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  • Just to chime in, I would also like to hear from the author about Cloudflare and the Falcon engine together…

    I am using wp super cache for my “humble” site ?? , along with cloudflare (please addressed specifically?), and seem to be doing well with the previous version of wordfence, and so want to ditto these well considered questions, including about the .htaccess file…

    I’d like to see them answered when you can, in the midst of all the other things you are dealing with here, which I am also watching before I jump into this new version…

    Thread Starter crzyhrse


    Thanks for this, as well as out email exchange… Always learning… How else would we know we are alive… ? ??

    Thread Starter crzyhrse


    First sorry, should have typed 2.05 above… The version earlier today when I posted this topic was 2.04… Won’t be able to send you shots of that behavior now of course, but will send shots of things as they are now, coming in a bit…

    Thread Starter crzyhrse


    Discovered the 1.05 update soon after posting here… It has not fixed it, but it has changed things a bit… What is “available” in the drop-down now is four choices, two out of the three posts pages mentioned above with profiles set, plus two of the default pages with sidebars that have no profiles set…

    It has left things as before in the sense of two posts still being set from a third with a profile, and two pages being set with their own profiles…

    Of the two posts in the drop-down one is the one with a profile set, and one is one of the two getting its settings from it…

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [WangGuard] Version 1.6…?
    Thread Starter crzyhrse


    I believe I saw somewhere that you are going to enable some access to who or what is called sploggers, in case there are ones that might not be so, for whatever reason…? And maybe be able to un-identify them as such, at least in regards to my site(s)…?

    Any sort of ways that would enable some monitoring and adjusting of what is designated a splogging would be very helpful, with my wanting to be confident someone legitimate is not going to be pushed away…

    Might any of that be coming…?

    I’ll be watching out for the update in any case…

    Thank you for getting back and asking, and for your efforts…

    Kind regards…

    Thread Starter crzyhrse


    OK, I figured it out, persistence furthers I guess… In case it is helpful to others like myself who are not “native speakers” in all this stuff, so to speak, I’ll tell it here…

    You put the “em” in the the “Allowed tags” value under the Profile “Appearance” setting, as noted above, on the page where you are going to have the excerpts show…

    Then in the backend edit area of each post you have chosen to show up in the widget sidebar area you put text from that post in It’s Excerpts field, and then enclose that text with the same “em” tags with this < and this > either side such as show up right here when I set some of this text as italic…

    You can put more text in that field than you have set as the excerpt length in the Intelliwidget, and intelliwidget will just show the number of words you’ve set, maybe so if you change that setting later you don’t need to redo the excerpt in the post excerpt field..?

    Thread Starter crzyhrse


    Jiminy… Hating to bother…

    I’ve tried to figure out how to put the tag, where, what it needs to look like, if there is a formality to doing it, a good while now… What I’ve tried is not working… I get where to put the “em” in the widget, but not the other part, where to put that, what it needs to look like there, etc…

    In the email that was sent from the forum here when you replied the first “em” above comes with other stuff added around it, presumable html… I can’t even paste it here in either form, as it shows above or in the email, without it changing itself… I believe that has to do with it being html, but it is a “goofiness” beyond my present understanding…

    I always try to figure things out first because that is the way I learn, but it only goes so far…

    Thread Starter crzyhrse


    Thank you so much for your reply here… This sort of thing is way over my head at this point, maybe sometime down the road I’ll have learned enough to be able to do something like that, maybe… ??

    And again thanks…

    Thread Starter crzyhrse


    Yes, and thanks for the link, still learning into all this and use w3 schools a lot…

    I am asking though if you know what the selector actually is for widget titles, as I am imagining that the widget uses selector(s) to make the links happen…? I also realize that there is much, much more here that I don’t know than I do, so that I may be asking a dumb question… But if you could even just point me a little deeper somehow that’d be great…

    Interesting that this upgrade came as my question occurs… I can see no differences in what the widget does and am curious what the widget_title_link filter does…?

    Thread Starter crzyhrse


    I believe I understand now how to change order the way you point to above, but I’ve compared the two css files, and there is enough difference that I’m not going to be able to sort it out… For instance, this line is totally missing from the Configurator version- @media only screen and (min-width: 960px) -and what was with it is all woven into other places…

    Added is my suspicion that the theme does some things in ways different than what Configurator recognizes or looks for, not to mention all my own css changes done with a whole lot of experimenting…

    I’ve started with another site on a new domain, with Tiberius as the theme, and as I learn my way into that I’ll see how Configurator wants to work for me there… Leave well enough alone with this site…

    Thanks for looking… ??

