_cat( $mig_cat_array[$index], $index, $user_id ); $index++; } // migration of pages echo '<br />' . "\n"; echo '<b><i>migrating pages</i></b>....<br /><br />' . "\n"; j2wp_mig_pages($j2wp_user_array); $mtime = microtime(); $mtime_end = explode(' ',$mtime); $totaltime[0] = ($mtime_end[0] - $mtime_start[0]); // microseconds like 0.xxxxxxx $totaltime[1] = ($mtime_end[1] - $mtime_start[1]); echo '<br />' . "\n"; echo 'script execution time: ' . $totaltime[1] . ' seconds <br /><br />'; echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade">'; echo '<strong>Migration done </strong>.</div>'; ob_end_flush(); return; } function j2wp_mig_pages($j2wp_user_array) { global $wpdb, $CON; global $j2wp_user_array; $wp_img_folder = get_option('j2wp_wp_images_folder'); $wp_blog_url = 'https://' . get_option('j2wp_wp_web_url'); if ( !$CON ) $CON = j2wp_do_mysql_connect(); $j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix = get_option('j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix'); j2wp_do_joomla_connect(); $query = "SELECT * FROM <code>" . $j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix . "content</code> WHERE catid = 0 AND state = 1 ORDER BY <code>created</code> "; $result = mysql_query($query, $CON); if ( !$result ) echo mysql_error(); $post_counter = 0; while($R = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { if ( mysql_error() ) echo mysql_error(); set_time_limit(0); // Title is unique so check that it will be used only once if ( $R->alias ) { $tmp = $R->alias; if ( $STORAGE[$tmp] == true ) $R->alias = $R->alias . "-II"; $tmp = $R->alias; $STORAGE[$tmp] = true; } else { $R->alias = sanitize_title($R->title); } if($R->fulltext AND $R->introtext) $post_content = $R->introtext . '<br /><!--more--><br />' . $R->fulltext; elseif($R->introtext AND !$R->fulltext) $post_content = $R->introtext; // Content Filter $post_content = str_replace('<hr id="system-readmore" />',"<!--more-->",$post_content); $post_content = str_replace('<hr id="system-readmore"/>',"<!--more-->",$post_content); // $post_content = str_replace('src="images/','src="/images/',$post_content); // find all normal image tags $pos = 0; while ( !(strpos( $post_content, 'src="images/', $pos) === false) ) { $pos = strpos( $post_content, 'src="images/', $pos) + 12; $pos1= strpos( $post_content, '"', $pos); $j2wp_img_src = substr( $post_content, $pos, ($pos1 - $pos)); if ( $j2wp_img_src != '' ) { $j2wp_img_replace = $wp_blog_url . $wp_img_folder . '/' . $j2wp_img_src; $post_content = substr_replace( $post_content, $j2wp_img_replace, ($pos - 7), ($pos1 - ($pos - 7)) ); } $pos++; } $pos = 0; while ( !(strpos( $post_content, 'src="/images/', $pos) === false) ) { $pos = strpos( $post_content, 'src="/images/', $pos) + 13; $pos1= strpos( $post_content, '"', $pos); $j2wp_img_src = substr( $post_content, $pos, ($pos1 - $pos)); if ( !empty($j2wp_img_src) ) { $j2wp_img_replace = $wp_blog_url . $wp_img_folder . '/' . $j2wp_img_src; $post_content = substr_replace( $post_content, $j2wp_img_replace, ($pos - 8), ($pos1 - ($pos - 8)) ); } $pos++; } // find all {mosimage} and replace $image_string = '{mosimage}'; $img_cnt = substr_count( $post_content, $image_string); if ( $img_cnt ) { $images = $R->images; $images = str_replace( "\r\n", '|', $images); $images = explode("|", $images); $field_cnt = count($images) / $img_cnt; for ( $i=0; $i < $img_cnt; $i++ ) { $indx = $i * $field_cnt; $filename = $images[$indx + 0]; $images_items[$i]['filename'] = ltrim($filename); $images_items[$i]['align'] = $images[$indx + 1]; $images_items[$i]['title'] = $images[$indx + 2]; $images_items[$i]['3'] = $images[$indx + 3]; $images_items[$i]['alt'] = $images[$indx + 4]; $images_items[$i]['5'] = $images[$indx + 5]; $images_items[$i]['6'] = $images[$indx + 6]; $images_items[$i]['7'] = $images[$indx + 7]; // asterisk.png|left|Mambo Logo|1|Mambo Flower Logo|bottom|center|120 } $pos = 0; $indx = 0; while( !(strpos( $post_content, $image_string, $pos) === false) ) { $images_replace = '<img src="' . $wp_blog_url . $wp_img_folder . '/'. $images_items[$indx]['filename'] .'"' .' align="'. $images_items[$indx]['align'] .'" title="'. $images_items[$indx]['title'] .'" alt="'. $images_items[$indx]['title'] .'"/>'; $pos = strpos( $post_content, $image_string, $pos); $post_content = substr_replace( $post_content, $images_replace, $pos, 10); $pos++; $indx++; } } // get username foreach ( $j2wp_user_array as $joomla_user ) { if ( $joomla_user['id'] == $R->created_by ) { $user_id = $joomla_user['wp_id']; break; } } $j2wp_pages[] = array( 'post_author' => $user_id, 'post_content' => $post_content, 'post_date' => $R->created, 'post_date_gmt' => $R->created, 'post_modified' => $R->modified, 'post_modified_gmt' => $R->modified, 'post_title' => $R->title, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'comment_status' => 'open', 'ping_status' => 'open', 'post_name' => $R->alias, 'tags_input' => $R->metakey, 'post_type' => 