Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress MU Domain Mapping] 3.5.1 MU Gandi Simple Hosting: not workingThanks much!
It seems to be working now. I was able to enter and into the Domains page and they stayed. However, I’m unable to add the primary site ( as siteid 1. Is this expected behavior?
Perhaps you should put a note on the main page for this plugin that 3.5.1 users should use the dev version (until you release
Documentation Suggestions
The Domain Mapping: Domains page could really use some documentation. As a longtime WP user but a n00b to the MU plugin, it’s *really* unclear what to do there.How am supposed to know that siteid needs to be a number and that number is the number of the site as it was created in WP? I figured it out pretty quickly when the login page for one site wanted to redirect me to one of the other sites, but a little guidance here would have been good.
Alternatively, couldn’t you query this info from the wp_blogs table?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Spammers are cracking now?!The ‘test’ db is a standard database that comes with every MySQL installation. Unless you initially removed it, it was always there and you just didn’t notice it.
As to spammers cracking sites and hosts, that’s nothing new. I work as a security engineer for a large university and have to deal with spammers 0wn1ng machines all the time. They’ll use any chance they can get to get their word out.
They probably exploited a recent WordPress vulnerability to get their content onto your site.
If you control the machine where your site is hosted, I would recommend a complete rebuild of the host. You never know what kind of rootkit/backdoor was installed.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Using different page templates with the same page contentThat did the trick. Huge thanks to both Moshu and Alphaoide.
If either of you ever find yourselves in Providence, RI, drop me a line and pints (or whatever your favorite poison is) will be on me.Here’s the conditional code for reference:
$template = $_GET[‘template’];
if ($template == “user”) {
include(TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/user-sidebar.php’);
} elseif ($template == “dev”) {
include(TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/dev-sidebar.php’);
} elseif ($template == “mgmt”) {
include(TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/mgmt-sidebar.php’);
} else {
}Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Using different page templates with the same page contentI’d like to implement an elegant solution like that, but I don’t have a one to one relationship between pages and templates/sidebars. Currently, the only reliable way I can think of doing this is to embed a query string in the HREFs in each specific sidebar that would tell an if/then/else or case statement which sidebar to pass.
Does WP eat all the query string name/value pairs, or can I pass a variable like ?template=users and then place the following code in my index.php template?
if ($template = “user”) {
require (‘user-sidebar.php’);
elseif ($template = “dev”) {
require (‘dev-sidebar.php’);
} elseif ($template = “mgmt”) {
require (‘mgmt-sidebar.php’);
} else {
?>Perhaps my php foo is weak. (Who am I kidding? I know it’s weak.) Can I get direct access to the query string as passed by the browser? If so, would someone be so kind as to remind me how to do this? It’s been years since I did any PHP coding.
Thanks for the pointer in the right direciton, I’m pretty sure I just need one more hint and I should be good to go.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Using different page templates with the same page contentBasically, what I want to be able to do is pass a parameter to tell WP which template to use. I’m just not sure where I could do this.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Using different page templates with the same page contentOK. That works for the main page of each section.
However, there are other pages (see OP above) that are common to all of those sections. When I’m viewing the ‘bar’ page via the User page, I want the user sidebar to show, but when I’m viewing it via the Developer page, I want the Developer sidebar to show. When viewing the Manager page, I want the Manager sidebar to show (which doesn’t include the ‘bar’ page.)
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Using different page templates with the same page contentHmm… So you’re saying I need to write a plugin to do this?
That sample code is pretty obtuse. I get what it’s showing (how to use the hook in a really basic manner), but it doesn’t give me the bigger picture.
The determination of user level will not be by any login criteria, but simply by which way they are looking at the site. The site includes a horizontal navbar under the banner that gives the options [User, Developer, Manager]. I want each of those to link to /user.php, /developer.php and /manager.php, respectively, so that each type of site viewing user can have the appropriate sidebar. Hence my desire to have multiple copies of the /index.php that will call the correct template.
I hope that clarifies what I’m trying to do. Any additional pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated.