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  • I think I’ve narrowed this down a little. It’s only after initial registration that members are aged 44. That’s with using the D.O.B field as a base field, signing up and viewing profile.

    If you the edit the field in profile and save, the age is then displayed correctly. Any thoughts anyone.

    I am also using wpmu membership plugin.

    Thread Starter csimpson


    has anyone else had this issue? resolved it?

    or come up with an alternative method for an administrator to add notes against a member that only admins can see?

    kinda urgent! best wishes Craig

    hi there, i have the same issue here, latest and wordpress 3.9.2.

    Paton400 – any luck resolving?

    My users definately have varying ages but everybody on profile page has their age at 44.

    Thread Starter csimpson


    hi there, any answer possible? i’m surprised no one else has shown interest in this. When i disable the option in buddypress settings so that users are not allowed to upload avatars, then this plugin does not work. You have to allow uploads to allow avatar suggestions.

    Looking for a way to stop uploading but allow users to choose from the bank of avatar suggestions.

    ok thats good news and thank you for reply. I assume you are also aware of my note on admin area issue as well then. regards Craig

    Hi Andrea. Has this fix been resolved yet? I am running 3.6.4 and on the search page for Age (using custom xprofile fields) it only displays “Your HTML code for the birthdate field type goes here”

    FYI – the creator of the xprofile search plugin has recently fixed an issue with the duplicate display of custom fields which was patched into buddypress release 2.01. This may be another hurdle for you to work around.

    Hope to hear soon, as I desperately need this plugin!

    all the best Craig

    ok, so it seems that the front end now works a treat after applying new buddypress patch, but the admin area now has issues and is also not working correctly with plugin “BP Profile Search”.

    In the admin area, viewing profile of a user with an age set on front end, this field is now just displayed as the “age” drop down field with blank dates – no selection. So you cant tell the age or even the DOB of a user in admin area.

    Also, this plugin tied in perfectly previously with “BP Profile Search” but now when viewing the search field options it now just says “Your HTML code for the birthdate field type goes here” – instead of showing a range search option to include on your search.

    please help.. best wishes craig

    ah i can see you have this issue on another thread now as well and having buddypress investigate – I guess my only point is to mention that i am using a buddypress made theme.

    regards Craig

    and sorry to be a pain, but myself and sharmavishal have both said that we do see the fields but they are being duplicated. Therefor does this mean that our current themes do support xprofile fields…

    Also I have just found the line that you detail to edit here:

    and it is on the edit page where i see the duplication as per my screenshots mention, which can be seen again here:

    any help, much appreciated.
    Thanks Craig

    the buddypress default theme is also not currently available as it is being redeveloped since the changes beyond 1.7

    Hi sharmavishal.

    May i ask which theme you used in the end? Was it a free one? Id like to use a theme which should work so i can tell whether the problem is the theme or not.

    Donmik, i tried this but with no luck: –
    If you can add this support, you should copy edit.php file from wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/members/single/profile directory into Msocial/buddypress/members/single/profile directory (you should create these directories) and in this overriden file add this line of code.

     * BuddyPress - Users Profile
     * @package BuddyPress
     * @subpackage bp-default
    <div class="item-list-tabs no-ajax" id="subnav" role="navigation">
    		<?php bp_get_options_nav(); ?>
    </div><!-- .item-list-tabs -->
    <?php do_action( 'bp_before_profile_content' ); ?>
    <div class="profile" role="main">
    	<?php do_action ( 'bp_custom_profile_edit_fields_pre_visibility' ); ?>
    		// Profile Edit
    		<?php do_action ( 'bp_custom_profile_edit_fields_pre_visibility' ); ?>
    		if ( bp_is_current_action( 'edit' ) )
    			locate_template( array( 'members/single/profile/edit.php' ), true );
    		// Change Avatar
    		elseif ( bp_is_current_action( 'change-avatar' ) )
    			locate_template( array( 'members/single/profile/change-avatar.php' ), true );
    		// Display XProfile
    		elseif ( bp_is_active( 'xprofile' ) )
    			locate_template( array( 'members/single/profile/profile-loop.php' ), true );
    		// Display WordPress profile (fallback)
    		locate_template( array( 'members/single/profile/profile-wp.php' ), true );
    </div><!-- .profile -->
    <?php do_action( 'bp_after_profile_content' ); ?>

    any idea of where to put the code in BB 2.0? seems a different layout as the locations you mention, dont exist. regards Craig

    Hi there, I also have this problem. I have the d.o.b field and also the color field active as user fields. On the edit profile page when logged in for some reason each entry is also being duplicated with a text field. If you leave these fields blank, you cannot save details on the edit page unless you complete them with something.

    theme –,135.html? BUT same issues on twenty 13/14.

    image –
    buddypress 2.0

    screenshot 1 – ok in profile fields display, not duplictaed
    screenshot 2 – ok profile view when logged in
    screenshot 3 – wrong on profile edit, fields suddenly duplciated
    screenshot 4 – wrong in admin panel investigating user, duplicating field and not displaying date of d.o.b

    Please help, and awesome plugin! Thank you

    Thread Starter csimpson


    well i’ve made more changes, seems like ive got rid of the 1970 date! but the date still contains ‘/’ and not ‘%2f’ – remember it needs to be like this as its used in my iframe.

    here is what i have now.

    $arrivaldate = $_REQUEST['arrival'];
    print date('d/m/Y', $arrivaldate);
    $departuredate = $_REQUEST['departure'];
    print date('d/m/Y', $departuredate);
    <?php echo "<iframe name=\"iframeTarget\" id=\"iframeTarget\" src=\"{$arrivaldate}&departure={$departuredate}&numberOfPersons={$_REQUEST['numberOfPersons']}&numberOfChildren={$_REQUEST['numberOfChildren']}\" frameborder=\"0\" allowTransparency=\"true\" seamless></iframe>"; ?>
    Thread Starter csimpson


    changing ‘d/m/Y’ to ‘d-m-Y’ does fix the issue in the iframe – i.e. the dates i choose on form are passed through, albeit i need the iframe to actually be 19%2F12%2F2013

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