'page' ); $page_tags[] = $R->metakey; $page_images[] = $R->images; set_time_limit(0); } mysql_free_result($result); // insert pages to wp $j2wp_wp_tb_prefix = get_option('j2wp_wp_tb_prefix'); j2wp_do_wp_connect(); $cnt = 0; foreach ( $j2wp_pages as $j2wp_page ) { $id = wp_insert_post( $j2wp_page ); // add attachments to the page $joomla_img_folder = get_option('j2wp_joomla_images_folder'); $joomla_path = get_option('j2wp_joomla_images_path'); $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $pos = strpos( $upload_dir['basedir'], '/wp-content/uploads'); $j2wp_base_dir = substr($upload_dir['basedir'], 0, $pos); $j2wp_wp_img_dir = $j2wp_base_dir . get_option('j2wp_wp_images_folder'); $array_count = count($page_images[$cnt]); $images_count = intval($array_count / 6); $images = explode("|", $page_images[$cnt]); $images_items = array(); for ( $i=0; $i < $images_count; $i++ ) { $images_items[$i]['filename'] = $images[$i * 0]; $images_items[$i]['align'] = $images[$i * 1]; $images_items[$i]['title'] = $images[$i * 2]; $images_items[$i]['3'] = $images[$i * 3]; $images_items[$i]['alt'] = $images[$i * 4]; $images_items[$i]['5'] = $images[$i * 5]; $images_items[$i]['6'] = $images[$i * 6]; $images_items[$i]['7'] = $images[$i * 7]; // asterisk.png|left|Mambo Logo|1|Mambo Flower Logo|bottom|center|120 } foreach ( $images_items as $image_item ) { $filename = $j2wp_wp_img_dir . '/' . $image_item['filename']; echo '<br />' . $filename . '<br />'; $wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype(basename($filename), null ); echo '<br />' . $wp_filetype . '<br />'; $attachment = array( 'post_mime_type' => $wp_filetype['type'], 'post_title' => preg_replace('/\.[^.]+$/', '', basename($filename)), 'post_content' => '', 'post_status' => 'inherit' ); $attach_id = wp_insert_attachment( $attachment, $filename, $id ); // you must first include the image.php file // for the function wp_generate_attachment_metadata() to work require_once(ABSPATH . "wp-admin" . '/includes/image.php'); $attach_data = wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $attach_id, $filename ); wp_update_attachment_metadata( $attach_id, $attach_data ); } $cnt++; } if ($cnt) echo 'migrated ' . $cnt . ' pages successfully!<br /><br />' . "\n"; else echo 'No static pages found !!!<br /><br />' . "\n"; return; } function j2wp_mig_users() { global $wpdb, $CON; global $j2wp_user_array; unset($j2wp_user_array); if ( !$CON ) $CON = j2wp_do_mysql_connect(); $j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix = get_option('j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix'); j2wp_do_joomla_connect(); $query = "SELECT id, name, username, email, password, usertype FROM " . $j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix . "users WHERE block = 0 "; $result = mysql_query($query, $CON); if ( !$result ) echo mysql_error(); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $j2wp_user_array[] = array( 'id' => $row['id'], 'name' => $row['name'], 'username' => $row['username'], 'email' => $row['email'], 'password' => $row['password'], 'usertype' => $row['usertype'] ); } mysql_free_result($result); $j2wp_wp_tb_prefix = get_option('j2wp_wp_tb_prefix'); j2wp_do_wp_connect(); echo '<h4>User Migration</h4><br />' . "\n"; $indx = 0; foreach ( $j2wp_user_array as $joomla_user ) { echo 'migrate user: ' . $joomla_user['username'] . ' ---- ' . $joomla_user['usertype'] . '<br />' . "\n"; $user_id = username_exists( $joomla_user['username'] ); if ( $user_id ) { $j2wp_user_array[$indx]['wp_id'] = $user_id; } else { if ( email_exists($joomla_user['email']) AND !empty($joomla_user['email']) ) { echo '<br />ERROR: This users email address already exists - User can not be added !!!<br /><br />'; } else { $random_password = wp_generate_password( 12, false ); if ( empty($joomla_user['email']) ) $ret = wp_create_user( $joomla_user['username'], $random_password); else $ret = wp_create_user( $joomla_user['username'], $random_password, $joomla_user['email'] ); $j2wp_user_array[$indx]['wp_id'] = $ret; } } $indx++; } echo '<br /><br />' . "\n"; return $j2wp_user_array; } function j2wp_create_cat_wp( $joomla_cats ) { global $wpdb, $CON; /* $wp_cats[0] = 236; $wp_cats[1] = 239; $wp_cats[2] = 237; $wp_cats[3] = 233; $wp_cats[4] = 241; $wp_cats[5] = 238; $wp_cats[6] = 240; $wp_cats[7] = 234; $wp_cats[8] = 232; $wp_cats[9] = 235; $wp_cats[10] = 2715; */ $j2wp_wp_tb_prefix = get_option('j2wp_wp_tb_prefix'); j2wp_do_wp_connect(); foreach ( $joomla_cats as $jcat ) { $mig_cat_array[] = array( 'joomla_id' => $jcat['id'], 'joomla_title' => $jcat['title'], 'wp_id' => wp_create_category( $jcat['title'] ), // 'wp_id' => $wp_cats[$index], 'wp_title' => $jcat['title'] ); } return $mig_cat_array; } function j2wp_get_joomla_cats() { global $wpdb, $CON; if ( !$CON ) $CON = j2wp_do_mysql_connect(); $j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix = get_option('j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix'); j2wp_do_joomla_connect(); $query = "SELECT id, title FROM " . $j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix . "categories WHERE section NOT LIKE('com_%') ORDER BY id "; $result = mysql_query($query, $CON); if ( !