    Thread Starter crzyhrse


    I have a subdirectory test site for the site that is referenced above… It is identical in all respects to the main site, other than a bit of the wording and a couple different images… It has (had) the same identical child css…

    I’ve activated Configurator with the test site’s existing child and had it generate a new child configuration, and as far as I can tell only one thing seems to have been affected…

    When the window is narrowed down to small screen size so the sidebar shifts below and the menu reconfigures, the left margin of the content, though not of the now below sidebar nor of the changed menu/header area, becomes quite wide…

    I’ve used css is to change a lot of the ways margins and padding for the sidebar and content relate to the page, each other, and to the sidebar background… When the theme was recently updated it affected this same margin in this same way,…

    As a result the theme developer gave me some css (particularly relating to moz and webkit, which I know nothing about) to put into the child at the bottom, and some css for screen widths for below that again (other stuff since added)… Configurator has moved a lot of that up and recombined things in different ways… I suspect that is what is causing this…

    I know this may have to do with the theme and how I’ve changed it, and not Configurator, but just in case it might be helpful in developing Configurator I am going to email you a zip of the original css along with Configurator’s version, and links to the front site and the back site so you can see how it changes…

    Otherwise I think I like the way Configurator reorganizes and streamlines things, though it did replace all my notes about what does what, with numbers, leaving me a bit in the dark until I learn some more…

    I wonder how those numbers are useful, what do they reference…? Because there are a lot of changes in there for bbpress, and because the numbers seem to be in an order of their own that includes the bbpress css, I don’t believe they relate to line numbers in original files…?



    Thread Starter crzyhrse


    I’m sending this as a second part, because you seem to have missed this part twice now…

    When akismet stops a message that I send with viagra-test-123 in the name field, the response from contact form 7 is the yellow bordered message, not the orange bordered message…

    Because it may not be evident, I want to say that I greatly appreciate being able to use this and all the many wonderful wp plugins that are available, and all the hard work that folks put into them, including dealing with support issues like this….

    I try to show that appreciation in other ways as well…

    Thread Starter crzyhrse


    I believe you are saying in so many words that akismet sees that it is a test with viagra-test-123 in the name field of something it receives from contact form 7, and when it returns an indication that the message is spam it is signifying that the form is set up properly. I believe you are also saying that it determines spam via multiple parameters, and that if those parameters look good in all other ways it will not identify a message as spam with viagra-test-123 in the text field.

    That is a logical statement and within its own boundaries it makes perfect sense.

    Within the greater boundaries of what I believe is our shared purpose in submitting contact form 7 messages to akismet, and some of the ways spam seems to work on the internet, it makes no sense at all. For various reasons.

    The same viagra-test-123 in the comment field of a WP comment returns as spam, even if it is sent via an identity that has been registered and approved by admin, even an identity that has posted other messages.

    Spammers are in constant effort to make all those various other ways look good, IP address, email address, etc…

    There are multiple key words that all spam filters use, even mail-servers for instance, and viagra is one of the top ones… that word out in the open in a message field stops a message in every other situation I have ever encountered when a message passes through a filter…

    Akismet’s only purpose for existing is to stop spam. That word in a message field should get its attention.

    In googling around it seems that there are a lot of people who are getting significant spam via contact form 7, even though they are connected into akismet. Many it seems are having to add other means to catch what akismet is missing with contact form 7, or borrowing one person’s words, just hope that gmail’s filters will stop most of it…

    All of this, added to my own experiences with akismet and contact form 7, raises for me a very legitimate concern/question, which is that contact form 7 may not be submitting the whole message to akismet, or that contact form 7 is submitting the message to akismet in a form that is preventing akismet from identifying spam in the body of the message.

    So, yes, I still see some significant contradiction, specifically one might say, between the purposes of using skismet with contact form 7, and what seems to actually occur…

    Thread Starter crzyhrse


    Was back and forth with marking this resolved, but it IS in fact very resolved and appreciated, though I am curious about the count in the categories, hoping you might still respond to that here…?

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