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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Media Library Assistant] Responsive gallery not working with term_list?Thank you! I had wrote something wrong in the code, now it works fine!
Have a nice day,
CristianoForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Media Library Assistant] MLA_term_list pass value for child_of<form id="mla-text-form" action="." method="post" class="row"> <table> <tr><td colspan="3">è possibile selezionare, dalle categorie principali, gli ordini o le specie da visualizzare. La seconda selezione mostra le thumbnail della specie. Cliccando su ciascuna thumbnail è possibile richiedere la stampa della foto.</td></td> <tr> <td>Selezione Categoria / Specie</td> <td> [mla_term_list taxonomy=attachment_category mla_output=dropdown mla_control_name=main_category child_of="400" mla_item_parameter=current_main_category show_count=false use_filters=true depth=1 hierarchical=true use_filters=true] <br/> [mla_term_list taxonomy=attachment_category mla_output=dropdown mla_option_value="{+slug+}" child_of="{+template:({+request:main_category+}|1)+}" mla_control_name=sub_category mla_item_parameter=current_sub_category show_count=true hierarchical=true depth=0 use_filters=true] </td> <td> <input id="text-form-submit" name="text_form_submit" type="submit" value="SELEZIONA"> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <br/> [mla_gallery] attachment_category="{+template:({+request:sub_category+}|no-term-selected)+}" posts_per_page=25 mla_output="paginate_links,prev_next" orderby=date order=DESC mla_link_href="{+new_url+}?mla_paginate_current={+new_page+}&main_category={+request:main_category+}&sub_category={+request:sub_category,url+}" [/mla_gallery] [mla_gallery attachment_category="{+template:({+request:sub_category+}|no-term-selected)+}" posts_per_page=25 orderby=date order=DESC mla_caption="{+title+} : {+description+}" mla_link_href="/richiedi-stampa/?current_id={+attachment_ID+}" mla_nolink_text="Seleziona una categoria per visualizzare le immagini corrispondenti."]
Thank you so much! I have just modified something:
The first dropdown haschild_of="400"
anduse_filters=true depth=1 hierarchical=true use_filters=true
so it shows the main categories but not the category “ALL” (I use just to count all images). Withdepth=1"
the dropdown is much more user friendly.Now I have a second question!
Could I replicate the code to have a third dropdown? (so I could show one level of sub-categories for each dropdown).Thank you a lot for your kindness and you so useful job!
CristianoForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Media Library Assistant] Responsive number of columnsI have partially solved with this coding:
[mla_gallery my_custom_sql="attachment_tag=wide orderby=date order=DESC" mla_link_href='{+site_url+}/{+parent_name+}/' mla_style="responsive" posts_per_page=8 columns=0 size="thumbnail"] <div style="clear: both; float: left"> [mla_gallery my_custom_sql="attachment_tag=wide" posts_per_page=8 mla_output="previous_page,first" mla_link_text='← Pagina precedente' mla_rollover_text="Pagina precedente"] </div> <div style="float: right"> [mla_gallery my_custom_sql="attachment_tag=wide" posts_per_page=8 mla_output="next_page,last" mla_link_text='Pagina successiva →' mla_rollover_text="Pagina successiva"] </div>
<style type="text/css"> #[+selector+] { text-align: center; margin: auto; } #[+selector+] .gallery-item { display: inline-block; margin: auto; padding: 5px; height: auto; text-align: center; } #[+selector+] .gallery-item .gallery-icon img { display: inline; margin: auto; border: 0px solid #ffffff; max-width: 180px; } #[+selector+] .gallery-caption { visibility:none; } /* see mla_gallery_shortcode() in media-library-assistant/includes/class-mla-shortcodes.php */ </style>
Could be possible to have a 2 columns gallery on mobile?
Thank you again,
CristianoThank you so much for the answer. It works fine.
However I am now using a custom code snippet with a php function called by a custom shortcode. In this way I can eliminate the “( )” and the name of the term.
I had just a little trouble with terms such as “Cavaliere d’Italia” because the count was zero… so I have renamed the term as “Cavaliere d-Italia”.
Thank you again!