$result ) echo mysql_error(); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $joomla_cats[] = array( 'id' => $row['id'], 'title' => $row['title'] ); } mysql_free_result($result); return $joomla_cats; } function j2wp_get_post_count( $mig_cat_array ) { global $wpdb, $CON; $j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix = get_option('j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix'); j2wp_do_joomla_connect(); set_time_limit(25); $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM <code>" . $j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix . "content</code> WHERE catid = '" . $mig_cat_array['joomla_id'] . "' ORDER BY <code>created</code> "; $result = mysql_query($query, $CON); if ( !$result ) echo mysql_error(); while($R = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $j2wp_post_count = $R[0]; } mysql_free_result($result); return $j2wp_post_count; } function j2wp_joomla_wp_posts_by_cat( $mig_cat_array, $cat_index, $user_id ) { global $wpdb, $user_id, $CON; $wp_cat_id = $mig_cat_array['wp_id']; echo '<br />' . __('Processing Category: <b>', 'joomla2wp') . $mig_cat_array['joomla_title'] . '</b> ===>'; // first get count of posts in category $j2wp_post_count = j2wp_get_post_count( $mig_cat_array ); _e( ' found ', 'joomla2wp'); echo $j2wp_post_count . ' posts.... <br />'; flush(); ob_flush(); sleep(1); // if there are too many posts - split to parts $working_rounds = 1; if ( $j2wp_post_count > 400 ) { $working_rounds = ceil($j2wp_post_count / 200); // $working_rounds = 1; $working_steps = ' 200'; $working_pos = 0; } else { $working_steps = ' 400'; $working_pos = 0; } // process all posts in steps for ( $i = 0; $i < $working_rounds; $i++) { set_time_limit(0); $result_array = j2wp_process_posts_by_step( $mig_cat_array, $working_steps, $working_pos, $user_id); sleep(1); $working_pos = $working_pos + $working_steps; $sql_query = $result_array[0]; $wp_posts = $result_array[1]; $post_tags = $result_array[2]; $post_images = $result_array[3]; j2wp_insert_posts_to_wp( $sql_query, $wp_posts, $post_tags, $post_images, $wp_cat_id ); } return; } function j2wp_insert_posts_to_wp( $sql_query, $wp_posts, $post_tags, $post_images, $wp_cat_id ) { global $wpdb, $user_id, $CON; set_time_limit(0); $j2wp_wp_tb_prefix = get_option('j2wp_wp_tb_prefix'); j2wp_do_wp_connect(); $count = 0; foreach ($wp_posts as $j2wp_post) // foreach ($sql_query as $query) { if ( (($count % 50) == 0) ) echo '.'; set_time_limit(0); // set timeout values $query_cmd = "SET net_read_timeout = 18000;"; $query_rc = mysql_query($query_cmd, $CON); if ( mysql_error() ) echo mysql_error(); $query_cmd = "SET net_write_timeout = 18000;"; $query_rc = mysql_query($query_cmd, $CON); if ( mysql_error() ) echo mysql_error(); // // old way with native sql call /* set_time_limit(0); $query_rc = mysql_query($query,$CON); if ( mysql_error() ) echo mysql_error(); // wait for proccessing the sql usleep(10000); */ $id = wp_insert_post( $j2wp_post ); set_time_limit(0); // $id = mysql_insert_id($CON); if($id) { wp_set_post_categories( $id, array($wp_cat_id) ); usleep(10); // add tags to post $tags = $post_tags[$count]; wp_set_post_tags( $id, $tags, false ); usleep(10); // add attachment to post $joomla_img_folder = get_option('j2wp_joomla_images_folder'); $joomla_path = get_option('j2wp_joomla_images_path'); $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $pos = strpos( $upload_dir['basedir'], '/wp-content/uploads'); $j2wp_base_dir = substr($upload_dir['basedir'], 0, $pos); $j2wp_wp_img_dir = $j2wp_base_dir . get_option('j2wp_wp_images_folder'); $array_count = count($post_images[$count]); $images_count = intval($array_count / 6); $images = explode("|", $post_images[$count]); $images_items = array(); for ( $i=0; $i < $images_count; $i++ ) { $images_items[$i]['filename'] = $images[$i * 0]; $images_items[$i]['align'] = $images[$i * 1]; $images_items[$i]['title'] = $images[$i * 2]; $images_items[$i]['3'] = $images[$i * 3]; $images_items[$i]['alt'] = $images[$i * 4]; $images_items[$i]['5'] = $images[$i * 5]; $images_items[$i]['6'] = $images[$i * 6]; $images_items[$i]['7'] = $images[$i * 7]; // asterisk.png|left|Mambo Logo|1|Mambo Flower Logo|bottom|center|120 } foreach ( $images_items as $image_item ) { $filename = $j2wp_wp_img_dir . '/' . $image_item['filename']; echo '<br />' . $filename . '<br />'; $wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype(basename($filename), null ); echo '<br />' . $wp_filetype . '<br />'; $attachment = array( 'post_mime_type' => $wp_filetype['type'], 'post_title' => preg_replace('/\.[^.]+$/', '', basename($filename)), 'post_content' => '', 'post_status' => 'inherit' ); // copy($joomla_path ."/images/stories/". $filename, file_directory_path() ."