I have a similar problem that might be related. When I use a child theme (of Cyberchipms’ Parallax Pro) with WP Minify Fix, the CSS gets a little screwed up, see attached images below. I’ve taken all modifications out of the child theme style.css so that all that it contains is this:
Theme Name: Parallax Pro Child
Theme URI: https://cyberchimps.com/
Description: Child Theme for the Parallax Pro Theme
Author: CyberChimps
Author URI: https://cyberchimps.com/
Template: parallaxpro
/* =Import Parallax Pro Theme Styles */
@import url('../parallaxpro/style.css');
I’ve narrowed it down to the “Enable CSS minification” option – when enabled, it looks dodgy, when disabeld, it looks as it should.
Hope this is helpful!
/Fredrik Pettersson, CSR-kommunikation.se
Page/post without CSS minification
Page/post with CSS minification enabled
Page/post when I have tapped the menu icon without CSS minification
Page/post when I have tapped the menu icon with CSS minification enabled