/$joomla_img_folder/". $filename); $attach_id = wp_insert_attachment( $attachment, $filename, $id ); // you must first include the image.php file // for the function wp_generate_attachment_metadata() to work require_once(ABSPATH . "wp-admin" . '/includes/image.php'); $attach_data = wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $attach_id, $filename ); wp_update_attachment_metadata( $attach_id, $attach_data ); } $joomla_id = j2wp_get_post_id_for_joomla_id($id); $comment_counter = j2wp_process_comments_by_post($joomla_id, $id); $count++; } } // flush tables // $query = 'FLUSH TABLES ' . $j2wp_wp_tb_prefix . 'posts;'; // $query_rc = mysql_query($query,$CON); echo '<br />'; _e( 'Inserted ', 'joomla2wp'); echo $count . ' Posts<br /><br />'; /* if ( mysql_error() ) { echo 'Could not perform FLUSH TABLES statement!!! - MySQL Error: '; echo mysql_error(); echo '<br />'; } */ // enable table indixes $query = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $j2wp_wp_tb_prefix . 'posts ENABLE KEYS;'; $query_rc = mysql_query($query,$CON); if ( mysql_error() ) { echo 'Could not perform ALTER TABLE statement!!! - MySQL Error: '; echo mysql_error(); echo '<br />'; } flush(); ob_flush(); return; } function j2wp_process_posts_by_step( $mig_cat_array, $working_steps, $working_pos, $user_id) { global $wpdb, $user_id, $CON; global $j2wp_user_array; j2wp_do_wp_connect(); $wp_cat_id = $mig_cat_array['wp_id']; $j2wp_wp_tb_prefix = get_option('j2wp_wp_tb_prefix'); $j2wp_cms_type = get_option('j2wp_cms_type'); $wp_img_folder = get_option('j2wp_wp_images_folder'); $wp_blog_url = 'https://' . get_option('j2wp_wp_web_url'); // enable table indixes $query = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $j2wp_wp_tb_prefix . 'posts DISABLE KEYS;'; $query_rc = mysql_query($query,$CON); if ( mysql_error() ) { echo 'Could not perform ALTER TABLE statement!!! - MySQL Error: '; echo mysql_error(); echo '<br />'; } set_time_limit(0); $j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix = get_option('j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix'); j2wp_do_joomla_connect(); unset($result); set_time_limit(0); $query = "SET net_read_timeout = 18000;"; $query_rc = mysql_query($query, $CON); if ( mysql_error() ) echo mysql_error(); $query = "SET net_write_timeout = 18000;"; $query_rc = mysql_query($query, $CON); if ( mysql_error() ) echo mysql_error(); switch ( $j2wp_cms_type ) { case '0': $query = "SELECT * FROM <code>" . $j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix . "content</code> WHERE catid = '" . $mig_cat_array['joomla_id'] . "' ORDER BY <code>created</code> LIMIT " . $working_pos . ", " . $working_steps . " "; break; case '1': $query = "SELECT * FROM <code>" . $j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix . "content</code> WHERE catid = '" . $mig_cat_array['joomla_id'] . "' ORDER BY <code>created</code> LIMIT " . $working_pos . ", " . $working_steps . " "; break; default: break; } $result = mysql_query($query, $CON); if ( !$result ) echo mysql_error(); unset($result_array); $sql_query = array(); $post_tags = array(); $post_images = array(); $STORAGE = array(); $wp_posts = array(); $post_counter = 0; while($R = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { if ( mysql_error() ) echo mysql_error(); set_time_limit(0); // Title is unique so check that it will be used only once if ( $R->alias ) { $tmp = $R->alias; if ( $STORAGE[$tmp] == true ) $R->alias = $R->alias . "-II"; $tmp = $R->alias; $STORAGE[$tmp] = true; } else { $R->alias = sanitize_title($R->title); } if($R->fulltext AND $R->introtext) $post_content = $R->introtext . '<br /><!--more--><br />' . $R->fulltext; elseif($R->introtext AND !$R->fulltext) $post_content = $R->introtext; // Content Filter $post_content = str_replace('<hr id="system-readmore" />',"<!--more-->",$post_content); $post_content = str_replace('<hr id="system-readmore"/>',"<!--more-->",$post_content); // $post_content = str_replace('src="images/','src="/images/',$post_content); // find all normal image tags $pos = 0; while ( !(strpos( $post_content, 'src="images/', $pos) === false) ) { $pos = strpos( $post_content, 'src="images/', $pos) + 12; $pos1= strpos( $post_content, '"', $pos); $j2wp_img_src = substr( $post_content, $pos, ($pos1 - $pos)); if ( $j2wp_img_src != '' ) { $j2wp_img_replace = $wp_blog_url . $wp_img_folder . '/' . $j2wp_img_src; $post_content = substr_replace( $post_content, $j2wp_img_replace, ($pos - 7), ($pos1 - ($pos - 7)) ); } $pos++; } $pos = 0; while ( !(strpos( $post_content, 'src="/images/', $pos) === false) ) { $pos = strpos( $post_content, 'src="/images/', $pos) + 13; $pos1= strpos( $post_content, '"', $pos); $j2wp_img_src = substr( $post_content, $pos, ($pos1 - $pos)); if ( $j2wp_img_src != '' ) { $j2wp_img_replace = $wp_blog_url . $wp_img_folder . '/' . $j2wp_img_src; $post_content = substr_replace( $post_content, $j2wp_img_replace, ($pos - 8), ($pos1 - ($pos - 8)) ); } $pos++; } // find all {mosimage} and replace $image_string = '{mosimage}'; $img_cnt = substr_count( $post_content, $image_string); if ( $img_cnt ) { $images = $R->images; $images = str_replace( "\r\n", '|', $images); $images = explode("|", $images); $field_cnt = count($images) / $img_cnt; for ( $i=0; $i < $img_cnt; $i++ ) { $indx = $i * $field_cnt; $filename = $images[$indx + 0]; $images_items[$i]['filename'] = ltrim($filename); $images_items[$i]['align'] = $images[$indx + 1]; $images_items[$i]['title'] = $images[$indx + 2]; $images_items[$i]['3'] = $images[$indx + 3]; $images_items[$i]['alt'] = $images[$indx + 4]; $images_items[$i]['5'] = $images[$indx + 5]; $images_items[$i]['6'] = $images[$indx + 6]; $images_items[$i]['7'] = $images[$indx + 7]; // asterisk.png|left|Mambo Logo|1|Mambo Flower Logo|bottom|center|120 } $pos = 0; $indx = 0; while( !(strpos( $post_content, $image_string, $pos) === false) ) { $images_replace = '<img src="' . $wp_blog_url . $wp_img_folder . '/'. $images_items[$indx]['filename'] .'"' .' align="'. $images_items[$indx]['align'] .'" title="'. $images_items[$indx]['title'] .'" alt="'. $images_items[$indx]['title'] .'"/>'; $pos = strpos( $post_content, $image_string, $pos); $post_content = substr_replace( $post_content, $images_replace, $pos, 10); $pos++; $indx++; } } // get username foreach ( $j2wp_user_array as $joomla_user ) { if ( $joomla_user['id'] == $R->created_by ) { $user_id = $joomla_user['wp_id']; break; } } $wp_posts[] = array( 'post_author' => $user_id, 'post_category' => array($wp_cat_id), 'post_content' => $post_content, 'post_date' => $R->created, 'post_date_gmt' => $R->created, 'post_modified' => $R->modified, 'post_modified_gmt' => $R->modified, 'post_title' => $R->title, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'comment_status' => 'open', 'ping_status' => 'open', 'post_name' => $R->alias, 'tags_input' => $R->metakey, 'post_type' => 'post' ); $post_tags[] = $R->metakey; $post_images[] = $R->images; set_time_limit(0); } mysql_free_result($result); $j2wp_wp_tb_prefix = get_option('j2wp_wp_tb_prefix'); j2wp_do_wp_connect(); foreach ( $wp_posts as $item ) { // get user id from wp $user_id = username_exists( $item['post_author'] ); $item['post_author'] = $user_id; $array = array( "post_author" => $user_id, "post_parent" => intval($wp_cat_id), "post_content" => $item['post_content'], "post_date" => $item['post_date'], "post_date_gmt" => $item['post_date_gmt'], "post_modified" => $item['post_modified'], "post_modified_gmt" => $item['post_modified_gmt'], "post_title" => $item['post_title'], "post_status" => $item['post_status'], "comment_status" => $item['comment_status'], "ping_status" => $item['ping_status'], "post_name" => $item['post_name'], "post_type" => $item['post_type'] ); $insert_sql = "INSERT INTO " . $j2wp_wp_tb_prefix . "posts" . " set "; $inserted = 0; foreach ($array as $k => $v) { if($k AND $v) { if($inserted > 0) $insert_sql .= ","; $insert_sql .= " ".$k." = '".mysql_escape_string(str_replace("
$sql_query[] = $insert_sql;
}echo ‘
‘ . __( ‘Processing ‘, ‘joomla2wp’) . count($wp_posts) . ‘ Posts…’ . “\n”;
set_time_limit(0);$result_array[0] = $sql_query;
$result_array[1] = $wp_posts;
$result_array[2] = $post_tags;
$result_array[3] = $post_images;return $result_array;
}function joomla2wp_change_urls()
global $wpdb,
global $j2wp_error_flag;j2wp_print_output_page();
$wp_posts = array();
ob_end_clean();if ( !$CON )
$CON = j2wp_do_mysql_connect();// setting timelimit
if ( function_exists(‘set_time_limit’) )
_e( ‘
Warning: can not execute set_time_limit() script may abort…
‘, ‘joomla2wp’);$j2wp_wp_tb_prefix = get_option(‘j2wp_wp_tb_prefix’);
j2wp_do_wp_connect();// get all posts with links to joomla categories ==> href=”/……….”
// or ==> href=”xxxx…….”
// but not ==> href=”https://….” externe links – not changed
// and not ==> href=”/?p=…….” already point to wordpress posts
$loc_str = ‘\’href=”\”;
$loc_str2 = ‘href=”/?p=’;
$loc_str3 = ‘href=”https://’;
$loc_str4 = ‘href=”https://’;
$loc_str5 = ‘href=”mailto:’;
$loc_str6 = ‘href=”image’;
$loc_str7 = ‘href=”/image’;
$loc_str8 = ‘href=”/”‘;
$loc_str9 = ‘href=””‘;$query = ‘SELECT * FROM ‘ . $j2wp_wp_tb_prefix . ‘posts WHERE ( LOCATE(‘ . $loc_str . ‘, post_content) ) ‘;
$post_list = mysql_query($query, $CON);
if ( mysql_error() )
echo mysql_error();
while( $row = mysql_fetch_array($post_list) )
$wp_posts[] = array(
‘ID’ => $row[‘ID’],
‘post_author’ => $row[‘post_author’],
‘post_content’ => $row[‘post_content’],
‘post_date’ => $row[‘post_date’],
‘post_date_gmt’ => $row[‘post_date_gmt’],
‘post_modified’ => $row[‘post_modified’],
‘post_modified_gmt’ => $row[‘post_modified_gmt’],
‘post_title’ => $row[‘post_title’],
‘post_name’ => $row[‘post_name’]
if ( mysql_error() )
echo mysql_error();
}echo ‘
‘ . __( ‘The following links must be changed manually:’, ‘joomla2wp’) . ‘‘ . “\n”;
// check each post for links
foreach ( $wp_posts as $j2wp_post )
// clear variables
$lnk_pos = 0;
$post_changed = 0;
// get pos from href string and check if there are more
while ( $lnk_pos = strpos( $j2wp_post[‘post_content’], ‘href=”‘, $lnk_pos) )
// check if this link is ok or not
$j2wp_length = strpos( $j2wp_post[‘post_content’], ‘”‘, $lnk_pos + 7) – $lnk_pos + 1;
$j2wp_temp_link = substr( $j2wp_post[‘post_content’], $lnk_pos, $j2wp_length);
if ( (strpos( $j2wp_temp_link, $loc_str2) === false ) AND
(strpos( $j2wp_temp_link, $loc_str3) === false ) AND
(strpos( $j2wp_temp_link, $loc_str4) === false ) AND
(strpos( $j2wp_temp_link, $loc_str5) === false ) AND
(strpos( $j2wp_temp_link, $loc_str6) === false ) AND
(strpos( $j2wp_temp_link, $loc_str7) === false ) AND
(strpos( $j2wp_temp_link, $loc_str8) === false ) AND
(strpos( $j2wp_temp_link, $loc_str9) === false )
$j2wp_post = j2wp_change_single_url( $j2wp_post, $lnk_pos );
// do changes to post
$post_changed = 1;
// go to position after href=” to check if there is another link in the content
$lnk_pos = $lnk_pos + 7;
}if ( $post_changed )
j2wp_do_wp_connect();// wp_update_post not working properly
// wp_update_post( $j2wp_post );
$query = ‘UPDATE ‘ . $j2wp_wp_tb_prefix . ‘posts SET post_content = “‘ . mysql_real_escape_string( $j2wp_post[‘post_content’] ) . ‘” WHERE ID = ‘ . $j2wp_post[‘ID’] . ‘ ‘;
$update_rc = mysql_query($query, $CON);
if ( !$update_rc )
echo mysql_error();
}$j2wp_error_flag = 0;
echo ‘<div id=”message” class=”updated fade”>URLs changed ! </div>’;
return $j2wp_error_flag;
}function j2wp_change_single_url( $j2wp_post, $lnk_pos )
global $CON,
$wpdb;$j2wp_wp_tb_prefix = get_option(‘j2wp_wp_tb_prefix’);
$j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix = get_option(‘j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix’);$permalink = false;
$j2wp_url_processed = false;// $lnk_pos —> pos at href=” string in post_content
// $post_lnk_end —> pos at last ” in link string of post_content
// $post_lnk_string —> contains the whole link string inkl. ” at the end
$post_lnk_end = strpos( $j2wp_post[‘post_content’], ‘”‘, $lnk_pos + 7);
$post_lnk_string = substr( $j2wp_post[‘post_content’], $lnk_pos, $post_lnk_end – $lnk_pos + 1 );
if ( !(strrpos( $post_lnk_string, ‘/’) === false) )
$pos_lnk_last_slash = strrpos( $post_lnk_string, ‘/’);// urls with structure: href=”index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=9257:2009-fha-loan-limits&catid=52:fha&Itemid=97″
if ( !(strpos( $post_lnk_string, ‘view=article’) === false) )
$pos_article_id = strpos( $post_lnk_string, ‘article&id=’) + 15;
$article_id = j2wp_extract_number( substr( $post_lnk_string, $pos_article_id ) );$url_post_id = j2wp_get_post_url_for_id( $article_id );
$permalink = get_permalink( $url_post_id );
$j2wp_url_processed = true;
}// urls with structure: index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=49:credit-optimization&layout=blog&Itemid=78
if ( (!(strpos( $post_lnk_string, ‘view=category’) === false)) AND ($j2wp_url_processed === false) )
$pos_cat_id = strpos( $post_lnk_string, ‘view=category’) + 16;
$url_post_id = j2wp_get_post_url_for_cat_id( $article_id );$permalink = get_permalink( $url_post_id );
$j2wp_url_processed = true;
}// urls with structure: index.php?option=com_content&view=section&id=9&layout=blog&Itemid=64
if ( strpos( $post_lnk_string, ‘view=section’) AND ($j2wp_url_processed === false) )
echo ‘Post ID: ‘ . $j2wp_post[‘ID’] . ‘ link: ‘ . $post_lnk_string . ‘
$j2wp_url_processed = true;
}if ( ($j2wp_url_processed === false) )
// urls with structure: /82345-fha-loan-limits
// or href=”mortgagecenter/39-news/11548-focus-on-the-6500-tax-credit.html”
$itemid = j2wp_extract_number( substr( $post_lnk_string, $pos_lnk_last_slash + 1 ) );
// itemid is there – look it joomla for title and creation,modified date
if ( $itemid )
$url_post_id = j2wp_get_post_url_for_id( $itemid );$permalink = get_permalink( $url_post_id );
$j2wp_url_processed = true;
}if ( ($j2wp_url_processed === false) )
// it is a category or .html or attachment file
$link_string = substr( $post_lnk_string, 7, strlen( $post_lnk_string ) – 8);
$pos_lnk_last_slash = strrpos( $link_string, ‘/’);// urls with structure: /glossary
// check if is a category page
if ( !strpos($link_string, ‘.’) )
$joomla_cat_title = NULL;
// determine the slug
if ( !$pos_lnk_last_slash )
$cat_slug = $link_string;
$cat_slug = substr( $link_string, strrpos( $link_string, ‘/’) + 1);
// Get the ID of a given category from Joomla
$query = ‘SELECT id, title, alias FROM ‘ . $j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix . ‘categories WHERE alias = “‘ . $cat_slug . ‘” ‘;
$result = mysql_query($query, $CON);
if ( !$result )
echo mysql_error();while( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) )
$joomla_cat_id = $row[‘id’];
$joomla_cat_title = $row[‘title’];
if ( $joomla_cat_title )
if ( $category_id = get_cat_ID( $joomla_cat_title ) )
// Get the URL of this category
$permalink = get_category_link( $category_id );
// it must be an entry in the jos_content – should not happen this else tree
echo ‘LOOOOK –> Post ID: ‘ . $j2wp_post[‘ID’] . ‘ link: ‘ . $post_lnk_string . ‘
// there is a ‘.’ inside the $last_string – check if .html – or an attachment .pdf .jpg .mpeg etc.
// strrpos($last_string, ‘.’)
echo ‘Post ID: ‘ . $j2wp_post[‘ID’] . ‘ link: ‘ . $post_lnk_string . ‘
}// update URL String with new content
if ( $permalink )
$j2wp_post[‘post_content’] = substr( $j2wp_post[‘post_content’], 0, $lnk_pos) . ‘href=”‘ . $permalink . ‘” ‘ .
substr( $j2wp_post[‘post_content’], $post_lnk_end + 1);
}return $j2wp_post;
}function j2wp_get_post_url_for_cat_id( $cat_id )
global $CON,
$wpdb;$j2wp_wp_tb_prefix = get_option(‘j2wp_wp_tb_prefix’);
$j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix = get_option(‘j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix’);j2wp_do_joomla_connect();
// Get Cat title of a given category id from Joomla
$query = ‘SELECT id, title, alias FROM ‘ . $j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix . ‘categories WHERE id = “‘ . $cat_id . ‘” ‘;
$result = mysql_query($query, $CON);
if ( !$result )
echo mysql_error();while( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) )
$joomla_cat_title = $row[‘title’];
if ( $joomla_cat_title )
if ( $category_id = get_cat_ID( $joomla_cat_title ) )
// Get the URL of this category
$permalink = get_category_link( $category_id );
}return $url_post_id;
}function j2wp_extract_number( $last_string )
$pos = 0;
$itemid = ”;
while ( is_numeric( $last_string[$pos] ) )
$itemid = $itemid . $last_string[$pos];
}return $itemid;
}function j2wp_get_post_url_for_id( $itemid )
global $CON;$j2wp_wp_tb_prefix = get_option(‘j2wp_wp_tb_prefix’);
$j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix = get_option(‘j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix’);$itemid_numeric = intval( $itemid );
// get title and creation date/time in Joomla TB
$title = ”;
$date_created = ”;
$query = ‘SELECT title, created FROM ‘ . $j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix . ‘content WHERE id = ‘ . $itemid_numeric;
$result = mysql_query($query, $CON);
if ( !$result )
echo mysql_error();while ( $joomla_row = mysql_fetch_array($result) )
$j2wp_title = $joomla_row[‘title’];
$j2wp_date_created = $joomla_row[‘created’];
}// get post_id from WP for same title and creation date/time
$query = ‘SELECT ID FROM ‘ . $j2wp_wp_tb_prefix . ‘posts WHERE post_title = “‘ . mysql_real_escape_string($j2wp_title) . ‘” AND post_date = “‘ . $j2wp_date_created . ‘”‘;
$result = mysql_query($query, $CON);
if ( !$result )
echo mysql_error();while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) )
$url_post_id = $row[‘ID’];
}return $url_post_id;
}function j2wp_check_mysql_variables()
global $j2wp_mysql_vars;$CON = j2wp_do_mysql_connect();
$query = “SHOW VARIABLES LIKE ‘%_timeout’;”;
$result = mysql_query($query, $CON);
if ( !$result )
echo mysql_error();
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) )
$j2wp_mysql_vars_temp[] = array(
‘Variable_name’ => $row[‘Variable_name’],
‘Value’ => $row[‘Value’]
}// check for each Variable if SET is possible
foreach ( $j2wp_mysql_vars_temp as $mysql_var )
switch( $mysql_var[‘Variable_name’] )
case ‘connect_timeout’:
$str = ‘SET GLOBAL ‘;
$r = j2wp_try_mysql_var_set( $str, $mysql_var[‘Variable_name’], $mysql_var[‘Value’] );
if ( $r )
$j2wp_mysql_vars[] = array(
‘Variable_name’ => $mysql_var[‘Variable_name’],
‘Value’ => $mysql_var[‘Value’],
‘str’ => $str
case ‘delayed_insert_timeout’:
$str = ‘SET GLOBAL ‘;
$r = j2wp_try_mysql_var_set( $str, $mysql_var[‘Variable_name’], $mysql_var[‘Value’] );
if ( $r )
$j2wp_mysql_vars[] = array(
‘Variable_name’ => $mysql_var[‘Variable_name’],
‘Value’ => $mysql_var[‘Value’],
‘str’ => $str
case ‘interactive_timeout’:
$str = ‘SET SESSION ‘;
$r = j2wp_try_mysql_var_set( $str, $mysql_var[‘Variable_name’], $mysql_var[‘Value’] );
if ( $r )
$j2wp_mysql_vars[] = array(
‘Variable_name’ => $mysql_var[‘Variable_name’],
‘Value’ => $mysql_var[‘Value’],
‘str’ => $str
case ‘net_read_timeout’:
$str = ‘SET SESSION ‘;
$r = j2wp_try_mysql_var_set( $str, $mysql_var[‘Variable_name’], $mysql_var[‘Value’] );
if ( $r )
$j2wp_mysql_vars[] = array(
‘Variable_name’ => $mysql_var[‘Variable_name’],
‘Value’ => $mysql_var[‘Value’],
‘str’ => $str
case ‘net_write_timeout’:
$str = ‘SET SESSION ‘;
$r = j2wp_try_mysql_var_set( $str, $mysql_var[‘Variable_name’], $mysql_var[‘Value’] );
if ( $r )
$j2wp_mysql_vars[] = array(
‘Variable_name’ => $mysql_var[‘Variable_name’],
‘Value’ => $mysql_var[‘Value’],
‘str’ => $str
case ‘slave_net_timeout’:
$str = ‘SET GLOBAL ‘;
$r = j2wp_try_mysql_var_set( $str, $mysql_var[‘Variable_name’], $mysql_var[‘Value’] );
if ( $r )
$j2wp_mysql_vars[] = array(
‘Variable_name’ => $mysql_var[‘Variable_name’],
‘Value’ => $mysql_var[‘Value’],
‘str’ => $str
case ‘table_lock_wait_timeout’:
$str = ‘SET GLOBAL ‘;
$r = j2wp_try_mysql_var_set( $str, $mysql_var[‘Variable_name’], $mysql_var[‘Value’] );
if ( $r )
$j2wp_mysql_vars[] = array(
‘Variable_name’ => $mysql_var[‘Variable_name’],
‘Value’ => $mysql_var[‘Value’],
‘str’ => $str
case ‘wait_timeout’:
$str = ‘SET GLOBAL ‘;
$r = j2wp_try_mysql_var_set( $str, $mysql_var[‘Variable_name’], $mysql_var[‘Value’] );
if ( $r )
$j2wp_mysql_vars[] = array(
‘Variable_name’ => $mysql_var[‘Variable_name’],
‘Value’ => $mysql_var[‘Value’],
‘str’ => $str
}$_SESSION[‘j2wp_mysql_vars’] = $j2wp_mysql_vars;
return $j2wp_mysql_vars;
}function j2wp_try_mysql_var_set( $str, $Variable_name, $Value )
global $CON;if ( !$CON )
$CON = j2wp_do_mysql_connect();$query = $str . $Variable_name . ‘=’ . $Value . ‘;’;
$result = mysql_query($query, $CON);
if ( !$result )
// echo mysql_error() . ‘
return NULL;
return 1;
}function j2wp_set_mysql_variables()
global $j2wp_mysql_vars;$error = 0;
if ( !$CON )
$CON = j2wp_do_mysql_connect();$j2wp_mysql_vars = $_SESSION[‘j2wp_mysql_vars’];
foreach ( $j2wp_mysql_vars as $var_temp )
$query = $var_temp[‘str’] . $var_temp[‘Variable_name’] . ‘=’ . $var_temp[‘Value’] . ‘;’;
$result = mysql_query($query, $CON);
if ( !$result )
echo mysql_error();
$error = 1;
}if ( $error )
_e( ‘
Warning: can not SET MySQL time variables … script may abort or stop working…
‘, ‘joomla2wp’);
}function j2wp_do_mysql_connect()
static $CON = NULL;
global $j2wp_mysql_srv,
$j2wp_mysql_pswd;$j2wp_mysql_srv = get_option(“j2wp_mysql_srv”);
$j2wp_mysql_usr = get_option(“j2wp_mysql_usr”);
$j2wp_mysql_pswd = get_option(“j2wp_mysql_pswd”);$j2wp_mysql_use_one_srv = get_option(‘j2wp_mysql_use_one_srv’);
if ( $j2wp_mysql_use_one_srv == 0 )
// Testing SQL Settings
$CON = mysql_connect($j2wp_mysql_srv, $j2wp_mysql_usr, $j2wp_mysql_pswd, 0) or die(throwERROR(“Cant get MySQL Connection.”.mysql_errno().” – “.mysql_error()));
}return $CON;
}function j2wp_do_wp_connect()
global $CON;
global $j2wp_wp_db_name;$j2wp_wp_db_name = get_option(‘j2wp_wp_db_name’);
$j2wp_wp_db_charset = get_option(‘j2wp_wp_db_charset’);
$j2wp_wp_mysql_srv_name = get_option(‘j2wp_wp_mysql_srv_name’);
$j2wp_wp_db_user_name = get_option(‘j2wp_wp_db_user_name’);
$j2wp_wp_db_user_pswd = get_option(‘j2wp_wp_db_user_pswd’);
$j2wp_mysql_use_one_srv = get_option(‘j2wp_mysql_use_one_srv’);if ( $j2wp_mysql_use_one_srv != 0 )
$CON = mysql_connect($j2wp_wp_mysql_srv_name, $j2wp_wp_db_user_name, $j2wp_wp_db_user_pswd, 0) or die(throwERROR(“Cant get MySQL Connection.”.mysql_errno().” – “.mysql_error()));
}if ( function_exists(‘mysql_set_charset’) )
}// Database connection to WP DB
mysql_select_db($j2wp_wp_db_name,$CON) or die(throwERROR(“Cant select MySQL Database.”.mysql_errno().” – “.mysql_error()));return;
}function j2wp_do_joomla_connect()
global $CON;
global $j2wp_joomla_db_name;$j2wp_joomla_db_name = get_option(‘j2wp_joomla_db_name’);
$j2wp_joomla_mysql_srv_name = get_option(‘j2wp_joomla_mysql_srv_name’);
$j2wp_joomla_db_user_name = get_option(‘j2wp_joomla_db_user_name’);
$j2wp_joomla_db_user_pswd = get_option(‘j2wp_joomla_db_user_pswd’);
$j2wp_mysql_use_one_srv = get_option(‘j2wp_mysql_use_one_srv’);if ( $j2wp_mysql_use_one_srv != 0 )
$CON = mysql_connect($j2wp_joomla_mysql_srv_name, $j2wp_joomla_db_user_name, $j2wp_joomla_db_user_pswd, 0) or die(throwERROR(“Cant get MySQL Connection.”.mysql_errno().” – “.mysql_error()));
}// And action, getting existing posts and write them in WP Table:
mysql_select_db($j2wp_joomla_db_name,$CON) or die(throwERROR(“Cant select MySQL Database.”.mysql_errno().” – “.mysql_error()));return;
Works like a charm. Thank you Pablovp!I’m interested in migrating comments. In my joomla site I use jcomments, nothing fancy, no nested comments(reply to comment) so for me this script you posted maybe just perfect but I don’t know how to modify the files, expecially the calling part
and I call them from the function j2wp_insert_posts_to_wp( $sql_query, $wp_posts, $post_tags, $post_images, $wp_cat_id ) inside of the if($id) as
$joomla_id = j2wp_get_post_id_for_joomla_id($id);
$comment_counter = j2wp_process_comments_by_post($joomla_id, $id);Can you help me by pointing to what files an how to change them?